Jillian Michaels Body Revolution

After almost a year at my heaviest and having Jillian Michael's Body Revolution, I'm finally getting off my behind and starting my weight loss! I'm planning on starting on Monday June 2, 2014 (one last hoorah this weekend) and what I would love is some motivation! Does any want to start/join in with me? Let me know!


  • megot78
    megot78 Posts: 31 Member
    I just started this week, but I will join you in support. I will just be a week ahead of you.
  • flabtofab7101
    Yay! How is it so far?
  • flabtofab7101
    Awesome! How is it so far?
  • madeeharaza
    madeeharaza Posts: 11 Member
    hey sis i too am planning to start the body revolution next week...noy 2nd of june tough,however i might start from the 5! :heart:
  • l_clc
    l_clc Posts: 126 Member
    Hey guys, I'm starting tomorrow! I made it a little over 60 days into the program a few months ago but came down with strep throat and kind of gave up after being sick. I would love to see it all the way through this time and it'd be great to have some friends who are up to the same thing! Good luck to ya's all!!!
  • pisces3
    pisces3 Posts: 27
    I'm starting JMBR on Tuesday. It'll be my first time through it, but I'm looking forward to it.

    There's a group that started just a couple of weeks ago, too.

  • micamoco
    micamoco Posts: 6
    I just started Phase 3. I'm losing about a pound a week. I know I've lost inches, but, unfortunately, I never have taken exact measurements.
  • micamoco
    micamoco Posts: 6
    Deleted - double post.
  • flabtofab7101
    Welcome guys! I've been wanting to start for the longest, but always made excuses. I did get through stage one and two of her 30 Day Shred, so if BR is anything like that, I'm gonna wanna smack her! But I know she's effective, so I'll put up with her. I did take pictures, but I'm too embarrassed to post them, but I will post my stats as soon as I take them. Good luck to everyone who has started and has yet to start, we can do this!!!
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I would like to start on Tuesday too. I'm on a trip right now and flying back Monday, so Tuesday is time to get things back on track. I can't wait! What are people doing? Joining a group that's already started? I've done 30DS and RI30 before and it helps me a lot to be part of a group to stay accountable.
  • Maryt1961
    Maryt1961 Posts: 280 Member
    I'm planning to restart this week also...I will join in...I'm with you...last hurrah this weekend!
  • saraholland452
    I just started June 2nd, too! Definitely feeling sore but much better already
  • sam_sb2008
    sam_sb2008 Posts: 17
    I'm with you!
  • tmj4477
    tmj4477 Posts: 145 Member
    I lost 30 pounds using it, its a really good program.
  • chmtastic
    chmtastic Posts: 178 Member
    I've done this and it's fantastic! I :heart: JM!!! Take pics and measurements. I lost way more inches than lbs!! Though I did lose 20lbs in total! :smile:
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    There's a group here for JMBR. It's not super active, so hopefully more join.
  • sam_sb2008
    sam_sb2008 Posts: 17
    Hey is anyone starting this now? I would really like some pep talk as we do this together!
  • demirandazzo
    demirandazzo Posts: 11 Member
    I started this past Monday July 7th. On day three about to do cardio 1 phase 1. I've never done jillian michaels DVDs yet but so far I love her! It's tough but i find she shakes things ups and give a good mix. I've tried insanit, T25, ChaLean Extreme. Let's hope I can stick with this because I seriously have pounds to lose!
  • sam_sb2008
    sam_sb2008 Posts: 17
    I got through 60 days before and wound up getting real sick for a couple weeks and threw the whole thing off. Even my past trainer said I was stronger from doing the videos of JMBR also-now im doing it with no one giving feedback. We are not far apart. We can do this!