Former Weight Watchers trying this

I'm trying to save some money by not paying weight watchers a monthly fee. Got myself a FitBit (it will eventually pay itself back) and I'm trying this. I hope I'm not making a mistake. I lost 25 pounds on WW so far but my wallet needs a break.

Has anyone else switched from WW to myfitnesspal?


  • Snugelbear
    Snugelbear Posts: 3
    I did WW for a long time, then couldn't afford it, got depressed I couldn't afford it, gained the weight back and now I am here. What I can tell you though is that I have a girlfriend who made the switch and lost the last of her total 75 pounds on here and has kept it off on here. There is hope and we will do it! Welcome!
  • jvaughn1031
    jvaughn1031 Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you :) Yes. We WILL do it!
  • jvaughn1031
    jvaughn1031 Posts: 38 Member
    Funny...I'm comparing my points (haven't cancelled WW just yet) to myfitnesspal today. According to WW, I have 3 points left and I have 347 calories left here. Does this seem right?
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I'm actually doing both. I log everything in MFP, and then convert it over to WW points. My MFP is synced with my FitBit, and my favorite chart on the FitBit is the monthly Calories in Vs. Calories out graph. As long as the Out line is above the In line, I'm going to lose weight.

    I've found that my MFP numbers are a bit lower than I'm comfortable with, and the WW numbers are a little on the high side, so I've made that my range.

    Oh - and I've lost 76 pounds doing it this way too.
  • ryannsmom921
    ryannsmom921 Posts: 28 Member
    I started with WW meetings, and then went to online. When it got to pricey I started using a different calorie counter website but found it hard to add food and the data base wasn't quite as extensive as this one.
    I like it here. I also have a fitbit and like that the two sites interact with each other. I hope you find what you're looking for here.
  • jvaughn1031
    jvaughn1031 Posts: 38 Member
    The only thing I am going to miss is my zero points for fruits and veggies..LOL but hey, I guess it's good to watch the calories on those too.
  • I actually just switched from Weight Watchers as well. The only difference is that here you track all calories. As long as you can be persistent, and hold yourself accountable to track what you are eating and what activity you are doing, then I feel it should be just as effective. I find already, the support here on the message boards is way more that what it was with Weight Watchers.

    I also prefer the tracking of workouts here as you can actually enter all calories burned, not just intensity, as well, the food database here is SOOO much larger.

    I sent you a friend request :)
  • mimismommy11
    mimismommy11 Posts: 80 Member
    I lost 70 pounds on WW, but then gained it back when I was trying to conceive and through my pregnancy. I switched because it just wasn't motivating for me anymore. I love MFP though!!
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    The only thing I am going to miss is my zero points for fruits and veggies..LOL but hey, I guess it's good to watch the calories on those too.

    You get used to it pretty quick, I'm sure. I did anyways.

    I was a WW member but hated the meetings (poor leaders) so I tried WW online, where I ended up using MFP food database to convert to WW points anyways, so I fully migrated over here. When I did, I learned more about food and macros that WW doesn't teach. I found WW to be the lazy way of "calorie counting".

    Don't judge me by my ticker but I have learned a LOT more through MFP than I did wasting money with WW. (and Herbal Magic..etc..)

    All the best!
  • heatheremde
    heatheremde Posts: 43 Member
    I also made the switch about a month and a half ago. I lost a decent amount of weight in my 2 months with them and I honestly did not mind paying the monthly fee. For me the reason I switched was that at 5'10 and 200lbs my points = around 1200 calories usually. AKA I was not eating enough and SO hungry. I came here and got 600 more calories that I could eat+ any calories burned in exercise, and still lose a pound a week. I would never go back to eating that way, I need something that I can do for the rest of my life.
  • Was on WW for several years. Always gained instead of losing due to fruits and veggies being free points. I like tracking calories better than points, much easier for me. Did both for a few weeks and found out with WW I was usually around 2300-2700 calories a day!!! Yikes! So stopped WW, also due to cost, and now only use MFP. Still track everything and really helps me stay in my calorie range. I find it so much better and easier than WW. Good luck with your journey!
  • Kari_1927
    Kari_1927 Posts: 16
    I did WW online in 2012 and lost 15 lbs pretty quick... but slowly gained it all back.

    Then earlier this year I was doing the old point system with WW, pen and paper and all that. It usually works for me, but wanted to give MFP a try. I find they are kind of similar, just limiting what you eat. If I go to a cookout or whatever I usually have just a little bit of everything and stay within my calorie limit (just like within a point limit)

    I feel as though my calorie limit is too high though, because I'm not losing as quickly as I did with WW.

    Anyways good luck! I'll send a friend request!
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I switched March this year. As long as you remain committed, you'll be fine.
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    Also a former WW (hence my name) :bigsmile:

    Lost 63 pounds using WW - and I'm a lifetime member. Never had any issues putting weight back on other than recently after learning I have a new health challenge.

    It's all good though....I'm well on my way back to where I was and MFP is a really easy way to do it.

    I am really enjoying keeping track of everything associated with food and not just assigning points to everything.

    I think MFP makes me feel even more accountable for what I'm eating than WW ever did. I will never say anything bad about WW - it worked wonders for me. MFP just works better for me where I'm at now.
  • TexasGal1
    TexasGal1 Posts: 65 Member
    Funny...I'm comparing my points (haven't cancelled WW just yet) to myfitnesspal today. According to WW, I have 3 points left and I have 347 calories left here. Does this seem right?

    Hi! Welcome to MFP! I, too, am a former WW member. I achieved Lifetime in 2009, but slowly gained most of the weight back. I'm now back to my WW goal weight, but want to lose another few pounds and get more fit than I've ever been before.

    I also have a FitBit Flex and recently got a Polar FT60 HRM. My FitBit is synced with MFP and automatically logs activity which will give you more calories to eat and still lose weight! Yay!! :happy:

    MFP also teaches you about macros - protein, fat, and carbs.

    Check out these links. Lots of great info!

  • Lizzie7800
    Lizzie7800 Posts: 9
    I'm a WW member and using this site too. I figure I need all the support I can get! My opinion (if it matters) is as long as you're tracking somehow you'll be successful. We have an incredible leader at our meetings, if it wasn't for her i would prob cancel and just use MFP. Congrats on your loss so far!
  • dmarkowski1
    dmarkowski1 Posts: 4 Member
    Did the exact same thing. Did Weight Watchers for 2 years off and on with the biggest success of going from 240 to 198. I never recorded my Activity points (I walked everyday for 10, 000 steps using a lousy pedometer) and quit Weight Watchers when my Weigh-In accused me of starving myself (I was eating a LOT....just lots of vegetables and even going out for beers with the guys every Friday). I found Weight Watchers to be successful mainly due to the competitive aspect of it...being able to stand in front of a group of people and announce successes amongst others slower paces or even failures. It sounds horrible but you get caught up in it. Oh yeah...I believed that I could do it on my own without the meetings but eventually fell into my old patterns and easily gained the weight back.

    Like you, I picked up a FitBit and found that this program (My Fitness Pal) easier to follow (straight forward without so many strict rules). Now I have an excellent tracking program with decent reports and am now just competing with myself. Best of all, it's free :)
  • I did WW for 12 weeks....well I attempted it anyway and the only thing that went down in weight was my wallet...LOL. I figured I could do the same thing here for a lot less, and I find myself more dedicated to this than I did to WW. I went in for my weekly weigh ins, and I lost about 8 pounds, but gained it back! So i decided not to renew my WW and come back here.... :)
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    I have only ever done WW online, and after having babies and being broke, I started exploring other options.
    When I did WW, I lost about 30kg and kept it off for a few years until babies came.
    For the 1st few weeks I ran WW and MFP side by side until I got a grasp of calories (bigger numbers scared me LOL)

    Then after about 2 months I ditched tracking Points altogether. I also have a Fitbit One, which has helped me get my head around things. I eat more using MFP, and eat things that I avoided altogether on WW because they aren't as 'bad' (read: points heavy) as I thought.

    I think WW was great training in portions, balancing meals etc, and MFP has given me even more knowledge and tools to make the changes I need for life.
  • jvaughn1031
    jvaughn1031 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks all. You have given me hope and motivation for this site. Excited to start and chat with you all as we go through the weight loss journey together.
  • theoncomingstorm6464
    theoncomingstorm6464 Posts: 116 Member
    Former WW client here. I loved WW, but I just can't afford it at this point. I think I'll get the same accountabiiity here.
  • qbredlipstick
    qbredlipstick Posts: 12 Member
    I was on WW Online for 7 years and quit for awhile to save money. I haven't been successful with anything lately so I just rejoined WW Online and I'm logging in both places. I missed the healthy check offs to remind me to get fruits and veggies, and I feel like I need to eat better on WW bc I think they take into account the fat content more. We'll see if it helps, if not I'll cancel it again bc the data base on MFP is soooo much better.
  • sandydiane
    sandydiane Posts: 19 Member
    I also did weight watchers several years ago and lost my weight but slowly gained it all back. I really like counting calories with my fitness pal and the food database is really good. Also love that my fitness pal is free
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Also came from weight watchers (great program) but I ultimately made the switch because of cost and tired of converting everything to points. I want to calorie count the rest of my life so it only makes sense to count calories.

    1. Make sure you record everything, that includes fruits and veggies. WW did the 0 point thing for those, but not here.
    2. Make sure you go into "settings" and update your fitness goal weight there often. For some reason fitness pal doesn't adjust / lower your target goal automatically unless you enter it there.
  • Analiz76
    Analiz76 Posts: 4 Member
    About three years ago I used a combination of MFP & WW Point System after joining a biggest loser contest at work. It really did help me lose 32lbs. I don't remember the exact timeframe but it was somewhere around 4 months. Unfortunately, due to laziness and stresses of life, I have regained it all. I've attempted to start over several times but failed horribly & believe it or not, I never even knew these forums existed. I just discovered them because a co-worker new to MFP pointed them out. Maybe this is what I need to keep me going.... Other like minded people to keep me accountable. Also got a Fitbit this time around but have NO friends involved at all!