
its winter in SA now. I have a lot of cravings for fatty foods etc how do I handle this? how do I get past it. need some advise.havent given in yet.when I have eaten my kilojoules for the dayi still feel like do you handle cravings.not hungry....


  • rosa_weston77
    rosa_weston77 Posts: 5 Member
    I have difficulty in this area too even when it is not winter lol. The best way I have found to combat it is low carb/caloric snacks at arms length. For example, Apple Slices, Carrots, Oranges, Cantaloupe etc... These still have sugar but are the better option over processed food items. Also items like air-popped popcorn, skinny pop, etc are a great alternative. But I have learned that if you are having an extreme craving for something, sometimes your body will not be happy until it gets it. You have to decided if you really want the item or if you just think you need it. Most of the time you will find your body will feel much better if you go with the whole foods rather than the fatty processed foods. Another option is to do things that will take your mind off of those cravings like go for a walk, do laundry, brush your teeth.

    I hope this helps a little.