I Want My Motivation Back!

I don't know where it went and I'm struggling to get it back. I reached the halfway point, then through a series of life events had a slip back. Now getting back on track is harder than starting to begin with was. In my mind I know I can do it, I know how to do it, but am having a super hard time actually DOING it. Yeah, the Nike slogan is running through my head...so what does it take to actually get myself to put it into action?

Not trying to have self pity...just wondering, have any of you faced this (I'm sure someone else has), and if so, how did you get back into the groove of things?? I know what made me lose in the first place, but even that isn't enough to get me going this time for some reason.

Thoughts, suggestions, slaps in the face and kicks in the behind are all welcome. Who knows what will work!


  • ncdad1
    ncdad1 Posts: 2
    Maybe look at it like a game where sometimes the opponent has the advantage. You don't give up at half time when you are down a touchdown. For me, personalizing and humanizing the goal and visualizing it as an opponent I am playing against motivates me. Maybe it will work for you.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    I don't have any magic words of wisdom, but just wanted to offer support. I go through it too. I have been here for a year and half. Lost 75 lbs and now haven't lost (or gained) anything in 6 months and I still would like to lose 50 more. I'm just going thru the motions.

    My best advice that I have been given is to remember your why. Why did you come here in the first place? For me it was being threatened with diabetes meds. I have to remind myself that every time I start to feel like giving up, that I can't.

    What's your why??
  • wanttobebaking
    wanttobebaking Posts: 4 Member
    For me it is focusing on breaking my goals down into manageable little pieces versus focusing on the big goal. When I feel like I have went backwards or slacked off I don't focus on the momentum lost or even how far I have to go. I use where I am and start with a small doable task. Make sure I hit the gym 5 days that week. Add 5 lbs to my deadlift. Something smaller and doable to start seeing that progress that keeps me motivated. Try starting with something small. Logging your food for 5 days in a row, getting your exercise in 5 days this week. Packing lunch everyday for work. Just pick something and focus on that. After you meet that goal take a minute to recognize that fact that you are making progress and then set another small milestone. One small step at a time, look back and you are there!
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I think it comes and goes as it pleases. I know I've had many bouts of lack of motivation. luckily, the less I move, the more my body hurts, so I just keep moving and wait for the motivation to stay within my caloric limits to come back around.
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    For me it is focusing on breaking my goals down into manageable little pieces versus focusing on the big goal. When I feel like I have went backwards or slacked off I don't focus on the momentum lost or even how far I have to go. I use where I am and start with a small doable task. Make sure I hit the gym 5 days that week. Add 5 lbs to my deadlift. Something smaller and doable to start seeing that progress that keeps me motivated. Try starting with something small. Logging your food for 5 days in a row, getting your exercise in 5 days this week. Packing lunch everyday for work. Just pick something and focus on that. After you meet that goal take a minute to recognize that fact that you are making progress and then set another small milestone. One small step at a time, look back and you are there!

    What great advice! Sometimes our big goals can seem overwhelming but breaking it up into tiny - doable things is much more manageable!

    For example maybe all day tomorrow you include a fruit or veggie at every single meal and snack - no matter what else your eating. See how that goes. then the next day just track what your eating EVEN IF you don't actually plan on changing HOW you eat. Sometimes it can be a real shock to see how many calories we eat when we aren't paying attention. Or maybe you actually are eating well and you didn't even realize it!

    Start from there and more forward.
  • tmj4477
    tmj4477 Posts: 145 Member
    Been there done that girlfriend! I think that when I lose motivation I try to look at what I've already accomplished because it is so easy to gain the weight back plus some! Also I have been trying to do things socially that require me to get moving for instance I play tennis weekly. I wasn't that great at first but now since the weight is coming off I am definitely better now than 2 months ago. also I have been setting gift goals for myself when I accomplish a certain weight.

    For instance when I am finally under 200 I am going to go skydiving (yea i know crazy) but I've always wanted to do it and if you are over a certain weight you have to pay more or you are not allowed to do it. Another gift-goal I have is buying myself a nice watch. when you are overweight jewelry just doesn't fit right and I refuse pay extra for links for an already expensive watch. The last gift-goal I have is when I can swim 200 yards easily (been taking swimming lessons for 3 months) I am going to take scuba lessons.

    Now those things may not work for you but maybe there is something you've always wanted to do and you can reward yourself with to motivate you. Oh yea I also try not to focus on the overall weight I want to lose. I try to think about about smaller goals like going from the 220's to the 210's...small accomplishments lead to big results.

    As always friend me if you like
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I joined this site to lose weight for a holiday last year. Hols done what's the point I said.You don't stop because you don't want to go back to the old ways and old clothes. You keep going just because it makes sense to. I feel healthier and stronger don't keep getting tired as I used to. Best part I wear a smaller size. I do get fed up some weeks but won't stop. Good luck you can do it