Giving up



  • Karren188
    Karren188 Posts: 101 Member
    Definitely keep logging and checking in. Think of it as a safety line!
  • blakedebo
    blakedebo Posts: 130 Member
    I feel like I understand where you are coming from. I have lost the same 10 lbs over and over- I was 238 at my heaviest and came down to 189, I "took a break" and got back to 210 before saying this is ridiculous. I am not be perfect, but I want to be better off physically each month than I was the month before. To me that does not mean 10 lbs thinner necessarily, but stronger, with more endurance, etc. I try and focus on the NSV's and other measures, along with the scale. It often helps for me to put it into perspective that my actions today will translate into a better, fitter tomorrow.
  • NJ_Slacker
    NJ_Slacker Posts: 2
    Hi, I am no expert but I tried the Dr Oz 2 week rapid eight loss detox (I did 12 days) and lost 14 lbs in March -I'm a big person. It was very simple but a tad expensive because of initial purchases like protein powder. That was a great loss but what I really took away from this was a break from sugar. I went off the detox and gained 4 pounds so jumped back on it in a modified way - added oatmeal, a tad more protein,more veggie variety and apples and I eat out once a week.... I eat way under the sugar allowance each day but way over in healthy fats. I am down 24.5 lbs now 10 lbs in 6 weeks so I'm going slow. I do not diet and have not exercised. That's why i am back here - need to boost my activity.
    You can google the plan.
  • halfpintpeggy
    halfpintpeggy Posts: 64 Member
    We've all felt discouraged at times, don't give got this sister!
  • Dani20121
    Dani20121 Posts: 2
    it sounds to me like you are way too hard on yourself and you get way too stressed out. i had the same problem and a friend of mine suggested meditation and yoga on top of eating healthy and exercising every day the meditation and yoga will help you relax and relieve stress. what ever you do don't get down on yourself and DON'T GIVE UP!!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I can't tell you how oftenI've heard similar stories!!! I'm even one of them. I started in April 2011, through March 2013, I lost 115 pounds, had weight loss surgery for another 26, then had a bit of a rough recovery and my dad passed away, so from April 2013 to May 2014 was my "year off". I didn't really log much of anything at ALL, and just gave in to my inner child basically. I gained back about 75 pounds during that time.

    I had the hurt feelings of everyone else can eat whatever whenever and not gain. I want to be able to do that. I don't want to have to live the rest of my life doing what I did to lose that weight, even though it was doing it the right way, but I don't get back to where I was (376 lbs!!) either.

    I'm sure the stress is contributing greatly to the monster plateau you've encountered. It'll wreak havoc on your body if you aren't able to find some ways to try to destress. I know exercise is supposed to be one of them, and you're doing that.

    I'm not sure what exactly turned be back on again....I've been gearing up for it for a while. It was sort of like a revelation.....I remember my dietician asking me after about a month of not really complying with what she was suggesting I do, "Do you want to lose weight?" I said, "Yeah". A little voice in my head said, "Well then ACT like it." 2 weeks ago Monday, I started acting like it. I lost 5 pounds last week, and have done well this week.

    I just started taking the steps, and I remembered, "Oh yeah...I remember doing this...." You do have to have a reason. My reason was that we promised our kids that we'd go to Disney in 2016. If I want to do that, I'm going to have to lose the rest of the weight in time to have another skin removal surgery and recover from it. I told them I wanted to go swimming with them next time.

    Everybody slips. I think it's been going around the country, because I wasn't the only one who lost my "bad@*kitten*" as someone else on MFP called it. I saw a LOT LOT LOT of posts from people who have had the same issue....whether life threw them a curveball, or they hit a plateau from someplace very hot....

    Try to focus on what's stressing you out, ways you can find peace, relax, monitor your input.....meaning if you always watch the news, and all that's on there is blood, guts, fires, murders, explosions, etc......that's all negative. Quit watching it. Or if you and your husband typically watch shoot 'em up movies. Quit. Start watching more lighter type movies. If you have friends who are know who they are....limit your time with them.

    You'll know when you're ready to hit the ground running. I've been doing this for two weeks, and my husband is finally ready to get on track he says anyway....LOL Last time it took him 6 months to get "in the game".

    You can do this. Please don't give up. Life happens when you make other plans. It happens. Just means you're human. Find another path around the monster-hill in the road and come on along....We're not done yet!!!
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 515 Member
    Love this! Thank you!