Water weight, how long does it last?

chunt87 Posts: 161 Member
I have been having an excellent few weeks thanks to this site, fitbit, food scale, and hrm for accurate aerobic readings. I lost a few and was elated and it was on a steady decline. I am female and being female has its disadvantages, I drink plenty of water but it seems I also retain it.

I lost like 5-6 pounds in a few weeks and then I got on the scale and it went up nearly 4 pounds. I weigh in the mornings and Monday I had a very high calorie day and did not eat as clean as I should have, Tuesday it was up 2, Wednesday 3 and today it made up 4 total. Now, I know I didnt eat 14,000 calories above maintenance, but that day I did eat 1000 above maintanence.
Despite the really bad day I am still 1300 under maintenance for the week. I feel like a little pufferfish so I know its water weight.

I did have a super workout week last week and decided to not go as hard this week because I started getting some hip pain if that helps. My workouts usually consist of running and walking (speed walking) a fair amount ( 10-20 miles per week) along with doing aerobics 3-5 times a week with weight training 2-3 days a week. My macro goals are as follows: Protein 100g, Carbohydrate 100-150g, Fiber 25g and fats:mfp goal amount, LOW sugars.

For anyone else that experiences this water phenomena, how long does this last, and do you have any pointers that could assist me?


  • chunt87
    chunt87 Posts: 161 Member
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I just experienced something similar this past week. Within days my waistline looked hugely different...That happened right after I changed the workout routine and added a double session...

    Today I felt better, not as lean as I was last week but better than a couple of days ago. I have been drinking water like crazy and watch my sodium intake...hope you feel better soon, too.
  • Car2992
    Car2992 Posts: 4
    I notice that I weigh in heavier during "that time of month". Also, watch your sodium for water retention as well. That's all I know :-/
  • RawIndian
    RawIndian Posts: 90 Member
    I have a bad case of water retention. After a meal at a Indian Buffet restaurant. I gain anywhere between 2 to 4 lbs right next day.

    But I lose that water weight in about two days since I eat clean plus drink lots of water.

    I am primarily on raw food diet so I eat very little salt (atleast on eating clean days)
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    I am going to guess that it's a combo of excess sodium and sore muscles from exercise. Keep drinking water, stretch, take a warm bath and soon you will be back to normal. You will have a day where you feel like you have to pee non stop and the next morning you'll be much closer to where you were. I would say it shouldn't take more than a week unless you are changing up your workouts or something like that. Just my guess based on my experiences.
  • chunt87
    chunt87 Posts: 161 Member
    thanks for the timetable. I think it might stick around for a week because even though I had that really bad day I looked at my sodium for that and days afterward and it was through the roof. I have started to do the constant peeing last night and it was down more this morning, thank goodness. Not down to normal but closer.