Sugar withdrawl

I have been trying to shed some weight and also significantly reduce my sugar intake (I have eaten chocolate everyday for as long as I can remember). Several times I have tried to go for a few days without any chocolate, but can only last 1 day at the most. The second day leaves me faint, having hot sweats, dizzy, feeling like I have to vomit, weak and shakey as soon as I wake up. I try eating something like porridge or toast to make me feel better but it doesn't help. I can barely lift myself from the sofa. Only once I eat chocolate again does this feeling go, literally seconds/minutes later.

How do I overcome this? I know I can eat a small square of chocolate a day or something but surely it's not normal that I can't go a day without any chocolate? I would try and brave through the bad symptoms but when this happens I can't even pick up my 1 year old and fear passing out. Is it something I have to reduce gradually or what? And is 'sugar addiction' a real thing?


  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    See a doctor, none of that sounds remotely normal to me.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member

    See doctor!!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
  • Shutter_bug03
    Shutter_bug03 Posts: 35 Member
    Yes it's a real thing! You can gradually cut it out. I don't think that I would try and just cut it all out. You could start eating chocolate kisses or something to be enough to get you through.
  • is chocolate code for something?
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Yes it's a real thing! You can gradually cut it out. I don't think that I would try and just cut it all out. You could start eating chocolate kisses or something to be enough to get you through.

    Or she could see a doctor rather than an Internet stranger who believes in sugar addiction
  • jellybean25b
    jellybean25b Posts: 1 Member
    Could also be a caffiene thing. Do you drink coffee? Maybe try a small amount of dark (70% cocoa) chocolate. It's not very sweet and may help you to gradually cut back.
  • Shutter_bug03
    Shutter_bug03 Posts: 35 Member
    Yes it's a real thing! You can gradually cut it out. I don't think that I would try and just cut it all out. You could start eating chocolate kisses or something to be enough to get you through.

    Or she could see a doctor rather than an Internet stranger who believes in sugar addiction

    Or she could see a doctor instead of asking the internet to begin with???
  • JlovesAB
    JlovesAB Posts: 10
    I don't have diabetes and my sugar levels are fine so I don't know what else the doctor can check.
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    Yes it's a real thing! You can gradually cut it out. I don't think that I would try and just cut it all out. You could start eating chocolate kisses or something to be enough to get you through.

    Or she could see a doctor rather than an Internet stranger who believes in sugar addiction

    Or she could see a doctor instead of asking the internet to begin with???

    Or he/she could listen to sane, rational people when he/she mentions pretty scary medical issues instead of "eat chocolate"...

    OP what you mention is not normal and may well not be related to anything to do with sugar etc, hope it goes well at the doctors.
  • JlovesAB
    JlovesAB Posts: 10
    Yes it's a real thing! You can gradually cut it out. I don't think that I would try and just cut it all out. You could start eating chocolate kisses or something to be enough to get you through.

    Yes I think I will try a few weeks of a small bit a day before going cold turkey. I have read a few articles on the sugar addiction, and every symptom I have listed is mentioned in regards to sugar withdrawal.
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    Yes it's a real thing! You can gradually cut it out. I don't think that I would try and just cut it all out. You could start eating chocolate kisses or something to be enough to get you through.

    Yes I think I will try a few weeks of a small bit a day before going cold turkey. I have read a few articles on the sugar addiction, and every symptom I have listed is mentioned in regards to sugar withdrawal.

    Yes listen to the only post that makes no sense based on no actual scientific or medical reason.

    Either way I hope you feel better soon.

  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    Yes it's a real thing! You can gradually cut it out. I don't think that I would try and just cut it all out. You could start eating chocolate kisses or something to be enough to get you through.

    Yes I think I will try a few weeks of a small bit a day before going cold turkey. I have read a few articles on the sugar addiction, and every symptom I have listed is mentioned in regards to sugar withdrawal.
    Then why bother even asking the board for their opinion if you were going to wait for the response you wanted to verify an article you read.

    Seems like a typical case of only wanting to hear one kind of answer.

    Hence - I'm out!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Yes it's a real thing! You can gradually cut it out. I don't think that I would try and just cut it all out. You could start eating chocolate kisses or something to be enough to get you through.

    Yes I think I will try a few weeks of a small bit a day before going cold turkey. I have read a few articles on the sugar addiction, and every symptom I have listed is mentioned in regards to sugar withdrawal.

    Oic. This is another one of those mind game things.

    You know, I can talk myself into panic attacks, my heart palpitations feel like I'm going to pass out and I feel as though I can't breathe. The room spins. It feels real. But it's all in my head. Sometimes, mind over matter. Realizing that you have the power over your mind is a reassuring feeling but slipping into the mindset of "Oh, it's an addiction and I can't control it." Is a slippery slope of misplacing blame
  • JlovesAB
    JlovesAB Posts: 10
    Yes it's a real thing! You can gradually cut it out. I don't think that I would try and just cut it all out. You could start eating chocolate kisses or something to be enough to get you through.

    Yes I think I will try a few weeks of a small bit a day before going cold turkey. I have read a few articles on the sugar addiction, and every symptom I have listed is mentioned in regards to sugar withdrawal.
    Then why bother even asking the board for their opinion if you were going to wait for the response you wanted to verify an article you read.

    I said the symptoms related to sugar withdrawal not sugar addiction. Similar to caffeine withdrawal, no?
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Yes it's a real thing! You can gradually cut it out. I don't think that I would try and just cut it all out. You could start eating chocolate kisses or something to be enough to get you through.

    Yes I think I will try a few weeks of a small bit a day before going cold turkey. I have read a few articles on the sugar addiction, and every symptom I have listed is mentioned in regards to sugar withdrawal.

    Yes listen to the only post that makes no sense based on no actual scientific or medical reason.

    Either way I hope you feel better soon.


    Best post in thread.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Yes it's a real thing! You can gradually cut it out. I don't think that I would try and just cut it all out. You could start eating chocolate kisses or something to be enough to get you through.

    Yes I think I will try a few weeks of a small bit a day before going cold turkey. I have read a few articles on the sugar addiction, and every symptom I have listed is mentioned in regards to sugar withdrawal.
    Then why bother even asking the board for their opinion if you were going to wait for the response you wanted to verify an article you read.

    I said the symptoms related to sugar withdrawal not sugar addiction. Similar to caffeine withdrawal, no?

    No..Sugar is a sugar. It's a carb. It's energy. Are you perhaps limiting carbs as well? I feel like crap if I don't get a good amount of carbs. Not your symptoms bad but I definitely don't have the energy without them.

    What is your calorie goal?
  • JlovesAB
    JlovesAB Posts: 10
    Yes it's a real thing! You can gradually cut it out. I don't think that I would try and just cut it all out. You could start eating chocolate kisses or something to be enough to get you through.

    Yes I think I will try a few weeks of a small bit a day before going cold turkey. I have read a few articles on the sugar addiction, and every symptom I have listed is mentioned in regards to sugar withdrawal.

    Oic. This is another one of those mind game things.

    You know, I can talk myself into panic attacks, my heart palpitations feel like I'm going to pass out and I feel as though I can't breathe. The room spins. It feels real. But it's all in my head. Sometimes, mind over matter. Realizing that you have the power over your mind is a reassuring feeling but slipping into the mindset of "Oh, it's an addiction and I can't control it." Is a slippery slope of misplacing blame

    I have not said I have an addiction I asked if it is a real thing as a side question to my original question (how to deal with sugar withdrawal). The person who replied said it was a real thing, I replied that I had read articles sugar addiction, then went on to say my symptoms relate to sugar withdrawal. I didn't say my symptoms relate to sugar addiction. Calm down.
  • Quarkles
    Quarkles Posts: 69 Member
    Yes it's a real thing! You can gradually cut it out. I don't think that I would try and just cut it all out. You could start eating chocolate kisses or something to be enough to get you through.

    Yes I think I will try a few weeks of a small bit a day before going cold turkey. I have read a few articles on the sugar addiction, and every symptom I have listed is mentioned in regards to sugar withdrawal.

    Well I wish you luck! It is a very real thing and any smart person (not you, but these other "smart people") would know that the sugar industry is a major industry and it's not because it's NOT addictive....just like the tobacco industry....they dont want you to know that it's addicting and can kill you and these idiots on this post are the ones who fall into it. I must have hit the jack pot post with the cane farmers! What happened to the good ol' days when the dumbasses didn't know how to turn on their computers? ;)

    I was going to offer you a tinfoil hat after your 'Big Sugar' rant (never mind that Big Placebo and the health food industry rake in the cash too, and they're not pushing 'addictive' substances) but then you decided to start calling people names for giving sound advice (going to the doctor, moderation) rather than just telling the OP what she wanted to hear.
    Believe it or not, people who don't agree with you that sugar is OMGSOEVIL are not shills for 'Big Sugar' and they're not idiots either. There are a lot of successful people on this site who promote moderation and are A-OK with sugar. But then again, you're so smart, you probably noticed that, right?
    OP, go to the doctor. What you're describing doesn't sound normal or healthy.