Body Mass

Okay so you all gave me some fabulous advice on how to get the scale moving - now I need some help on getting the measuring tape moving.

I thought 50 lbs lost would FINALLY be the moment when I went down a pant size because seriously everyone says 10lbs but that's just not the case for me but surely by 50 I would have to go down a size?! But no - not even the slightest bit close. So as I'm sitting here in my same size pants I've worn for years and am uncomfortable with how tight they are I just can't stand it anymore!

I had been going to the trainer once a week (usually weighlifting), to the gym an additional time a week (usually cardio) and doing kickboxing twice a week. The trainer now wants me to do more, because frankly I'm obviously not doing enough otherwise I'd have new pants. So I've started doing the gym 4 times a week - 30 min strength training and 30 minutes cardio and still do the other 2 days kickboxing. That leaves me with one day as a rest day. Since this is new I haven't had long enough to see if that needs to change and also be a gym day.

So any suggestions to get the most out of my time the 3 days a week at the gym where I'm not with the trainer? Or is it really more in the kitchen where I need to focus? I eat 1470 on days I work out and 1370 on days I don't. I do TDEE so I don't eat back exercise calories. My diary is open. Based on my previous thread advice I received I have dropped my calories and am using my scale whenever possible which has really helped on the scale but has done nothing for the measuring tape. I didn't lose any weight this week, but I had a couple days over my calorie goal so that would be expected. Obviously I need to get that under control.


  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    50 pounds is a fantastic loss! Congrats!

    I would venture to guess that you have been burning off visceral fat, or fat around the organs, which is why the measuring tape hasn't been moving like you would like.

    I would keep plugging along, and have patience. Those 50 pounds are nothing to scoff at. Be careful not to do "too much too fast" and injure yourself. That's a setback that would be so frustrating to wait out.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    So I had another thought on the subject.... If 50 lbs hasn't made a difference in size, but my goal is only 30 more lbs isn't it completely delusional to think that 30 lbs would look different if 50 didn't?

    And as far as the 50 lbs being something worth celebrating - it isn't. If my size isn't different than losing 50 lbs doesn't mean anything unless I plan to carry a scale around everywhere to stand on and show everyone my achievement.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    That's a lot of weight not to drop a clothing size. If you post before and after it is probably quite noticeable.

    Is it because you are wearing elasticised pants with a lot of give in the material. They stretched and were tight at your heaviest weight and as you are losing weight are just actually fitting into them properly?
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    That's a lot of weight not to drop a clothing size. If you post before and after it is probably quite noticeable.

    Is it because you are wearing elasticised pants with a lot of give in the material. They stretched and were tight at your heaviest weight and as you are losing weight are just actually fitting into them properly?

    Just regular pants. Like jeans and dress pants.

    I actually bought a bunch of jean shorts and capris about 3 years ago that fit perfectly because I was going to Florida in the summer when it is a billion degrees so even though I hated buying that size I wanted clothes that fit right because tight clothes are even worse in hot weather. They still fit perfectly. Saves on shopping and it is hardly ever warm here so they still look new, but I really would just like some new clothes. Especially work clothes! I have bought some work pants out of absolute necessity, but not in a smaller size.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Shameless bump - no one has any suggestions/help/advice????