Newbie--seeking supports

Hi there,
I just signed up for this site. I have a LOT of weight to lose. Hoping to have someone help me on this journey. I have been dealing with medical issues for the past 3years. I have made as much progress as is possible and now need to learn to just move forward. I am taking an aggressive approach to reclaim whatever I can in order to get back to where I used to be before my accident. Seeking supports from those who are motivated and can keep me focused on this long journey. Any takers?!!


  • 9Chelle28
    9Chelle28 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm back on the bandwagon after falling off for awhile and dealing with an endocrinologist who really depressed me. I'm new to the site and would love supportive friends who I will give support and encouragement back to. Send me a friend request. Welcome to the MFP and good luck in your journey!
  • momsfavoritechild
    momsfavoritechild Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for responding! Are you new to this site, or have you used it in the past?
  • 9Chelle28
    9Chelle28 Posts: 22 Member
    I tried this site and a different one a few years ago for a short period of time. I liked this one the best. I have been just using the site that goes with my fitbit lately but then I discovered that MFP works with their site and I like the interaction on this site much better.
  • momsfavoritechild
    momsfavoritechild Posts: 48 Member
    Ok---I"m looking forward to gettign on the right track and hoping I can learn to deal with counting calories, as this will be my first attempt. I will send you a request as soon as I see where it am learning this site and how to find things.
  • Rodriguezmama
    Rodriguezmama Posts: 6 Member
    I just started using my app again two days ago, I found it hard not having others to help motivate. I would love to help you reach your goal
  • momsfavoritechild
    momsfavoritechild Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks everyone for your supports!!!
  • madirv363
    madirv363 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I just started my journey 10 days ago. This app is nothing short of life-changing. I've been on every diet out there, but never stick to any of them. I don't like complicated. Mfp is such a no-brainer! I love it so far. I've lost 4 pds and started walking and a little bit of running. I look forward to helping others with their goals; it's easier with people who understand what you're going through. I have about 65 pds to lose, but I'm glad I have decided to finally be proactive instead of feeling sorry for myself. We got this, ladies!
  • ghj8
    ghj8 Posts: 21
    Pick me!
  • sharyntg
    sharyntg Posts: 33
    I'm brand new too. I lost my hearing in 2008 and am now totally deaf so I understand medical issues pretty well , sadly. I'm brand new here too and don't know anyone or even how this works, but hello. I'm just here because all the people in my hearing life don't care to be around me any more. I can't hear and they treat me like dirt. Hoping to find friends online who don't care if I can hear them. Thanks.
  • siratlas
    siratlas Posts: 239 Member
    Hey there & welcome!

    I'd love to be along for the journey & that goes for any of you. I've had issues with weight and esteem for pretty much my whole life but now there's some medical things at stake. I need to lose a lot as well. I just joined MFP 2 months ago & I'm always open for more supportive friends.
  • gspenla
    gspenla Posts: 1 Member
    Did fitness challenge with neighbor who had twins and was going on vacation and wanted swim suit body back and someone to ensure she made the workouts with trainer. After retiring from military and the gym, I needed to get back on track. Dropped 85 with MFP and then a cancer detour. Won fitness challenge, beat cancer and gained 30 healthy lbs back. Healthy and fit using MFP for 3 years!
    Log everything honestly and if you're using smart phone, it's easy. Habits start 1 meal at a time and fitness changes 1 day at a time. It easily becomes part of your daily routine. Small group fitness training is also an affordable option. Folks in gym/rec centers are all there for healthy lifestyle. Don't let your situation deter you from making changes. Walking and drinking lots of water also helps and it's easy on the joints!!!
  • momsfavoritechild
    momsfavoritechild Posts: 48 Member
    Glad you're joining me! ;)
  • Sebismom
    Sebismom Posts: 44 Member
    I'm fairly new to MFP. I have about 30 pounds to lose, but more importantly I feel like I need to become more fit. I have a two year old who is very active and I want to be able to keep up with him. Would love to provide/receive support.
  • moose2626
    moose2626 Posts: 13
    I've been here now 11 days and its helping lots. The motivation and community really helps. Also nice to see what other people are eating as that gives you new ideas. I have about 30 lbs to loose and of course could use all the help I can get, motivation is a big factor. I log in every day. You can add me if you like :))
  • 6yuu
    6yuu Posts: 30 Member
    Good luck with all your health goals! I'm recovering from an eating disorder but trying my best to eat healthy and gain some healthy weight (and muscle!) I could help with any sort of workouts you need. Pilates is one of my favourite things :)
  • MT1029
    MT1029 Posts: 1
    I'm new as well, and need the support of people going thru the same routine. I started with MFP a few months back and had lost 6 lbs, but then had a herniated disc which followed by surgery. Needless to stay I'm starting over and even further away from my goals than before. I recently bought a fitbit to help motivate me to become more active. Goal is to lose 60 lbs!
  • saranne1015
    saranne1015 Posts: 180 Member
    add me if you like! i'm always in need of a little extra support!
  • EdnaDenne
    EdnaDenne Posts: 3 Member
    Im a newbie too and happy to motivate. Add me please
  • jenn48847
    jenn48847 Posts: 6
    I've used MFP about a year ago, which helped me lose around 15 pounds. Then I stopped tracking....and gained 10 pounds back. Now my husband and I are both tracking and we both LOVE doing it. I would love to add lots of friends on for support. All of the friends I have from last year have stopped tracking as well...shows they haven't logged in for months so I would LOVE all the support I can get and love to give it as well. Best of luck to everyone~
  • Hi, I just added a few people from this thread. I've been doing MFP for about 2 months and I like it!

    I lost 20 pounds last year, and ideally, I would like to lose a few more, but really, my main goal is to maintain where I am. I was recently diagnosed with low thyroid function, so I am just coming to grips with the fact that I need to be diligent with my diet, and especially my exercise, for the rest of my life!

    I'm happy to give support to anyone in reaching their goals! Here's to our health! :-)