New mom! Need that motivation!

My little girl is almost a month old now. During pregnancy I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes but told I was Type 2 most likely before pregnancy. I am and was overweight before becoming pregnant. My goal is to stick to the low carb diet I was put on as well as a lowering my sodium intake. Also to avoid overly processed foods. I want to be healthier overall, and teach my daughter to be healthy as well. Diabetes and heart disease run in my family so I want to help her avoid that (if it's possible). I am a military wife and going this alone for the next few months. Starting with lots of walking!

I had problems with emotional eating growing up, and eventually found myself obese. My little sisters are also overweight, I'm hoping to help motivate them as well. I have horrible control over my eating habits. I'm a sweets lover, my passion is baking. But with my new diagnosis of T2 diabetes its something I just can't do because I don't have that control I need yet. My husband doesn't have a sweet tooth, and anything I make will go to waste too soon. Which is another problem, I can't stand wasting food. Growing up I had an abusive step father who would take my food away if I didn't finish fast and throw it away. He was abusive in every way you can imagine, leading to my emotional eating.

I'm just hoping I can overcome these problems and live a healthier life overall. For myself, and my daughter.


  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    I had GD with my twins, and Diabetes is rampant in my family too so I get checked annually anyway.

    Be gentle with yourself, your poor body is still recovering. Walking with a stroller (or wearing baby) is a fantastic thing to do.
    I find focusing on my diet is easier when I am on my own now, but when my babies were tiny my husband worked away sporadically so I got really slack (and tired! SO tired). I put on more weight after I had my babies than during pregnancy, because a walk to the shops often resulted in iced coffee, cheesy bread rolls and ice cream to eat later for dinner! It was how I coped with the stress and fatigue.

    Once my girls hit 12 mths, I decided that baby mayhem wasn't a valid excuse for me anymore, and started working on fixing the mess I made of my body. Now they are nearly 18 mths old and I am getting into baking a little bit so they can try new things and have snacks on hand, and resisting eating more than one mini muffins etc is a bit of a mission so I feel your pain!

    My girls are my motivation. I want them to grow up with a healthy outlook on food, an understanding of basic nutrition, love their bodies, and have a mother who doesn't constantly yo-yo diet.

    Enjoy your time with precious little bundle. You'll get to where you need to be. :-)
  • scringstad
    scringstad Posts: 2
    Enjoy your time with precious little bundle. You'll get to where you need to be. :-)

    Thank you! I plan to start slow! Looking forward to being a "Stroller Strider" or so I've heard it called haha.
  • Youngcris
    Youngcris Posts: 34 Member
    I agree with wozkaa. Be careful... I think it's recommended to wait till at least 6 weeks pp before working out. My hormones were messed up for about six months and I didn't want to eat anything. My daughter is 11 months now and I finally felt like I could begin dieting again around two months ago. Don't be too hard on yourself at first. you will be out of sync for a little while yet but you will definitely find your groove. :)
  • Youngcris
    Youngcris Posts: 34 Member
    Also.... Aren't they awesome! My daughter motivates me in a whole new way. I just want to be the best and healthiest example I can be for her.
  • mstoya02
    mstoya02 Posts: 24
    We are all in this together. The key is hard work and dedication. Feel free to add me, good luck with your journey.
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hello. Please feel free to friend me if you are looking for MUTUAL support and encouragements!!