Newbie--seeking supports



  • randomgirl73
    Hi, I just added a few people from this thread. I've been doing MFP for about 2 months and I like it!

    I lost 20 pounds last year, and ideally, I would like to lose a few more, but really, my main goal is to maintain where I am. I was recently diagnosed with low thyroid function, so I am just coming to grips with the fact that I need to be diligent with my diet, and especially my exercise, for the rest of my life!

    I'm happy to give support to anyone in reaching their goals! Here's to our health! :-)
  • IvanPerry
    IvanPerry Posts: 12
    I am there to help you ...

  • marmain
    marmain Posts: 25 Member
    I would love some more friends! (Open to all) I started MFP aweek and a half ago, though I started working out 6 weeks before that.
  • vaponte12
    vaponte12 Posts: 7
    Hello Newbies,

    Welcome, and don't worry here you will get a lot of support for weight loss. This is like a family and we support one another so any help just ask.....:smile: