All the best to EVERYONE!

Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
Hey everyone,
This is really just a compilation of things that I have been mulling over in my mind.. I see so many new people here every day, so many people that seem 'daunted' and worried about the journey ahead of them.

This post is really to explain about my journey a little and hopefully to add a little inspiration to you as a starting point. I'm always looking to make new friends so, feel free to add me!

I started my Weight loss journey towards the end of last year, I had reached a weight that I was severely unhappy with and my fitness level had dropped lower than it had ever been in my life. I didn't even like looking in the mirror anymore. my days consisted of going to work, binging on takeaways and slouching out in front of a video game for hours on end, there was nothing much to my life at all. No motivation to do anything, no self confidence and no belief in myself. This is a long way from where I was several years ago, fit, healthy and happy!

I decided then and there that things had to change, I had a journey to take. One that wasn't gonna be easy but needed doing, for me!

I became extremely strict with my foods (I didn't know of MFP until recently, how much it would have helped!!!!), I worked out every day and I worked HARD! Dedication and true desire to better yourself breeds results.

6 months down the line, I'm in better shape than I have every been in, I'm able to go hiking again, able to go swimming without worrying about how I look, I have my confidence back. I genuinely love it. If you had asked me 6 months ago where I thought I would be in 6 months time, I certainly wouldn't have said where I am now!

Each and every person here has the ability within themselves to reach their targets, to reach their goals. it's not a matter fo ability, it's a matter of dedication. So what.. you want that takeaway every night? Do you want it more than to have your confidence back? Will that meal make such a drastically great difference to your life that it's worth every bite... Could you not wait and truly enjoy it on a treat meal because you KNOW you have earned it?!?!?!?!

I'm FAR from at the end of my journey yet, there are people far in front of me but I'm where I want to be at the moment and I'm happy with myself. Never be afraid to be proud of who and where you are!

I'd love to be able to share a few tips with people, things that I found helped me along the way and things that may or may not help you too!

In my opinion the worst thing you can do is 'diet', that implies giving up when you reach your goal. I like to think of it as a lifestyle change, one that you can bend and shape into something you enjoy!
Too many people think that dieting (ughhh, hate that word!!!) means starving yourself. I'm NEVER hungry, I always eat foods that I love, because I have learned to adapt and find healthier things that taste just as good if not better! (check out the recipes forum, there are some great meal ideas there).

Do this for you! In the end, you are the one that will reap the results!

Never be afraid to ask for help, other people who have done similar things can be a great help. in the end you are the only expert with your own body though, if something doesn't feel to be working for you, change it and find something that does!

Looking forward to reading more and more success stories on the success forum (I love to check that section, it inspires me!).

Feel free to add me! I'm very active on here and I love the community feel to it all!

Good Luck to EVERYONE!!!!!!!!

My progress in photo's-

Starting point-

After 4 months of hard work-

A few weeks ago-

Where I'm at today-


  • 6yuu
    6yuu Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the inspiration!
  • StacyRenee77
    StacyRenee77 Posts: 2,732 Member
  • MissAlyGator
    MissAlyGator Posts: 185
    Love your story, thanks for sharing!!!! :)
  • mstoya02
    mstoya02 Posts: 24
    GREAT JOB. You did good, proud of you. All the best to everyone from me also, anyone feel free to add me.
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Thanks guys, if I can motivate even just one person.. it worth it right!!
    We need to just all do this together!