Completely underate yesterday?

So yesterday I ended up only eating 580-600 calories. And went to the gym and burned like 250-300 calories there, plus walked to a couple places and according to myfitnesspals tracker that was over 100 calories of walking. I really wasn't hungry yesterday and than I fell asleep before I could get one more thing in at least, is that really bad?


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    Only if you do that most of the time. You could be coming down with something, or you may wind up eating more today. I'd wait a few days before worrying.
  • jjwilde265
    jjwilde265 Posts: 19 Member
    if your average over the week is good then it's fine. if I go way over one day then I go way under the next day to compensate. it's similar to intermittant fasting. your body will just use it's stores of glycogen. and then re fuel the day after. I wouldnt worry :-)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    One day in the grand scheme of things is no big deal, just as one day of overeating is no big deal. If it becomes a habit, then it's more of an issue. You can totally make up for it the rest of the week though, and some people do that intentionally with some forms of intermittent fasting. Look at your weekly total of calories rather than daily, if that helps.