Lose 100 lb in 6 months?



  • Bignfulww
    Bignfulww Posts: 26 Member
    I think its possible and can be healthy you jut need determination to burn alot and eat clean but it is doable :-)
  • toriann143
    toriann143 Posts: 64
    100lbs i 6 months would involve gastric bypass and or crack cocaine.....

    It's possible with hard work and dedication. I am 130 days in and lost 80 lbs. And I didn't have gastric bypass or do crack cocaine.
  • rebrcca3434
    Wow so many responses so fast! Well did some basic math (that I probably should have done before posting lol) and realized 75 lb is probably a more realistic, though only achieved by my due diligence and bodily cooperation, goal. thanks for all the responses. This seems like a supportive community :)
  • txlissa62
    txlissa62 Posts: 128
    The thing that concerns me about setting a deadline for a specific amount of weight loss is what happens if you don't reach that goal. I think you run the risk of giving up if it looks like you won't reach it in time.

    I think it's much better to set a goal weight and a reasonable amount to lose each week, and work from there - realizing that there will be times you won't meet that weekly goal. You didn't put on 100 lbs. (or even 75 lbs.) in six months, did you? It takes time to put it on, and it takes time to take it off.
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member
    This makes me think of Karl Lagerfeld, probably the richest man to ever lose 100 lbs in 13 months. Of course, he had a personal chef, and an endless supply of Diet Coke, among other "supplements" to be sure.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I am about 2 lbs short of 100 after 7 months. Was it healthy? You bet your @ss. It was doctor supervised and I have lost almost no lean muscle.

    My doctor says I am not the normal (no one has ever accused me of being normal that is for sure) and he doesn't have anyone else in his practice that has dropped it that fast.

    I think more could. You have to be super dedicated. Log every single bite and no cheating ever. It can be done.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    The thing that concerns me about setting a deadline for a specific amount of weight loss is what happens if you don't reach that goal. I think you run the risk of giving up if it looks like you won't reach it in time.

    I think it's much better to set a goal weight and a reasonable amount to lose each week, and work from there - realizing that there will be times you won't meet that weekly goal. You didn't put on 100 lbs. (or even 75 lbs.) in six months, did you? It takes time to put it on, and it takes time to take it off.

    I agree I have lost 102 lbs in 21 mths but I didnt set a specific time limit I just took it 10 lbs at a time and concentrated on the next 10 lbs this worked for me because 100 lbs seemed overwhelming and impossible when I started
  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    Think about how long it took you to gain 100lbs.
  • fsmalley
    fsmalley Posts: 62 Member
    I would have to drop 174 pounds to be at my ideal weight. I've been in fantastic shape in the past, gone up and down in weight, and finely, let myself go to where I am now. I know it's possible to drop 25 pounds a month. 15 years ago I dropped 50 pounds in about eight weeks. And here I am today... 175 pounds over weight. My point is that being able to drop that much weight that fast is not the point. A healthy lifestyle is the point. I think that all of the people saying to target two pounds per week are giving great advice. You can do that without feeling like you're on a "diet" and without working yourself to death in the gym. Let's face it... None of us would be able to keep up rock bottom caloric intake and spend hours in the gym every day. For me, this time, it's about balance. Finding a lifestyle that will allow me to be comfortable and healthy is my goal. Good luck on your journey, and remember; if you drop 20 pounds in six months, you're more healthy than you are today.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Is it possible? Yes for some people.

    The more obese you, the faster you will initially lose when you make the lifestyle change. I set for a 2 lbs a week loss at first and dropped 15 lbs in 4 weeks. As I got further along and lost more, it started slowing down.

    At 5'8" I have dropped from 336 to 239 in 21 months. I am dropping about 2 to 4 lbs a month now.
    The main thing is that it is sustainable. I can live with what I am doing over the long term.

    It has taken an intelligent diet, regular exercise (cardio and strength), and listening to my body.
    Best of luck.
  • Creamshakes
    Creamshakes Posts: 38 Member
    Whatever you guys are snorting to lose 80-100 pounds in 6 months needs to be sent my way. Pronto.
  • Neahpata
    Neahpata Posts: 322 Member
  • lopez219
    Holy crap. You guys rock!!!
  • hewhoisfrank
    hewhoisfrank Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, I lost 100 lbs in 6 months. I went from 380 to 278. For the first four months I ate 1500 calories a day of 100% fat from butter and coconut oil. One day in seven I would have steak pan fried in butter with salad. The last two months I adjusted my macros to 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carb with a calorie deficit of 20% below maintenance. No cheat days! We got to have more than enough cheat days, otherwise we wouldn't be where we are. Google "bulletproof diet" to get more details. It's not easy, but it can be done.

    Also, ignore naysayers who claim that rapid weight loss is unsafe or that you'll just put it all back on. There's no evidence that a rapid rate of weight loss can cause long term damage or serious harm. Regardless, there's no way rapid weight loss could be more unsafe than lifelong morbid obesity. And "you'll just gain it all back" can be said of any diet. Once you reach a healthy weight it all comes down to continuing to eat right and keeping active. I hope you succeed :)
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Holy thread resurrection Batman!! :glasses:
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Yes, I lost 100 lbs in 6 months. I went from 380 to 278. For the first four months I ate 1500 calories a day of 100% fat from butter and coconut oil. One day in seven I would have steak pan fried in butter with salad. The last two months I adjusted my macros to 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carb with a calorie deficit of 20% below maintenance. No cheat days! We got to have more than enough cheat days, otherwise we wouldn't be where we are. Google "bulletproof diet" to get more details. It's not easy, but it can be done.
    Well according to your Ticker you've only lost 24 pounds and have 66 to go. Does that mean you put it all back on? Obviously this bulletproof diet wasn't a long term solution not exactly a great advert for it.

    Not sure why you needed to res erect this thread though?
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    Yes, I lost 100 lbs in 6 months. I went from 380 to 278. For the first four months I ate 1500 calories a day of 100% fat from butter and coconut oil. One day in seven I would have steak pan fried in butter with salad. The last two months I adjusted my macros to 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carb with a calorie deficit of 20% below maintenance. No cheat days! We got to have more than enough cheat days, otherwise we wouldn't be where we are. Google "bulletproof diet" to get more details. It's not easy, but it can be done.
    Well according to your Ticker you've only lost 24 pounds and have 66 to go. Does that mean you put it all back on? Obviously this bulletproof diet wasn't a long term solution not exactly a great advert for it.

    Not sure why you needed to res erect this thread though?

    Ha! I was going to say the same thing but didn't because this thread is so old.
  • albloomfield60
    I started my weight loss on Oct. 5th 2013, I weighed 452 lbs. On April 24th 2014 I weighed 350.

    When I started off my calorie goal to lose 2 lbs was 2,800 calories, I ate around 1,700. I lost the first 50 lbs. by New Years.

    After the first of the year I upped my average calories to about 2,300 calories and started to go for walks, I've been walking about 2 miles 3 times a week.

    I've felt great all along the way and in no way felt like this was unhealthy, in fact I feel like I'm in as good of shape as I was when I was 20 years old, I'm 42.