
So my current fitness/flexibility goal is to get to the point where I can do a backbend and hold it... how do I get to this point? What exercises should I do? Anyone have any tips?


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  • alechua
    alechua Posts: 224 Member
    search youtube tutorial, I recently learned backbend using cassey ho's backbend tutorial :) practice stretching for flexibility, I'm aiming for a split for a while now :)
  • willia123
    willia123 Posts: 60 Member
    Take a few minutes every day and start with simple bridge and camel poses (google if you aren't familiar) It should be a gradual thing.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,789 Member
    So my current fitness/flexibility goal is to get to the point where I can do a backbend and hold it... how do I get to this point? What exercises should I do? Anyone have any tips?

    I assume you do yoga - but if not, that would be where to start. Most people have more tightness in their shoulders, causing the limitation in urdhva dhanurasana/ backbend / wheel. Gomukhasana arms would be a great everyday pose to work on. It could also be tightness in the hip flexors. Virabhadrasana 1/Warrior 1 would be great for both the hip flexor (back leg) as well as the arms - if you keep the straight and work on getting your arms behind your ears - do not clasp the opposite hand to do this, since you will not be able to do that in urdhva dhanurasana.
  • NotJustADieter
    NotJustADieter Posts: 229 Member
    So my current fitness/flexibility goal is to get to the point where I can do a backbend and hold it... how do I get to this point? What exercises should I do? Anyone have any tips?

    I assume you do yoga - but if not, that would be where to start. Most people have more tightness in their shoulders, causing the limitation in urdhva dhanurasana/ backbend / wheel. Gomukhasana arms would be a great everyday pose to work on. It could also be tightness in the hip flexors. Virabhadrasana 1/Warrior 1 would be great for both the hip flexor (back leg) as well as the arms - if you keep the straight and work on getting your arms behind your ears - do not clasp the opposite hand to do this, since you will not be able to do that in urdhva dhanurasana.

    Yoga daily... I've also heard that plow pose is good for it? And I think this issue is absolutely in my shoulders, specifically my left. Thank you for the poses!!!!!! Any other tips?
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,789 Member

    Yoga daily... I've also heard that plow pose is good for it? And I think this issue is absolutely in my shoulders, specifically my left. Thank you for the poses!!!!!! Any other tips?

    I've never heard that. Plow is the opposite direction. If I'm warming up for wheel, I do: handstand, pincha mayurasana, gomukasana (cow faced) arms, locust, side locust, bow, side bow, and camel pose - for the shoulders. I may also do: warrior 1, supta virasana, low lunge with quad stretch, ardha bhekasana, bhekasana, and camel for the hip flexors. Hope that helps.
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    Take a few minutes every day and start with simple bridge and camel poses (google if you aren't familiar) It should be a gradual thing.

    Yes! Camel is the best recommendation. It strengthens the back and core, but you can use your arms to alleviate pressure while building strength. You can make the bend/stretch deeper over time by sliding your arms up towards your calves, or by walking your hands away from your body further behind you.