Bulletproof Coffee

I have recently started eating low carb high fat way of eating. I love bulletproof coffee with the buttter, cream and coconut oil. THing is, it hurts my tummy now. For those of you who drink BPC, have u came up with an alternative?


  • WritingMyLife
    WritingMyLife Posts: 57 Member
    I haven't tried the bulletproof coffee, though my husband has talked about it, but I can tell you that coconut oil hurts my tummy if I have too much. Could you try it without that component?
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    Why not just drink normal coffee?
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    Coffee with a stick of butter in it? Nah, no thanks
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    I have recently started eating low carb high fat way of eating. I love bulletproof coffee with the buttter, cream and coconut oil. THing is, it hurts my tummy now. For those of you who drink BPC, have u came up with an alternative?
    Oh wow... :sick: :noway: Never heard of it, and not too eager to try it....Maybe try coconut milk or coconut flavored creamer in your coffee?
  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    Never heard of it before. Seems like too much work for me. I need my coffee in 3 mins or less in the morning. I even rob from the Bunn pot that takes less than 5 min to brew.

    Sorry, I don't have an alternative aside from plain old coffee.
  • Lisa6206
    Lisa6206 Posts: 57 Member
    Being on a Ketogenic plan or "Low Carb/High Fat" too, I love my bullet proof coffee every morning! I'm addicted!! I cut out the heavy whipping cream, because I found dairy was stalling my loss. I now use 1 Tbsp coconut oil, 2 Tbsp grass fed butter, 1 stevia packet, and 1 Tbsp of sugar free French Vanilla or Caramel flavoring syrup. Whip it up in the Magic Bullet or with my immersion blender, and it's so rich and creamy! Yum! Now... I have heard of others who had trouble tolerating the coconut oil & butter at first, in large quantities. You might try cutting back to 1 tsp of each, just for a while until your system adapts to it. I have this in place of any breakfast food, and being "fat adapted", the high dose of healthy fats keeps me fueled until lunch, with a warm full feeling in my tummy! Love it! =0)
  • BigGamesJames1
    I don't have it regularly, but do have it from time to time. Maybe try it with the butter and coconut oil, without the cream. Or if you are using 2 tablespoons of each, maybe do 1. When I have had it, I'd take 3 cups of coffee and then mix it in a blender with one tablespoon coconut oil and 1 tablespoon grass fed unsalted butter.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    Which part of your tummy?
    The only bad thing about some low carb diets combined with weight loss is that the high fat can set you up for gallstones. Weight loss itself ( and obesity, strangely) are both risk factors for gallstones.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have recently started eating low carb high fat way of eating. I love bulletproof coffee with the buttter, cream and coconut oil. THing is, it hurts my tummy now. For those of you who drink BPC, have u came up with an alternative?
    I'm sorry, but ew regarding what's in the coffee. I'd say if it hurts your tummy don't drink it.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member

    Possible issue: OK, “too much information” time. As many people, including me, have discovered via… ahem… experiential learning, gastrointestinal distress is common with large amounts of MCT and butter.

    If you want to try BPC, start with less fat and ease in to it slowly. Or else you’ll be running to the bathroom…quickly."
  • kkbmommy
    kkbmommy Posts: 29 Member
    I love my bullet proof coffee. I usually use tbsp of ghee and a Tbsp of coconut oil with a dash of cinnamon.
    You can try full fat coconut milk (the canned stuff) with melted coconut oil, cinnamon and raw egg blended to create a nice creamer. I've also heard of people adding raw egg to their bullet proof coffee (butter,egg and oil) check the type of coconut oil you are using. When I first started consuming it I bought spectrum assuming all oils are created equal and it made my tummy sick...like miserable belching and all.
  • kkbmommy
    kkbmommy Posts: 29 Member
    Also it is good with just butter but then you don't get the health benefits f coconut oil
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Medium chain triglicerides can be difficult for some tummies to handle in large amounts. Try using just the butter and cream. Coconut oil is not magic - you can get healthy fats other ways.

    BTW, I actually tried the BulletProof coffee. Can't believe I spent so much money on such lousy coffee. It's Folgers for me now! Besides which, I dislike Dave's mycotoxin fear mongering. If you live in a developed country, you have little to fear from them.
