Gained back 7lbs..

So this is my first post on here because I'm in desperate need of some advice. I felt so in control for the first time in my life and the pounds were rolling off. I was tracking and eating 1200-1400 calories a day and exercising 5x a week. I lost about 20lbs and people were noticing. I started running and completed my first 5k.. and then my second... and then... I hit this wall. I started allowing myself a "cheat day" which turned into a cheat weekend which turned into restricting during the week and obsessing over food-- and ultimately I was so fed up that I stopped tracking and started eating everything in sight for the last few weeks.

I am at the point now where a lot of what consumes my energy and thoughts are either what I am or what I am not eating. I begrudgingly got back on the scale today and assessed the damage.. 7 solid pounds of *real weight gain in a very short amount of time (not just water weight). Overall I feel super soft and pudgy and I can tell that my body fat percentage has increased dramatically as well. I ran a 5k the other day and it was way more challenging than before. Have any of you backslid before and how did you deal with it? I really wish I could have a normal relationship with food and not be so extreme. I'm either so in control or simply reckless with my food habits/choices.

/rant. It was actually therapeutic to write that^ out and simply acknowledge my behavior as of late. Thank you.


  • FanasticllyFlawed
    FanasticllyFlawed Posts: 15 Member
    I think everyone has a moment where they fall off the wagon per say. Don't stress about it, just start again. You are human, it happens, the key is to acknowledge that you stopped and start back up again. I can say for me that the "pudgy" feeling I get when I stop is mostly due to the poor quality of food I was eating. Once I start eating well again that feeling subsides.

    Just start tracking your intake again. If you need to go a little higher on calories and "ween" yourself back down to your target, then do so, just try to start monitoring and eating quality.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    It seems like you already know the problem.