Metablolism Help

So I eat really healthy mostly. In the morning I start my day off with fruit to get my system to wake up. Through out the day I eat a lot off veggies and eggs, ect. I work out on a regular basis, I'll do HIIT cardio and lifting weights but for some reason my metabolism isn't ....doing its job. I don't understand. I eat within an hour before and after every work out. I only eat fruit within the first half of the day, I challenge my body during the workouts.
Does anyone have any idea please. I've been trying for six months and nothing is working. Please, if you have any ideas. Please share with me :)


  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    So I eat really healthy mostly. In the morning I start my day off with fruit to get my system to wake up. Through out the day I eat a lot off veggies and eggs, ect. I work out on a regular basis, I'll do HIIT cardio and lifting weights but for some reason my metabolism isn't ....doing its job. I don't understand. I eat within an hour before and after every work out. I only eat fruit within the first half of the day, I challenge my body during the workouts.
    Does anyone have any idea please. I've been trying for six months and nothing is working. Please, if you have any ideas. Please share with me :)

    How many calories are you eating, thats really the only important part. When you eat doesn't matter and what you eat matters only a very little bit. The only food you mention in this post is fruit, veggies and eggs so I'd be concerned you aren't eating enough calories to support your workouts.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    An open diary with very accurate logging (by weight) would do wonders for suggestions.
  • LouiseReach
    LouiseReach Posts: 5 Member
    I eat probably in between 2000-2500 calories a day but I'm burning 1000-1200 calories a day too. I don't fee like I am starving myself though.