50 days weight loss challenge!



  • aliciaeve79
    aliciaeve79 Posts: 31 Member
    Im in!
    Ive got about 30lbs to lose by Sept so this will give me a big kick start! I had achilles surgery 3 weeks ago and will be in a cast/boot for the full 50 days if not more, so exercise is going to be interesting!
    Feel free to friend me!
    Alicia. x
  • msjac23
    msjac23 Posts: 140 Member
    I would love to take the challenge, I leave for vacation in 9 weeks. Since I lost 30 pounds, I've been at a stand still maybe the challenge will help me shed the last 15 pounds.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I've started today. My 50 days will not fit in with yours now but still a good motivator
  • cherield
    cherield Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in:)
  • eskimite
    eskimite Posts: 56
    Day 14. Going well. another low-carb week went by and I did fine. Didn't have horrible munchies in the evenings, stuck to the overall daily calorie count. When I look at the carb/fat/protein/fiber breakdown each evening, it's interesting to me that I'm eating much more fat, hitting (and going over) my fiber number, but not making it to the full protein or carb number. During the day, my main snack is a nut mix with walnuts, pumpkin seeds, peanuts and a few cranberries. In the evening, before I make something for dinner, I'm having a small piece of cheese. Since I'm feeling satisfied and I know the fats are good ones, I'll just keep on with what seems to be keeping away my monster nighttime urges to inhale all things simple carbs.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    day 2 for me. Eating cleanish ok so far and carbs are low, but not non-existent as I need some for energy. But early days lol. A bit early to be reporting weight loss but I am 1.4lb down but that is not just due to yesterday of course.
  • FlyersGirlrc
    FlyersGirlrc Posts: 31 Member
    SW: 215
    GW: 199.9

    W1 5/22/14: 213.2 (-1.8 lbs)
    W2 5/30/14: 212.2 (-2.8 lbs)
    W3 6/06/14:
    W4 6/13/14:
    W5 6/20/14:
    W6 6/27/14:
    W7 7/04/14:

    I'm hoping to reach my goal to be <200 lb by my birthday, 7/4/14. So far so good!
  • ejonesrn3573
    I'm in!!! I go on vacation in 61 days (July 31) and would like to lose at least 20 pounds.

    A bit about me, I am a 41 y/o female. I am 5"7 and currently weigh 166.2, my goal weight is 130.0. This is my second time using MFP as a weight loss tool. The first time I was extremely successful with diet and exercise and lost 37 pounds and 25 inches in about 4 months time, but then I had some female health issues and became sedentary finishing school and gained it all back:( I am sick of feeling terrible about myself and I think that if I make my profile public I will feel accountable to myself and all those out there who are working towards a similar goal. I gain a lot of inspiration from reading others success stories, so once I am successful (and I will be!), I hope to be an inspiration for others who need it.
    I am not someone who has always been over weight, in fact until the age of 29 when I had my daughter my normal weight was always around 120, however sometimes the way I maintained that weight was healthy and sometimes not so healthy. When I got pregnant I let the skinny girl eat and gained 61 pounds. After about 3 years I was down to about 134, got pregnant again and gained another 61 pounds (apparently I didn't learn my lesson the first time!!). So here I am again, attempting to lose the weight!!
    I NEED support so please feel free to friend me! I would love to lose 20 pounds by July 31! This is day 1 for me!
  • kamiept
    kamiept Posts: 15
    im in :)
  • MancLass
    MancLass Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all, it's day 15 for me. I weighed in yesterday and was really pleased to lose 3 pounds. Being a bit older, and right in the middle of the menopause, it's tougher to drop pounds. I went open water swimming yesterday, it was a bit chilly but my wetsuit helped - and today I went on a 20 mile bike ride - I found some lovely off road trails and worked pretty hard. I needed to do that as I ate out last night - and didn't make great choices! But back on the wagon today and ready for another good week!!
  • Shihpoonut
    Shihpoonut Posts: 28
    I just got back from a week-long visit to California and bummer of bummers I gained my 2 1/2 lbs back. I'm ready to get back on track. I walked for 60 minutes yesterday with a friend and today I mowed the front and back lawn. Today I've had lots of healthy food such as salmon, broccoli, butternut squash, apple, watermelon. yum! I hope everyone has a great week! :wink:
  • jazzy625
    jazzy625 Posts: 2
    I'm all in
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,459 Member
    Walked 11.11 miles...21,792 steps today and got all my challenges DONE!

    I need to lose 10 pounds during this 50 day challenge... starting today.

  • mcmlondon
    mcmlondon Posts: 1
    New to this forum but really need it! Was a runner until stress fracture grounded me 9 weeks ago, and prior to that put on a few pounds over holidays...starting program today to lose 15 pounds. Lifecycle this morning 40 minutes.
  • sltaylor94
    sltaylor94 Posts: 60
    I am doing a far fetched goal of 36 pounds in 61 days. following this thread will lead me to motivation towards that. you are all inspiring!
  • fabulousmo
    fabulousmo Posts: 41 Member
    Yes! I'm in! I need the motivation - I've found it so hard to lose these last 15 pounds. I think my body has set itself to 150 lbs and I need to break that set point. I'm 42, have hypothyroidism, and perimenopause has me by the ovaries. I'm going to show them who's boss. LET'S DO THIS!
  • MancLass
    MancLass Posts: 33 Member
    Day 16 - shipoonut, don't despair! Get right back on it and those 2 1/2 pounds will soon be history. And good to meet you fabulousmo - I'm well and truly menopausal at 53 and it can be grim trying to lose weight, but it's not impossible so I'm damn well going to! I can see some of my friends slowing down and getting really unfit and unhealthy, and that is something I'm just not willing to do. Today is going well, it's a bit grey here, but it's not raining so that's a bonus. I'm going swimming later so it will good to see the guys at the swimming club, they certainly keep me on my toes!
  • fabulousmo
    fabulousmo Posts: 41 Member
    Enjoy the swim! It's sweltering here in Ontario, Canada. I hit the gym at my lunch, but I see that myfitnesspal doesn't calculate calories burned for weight lifting only (I am going to walk 2.5 kilometers with the dogs tonight). I hear you on the "watching others steadily gain weight" thing. Facebook allows me to see everyone I went to high school with; unfortunately, most are really overweight.
  • Shihpoonut
    Shihpoonut Posts: 28
    MancLass thanks for the encouragement! fabulousmo~ I'm perimenopausal too. Ugh. No wonder it's called "The Change."

    Today I went for a short walk on break and this morning I did the Shaun T25 cardio workout!! It felt great to workout and I was able to more closely keep up with Shaun and the others since I've started doing his workout.

    Tonight for dinner I'm having crockpot pork loin, yams and broccoli. The recipe is from the Fast Metabolism Diet by Haylie Pomroy and it is delish.

  • tildastwistedlife
    tildastwistedlife Posts: 85 Member
    I’m having to remind myself that things are still going well even though the scale is making me crazy. I knew I would hover at 200 because it’s stressful for me. I’m trying to let go of the stress around it so it will MOVE! I also hate the “complete entry” button on MFP because every time I click it, it shows that I should be losing well over a 5 week period… but actuality is very different!!!
    SW: 202.6
    GW: 192.6

    5/27/14: 200.4
    6/3/14: 200.2