Stay at home moms of toddlers and babies

How do you did the time to get a good workout in. I average about 20-30 minutes of cardio about 5 times a week. I want to do more intense workouts. I planned to start insanity videos today and my 4 month old woke up about 15 minutes into the video. I have no help with my kids (we just moved two hours from friends and family) and my husband works 40+ hours a week. We can't afford child care or babysitters, so I am wondering if there are mothers in my situation that have any advice or tips? Also, we don live in a huge house. It's 3 beds 2 baths and one story and my almost 2 year old is a light sleeper.

I really need to just get up early and workout, but I love my sleep lol.


  • MrsTaraDStringer
    MrsTaraDStringer Posts: 51 Member
    Hey I know exactly how you feel, I have a 3 year old and a 20 month old.. If your husband doesn't work nights then you could go to the gym or for a run in the evenings. Or if a gym near you has a crèche then you could put the kids in that whilst you go to the gym for an hour. I go to the gym and do a class for an hour in the evening and that burns 470+ calories per class.

    If gym is too much money then I'd suggest getting an eleptical trainer or indoor bike or one that can be both and doing that plus running. I'm sorry that there isn't much I can suggest.. or get a buggy which is designed to be able to run with like a baby jogger city mini and run with your 15months old whilst your other is at preschool?

    I love my sleep too much to get up early too x
  • monikabenoit
    monikabenoit Posts: 43 Member
    Hey there! I have three kids ages 6,3 and 1 - and when I first started working out it sometimes used to seem hard to get a work out in but honestly after a few weeks, I found that I like working out because of the great way it makes me feel so now I find any way to workout that I can. I will skip housework any day to get exercise in.

    Luckily, my husband (works 40 hrs as well) understands how important exercise is and he is always willing to watch the kids while I work out. Maybe if you talk to him about how important it is for your health he will understand that it is a necessary part of your day and he will watch them on his days off so that you can at least get a killer workout in on the days he is not working.

    If you are stuck with no help from your husband then apart from the time you can sneak in when they are sleeping maybe you can incorporate them into workouts by jogging with a double stroller?

    Any amount of exercise is better than nothing so keep up the good work!
  • cinthyaclarke
    cinthyaclarke Posts: 17 Member
    I have a 10 year old and a very rambunctious, clingy 20 month old. I am a busy SAHM. I manage my home (cooking, cleaning, bills, etc) and I work from home part time. The only way I've found to get in any decent exercise is to break it up. It's not ideal, but it's working better than anything else I've tried. I get up 40 minutes early in the morning and get in a 30 minute workout. At nap time, I get in another 30-45, and if my husband is still working after I put her to bed at night, I'll get in another 30. My husband takes Sundays off so so do I. I've discovered that since I started this, I have more energy during the day to accomplish what needs to be accomplished so it has hardly cut into my productivity at all.
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    If I can get my photos to up load, I'll show what I did. I used my toddlers as weights! No really! I did! I taught them to stand like statues and I'd pick them up and do curls with them. If you lay on your back and balance a kid on your feet, (hold her hands) you can do leg presses with them... I'd kiss mine every time I brought her down! She loved it, thought we were playing and I got a work out! Do push ups with one on your back. Do pushups over a baby and give kisses or raspberries on the down stroke! Carry one on your back and another in your arms and go for a walk! Turn up the music and dance with them! Line up stuffed animals and see who can jump over the most! Kids love that stuff! Do squats with a monkey on your back... Get creative! It can be done and you will be bonding with your kids!

    Copy this link into your address bar...

    This is the my daughter when she was three. She's the redhead in my profile pic! Time flies!
  • micamoco
    micamoco Posts: 6
    I usually work out during nap time. If I don't get a chance to do that, I will go for a walk, or the park, with my kids and try to get some physical activity that way. And, if for some reason that doesn't happen, I have my husband watch the kids for an hour or so.
  • Emedina1987
    Emedina1987 Posts: 41
    Thanks for all the input. I really should use my toddler and baby as weights haha. They would love it. I do have am elliptical and that's what I usually do while my toddler naps or if I get up early enough. I do work out most days, I just feel like I am plateauing. We can't afford a gym. We are really trying to pay off our debts so we've cut out a lot of things we don't "need". I have 10 pounds I would like to lose and a lot of toning to do. Maybe if I break up my workouts and do mornings and naps I could burn more and feel like I am getting somewhere. I know when they are older it will be easier, but as of now it's a challenge. Thanks again!