How to fight the laziness off?

Can anyone give me some tips on how to fight off the laziness when starting out? Like there have been days I know I need to workout or get off the couch but I feel like I cant. What works for you? Thanks


  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,724 Member
    You do not have to exercise to lose weight. Great for over all health and fitness, though. You just have to eat at a caloric deficit

    That said, what piques your interest when it comes to fitness? Is there anything you've been curious to try? I have nightmares about missing my Saturday morning classes even though I have to wake up at 5:30 to go do them. That's because I actually like them :smile: This can be quite motivating to get off the couch
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    I just schedule times I am going to exercise and do it. It is an important prioity in my life. It is not hard for me to be motivated to exercise when I see my peers who are in poor shape from not exercising. It is hard for me to get motivated to do my house and yard work. Sometimes I tell myself: I will not use the phone or go on the computer until I do my house work. Maybe that would work for you. Tell yourself, "I will not use my cell phone or smart phone or computer until I exercise".
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    In...this should get good later:)
  • Flutterloo
    Flutterloo Posts: 122 Member
    Being totally honest...if I don't want to exercise--I don't. I just am very careful to not eat over my calories.

    I do find that since I have started eating more sensibly, I have less of a problem WANTING to get up and do stuff.

    Sorry I'm not much help, good luck.
  • Salasel
    Salasel Posts: 69 Member
    Mixing up your workout is a great way to keep motivated and looking forward to going to working out. One day go for a walk or run the next time try a class that sounds interesting the next time hit the weights. On the days you don't feel like going just tell your self that you are going for a five minuet walk after walking for five minuets if you feel like it keep going. Also having someone to work out with is a great help. It keeps you accountable for making the time to work out. Most days I don't feel like going to the gym but after I am done with my work out the sense of accomplishment that I feel is worth it. It is true that Diet alone will cause you to loose weight but Diet plus exercise will cause you to reach your goals quicker and put you in a better place emotionally. Eventually the endorphins from working out will be something you crave.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I enjoy exercising so I do it. If you don't like it, don't do it, it's not necessary to lose weight.
  • btc1987
    btc1987 Posts: 94 Member
    Get your feet on the floor, start moving, and do what you like.

    Is it easier to sit on the couch or lie in bed for an extra hour? Sure it is.

    I'm like you and never exercised much and would much rather have sat and done nothing.

    Here's what works for me - it could help. I made a commitment to start going to bed earlier and waking up earlier in order to exercise before work. My reasons for this were:

    1. It's too hot by the time I get off work.
    2. I'm tired at the end of the day.

    What I found out by doing this is that I go into work with more energy than usual. This helps me perpetuate the cycle because I want to feel like that every day.
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    Get a fitbit and sync it with MFP. Once you start getting rewarded with extra calories for doing normal stuff like walking to the store instead of driving, you'll feel motivated to just DO more.

    At least, that's been my experience.
  • MomFLYer
    MomFLYer Posts: 47 Member
    My younger 2 out of my 3 boys have started doing the exercise routines with me - since I want to be able to run again, for us, it's using for inspiration. I have used that AND the to bounce back after my stent was placed (at that time, couldn't even vacuum a 15x15 room without stopping to rest! That was the FIRST goal I set myself - to vacuum that room without stopping! lol)
  • I guess the best way to get motivated is to do things I like. And I know you don't HAVE to do it to lose weight, but i'm aiming to be fit health wise and workouts too.
  • KarenE86
    KarenE86 Posts: 75 Member
    For me the easiest way to not be lazy is to workout with a friend. I don't want to cancel on my friends so I'm more likely to work out than if it was just myself. Also, talking to my friends (walking outside or on treadmill) makes the time go by a lot faster and I'm enjoying the conversation so much that I'm not concentrating on how long I've been walking.
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    I enjoy feeling full...if I exercise, I get to eat more lol. Its all the motivation I need :)
  • glasshalffull713
    glasshalffull713 Posts: 323 Member
    Working out with friends helps. Me and my coworkers have a weekly bootcamp together, so we give each other crap if we don't go.

    Another thing that works for me- I have a treadmill and only allow myself to watch a certain tv series if I am walking/running while I watch. If you don't have your own mill, maybe you could reward yourself 1 show for each workout. Since I want to see the next episode, it motivates me.

    Also you could try a (non-food related) reward if you hit your weekly exercise goal- like downloading a new workout song off itunes or a manicure, etc.

    I also like to talk on the phone or listen to an interesting podcast when I walk/run.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    The only workouts that give me the "I don't wanna" feeling are cardio, so I found short workouts for those days. A 15 min HIIT workout is a favorite, because I know that no matter how much it sucks, it's only 15 min. I can tolerate anything for 15 min.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    If I tell myself I'm only going to do something for 10 minutes, then I'm less likely to talk myself out of it. Once I get started, it's much easier to just keep going.
  • Jsneel
    Jsneel Posts: 24 Member
    Have you tried YouTube?! There's 10 min kickboxing on there that has helped me. I usually do that m-w-f and m-f I do crunches n stretches. I use to jog n walk but this kickboxing burns about 97 calories for me in 10 min and walking was 20 min for about that many calories ( I modify some of the kickbox. They lady on the video will show you how to.) I'm very thankful God brought this to my mind bc I can do this wherever I'm at and its something I can stay doing with the Good Lords help! Routine helps me with the work outs
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Drink four cups of water.
  • Jlennhikes
    Jlennhikes Posts: 290 Member
    I don't consult myself about how I feel about it, I just go. Internal whining and dread about working out can be avoided by just not entertaining the thoughts and just going. I love the way I feel afterward, and it gets better as you see results and improve your fitness level.
  • picklesroofus
    picklesroofus Posts: 68 Member
    I am strongly motivated by food.
    If I do my workout I get a extra 300-350 calories and still stay in my goal calories. Thats all the motivation I need whoo hooo the things I can eat for 300-350 cal (pizza, cookie and milk, ice cream) 1200-1300 cal is too little for me to eat because I like the feeling of taste and eating out socially to 1550-1650 is better w/exercise.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Being totally honest...if I don't want to exercise--I don't. I just am very careful to not eat over my calories.

    I do find that since I have started eating more sensibly, I have less of a problem WANTING to get up and do stuff.

    Sorry I'm not much help, good luck.

    I agree with this position--although I think it is a lot of help. In "real life" I'm a writer and will return to being a student, so I lead a slightly active lifestyle. However, to earn extra money, I tend goats and I walk a dog for pay--so four days a week I get exercise without "exercising." The other three days a week, I try to exercise, but if I don't I don't get all guilty about it. I just try to fit what I'm eating into the recommendations set by MFP.