Best Beachbody program?

Hey y'all! So I have about 40 pounds to lose.. thank you college, birth control, no self control and lots of poor eating! Lol.. I would like some opinions on what program you folks like best and lost big with! I'm currently on day 13 of insanity (along with 4-6 days of a 3 mile walk/jog) and while I feel better, I feel like for the work I'm putting in and watching my nutrition, I'm not succeeding.. Scale has literally not budged except for a few ounces and it's easy for me to get discouraged so I hid my scale :p my concern is- should I switch to a different program first to lose more weight and then go back to insanity for conditioning? Or just stick with it? If I should switch, what program should I do?! Thanks in advance and please feel free to share any results you've had with beachbody programs :)

Edit: forgot to add, I'm 165 pounds and have been 125 before so I know it's not out of reach! I eat 1500 calories a day and never eat my exercise calories back except maybe 100-200 when I'm reaaaally hungry.


  • ronbo62098
    ronbo62098 Posts: 59 Member
    After 13 days you may or may not see results (everyone is different), but some of your math isn't making sense. Any normal 165 pound human eating 1500 calories should be seeing some weight loss. Anyone 165 pounds and eating 1500 calories AND exercising without eating more should be seeing a lot of weight loss.

    I'd suggest before changing anything you get more accurate numbers on
    a) how much you are eating
    b) how much you are burning through exercise
    c) what your normal BMR is (the MFP calculators can give you an estimate for that).

    Once you have some believable numbers, you can adjust your routine/eating/expectations as needed.
  • rmcnaull
    rmcnaull Posts: 9 Member
    I too would think that you would be losing something however I have heard similar situations when there is an intense workout program involved. Stick with what you're doing, and maybe eat back some of your calories - perhaps your metabolism is taking a hit with the sudden change. Definitely take measurements! When I first started last year and even now as I'm getting back in it, measurements are by far the best way I have found to see the success what the scale doesn't always record.

    As far as program, I'm working on the 30 day shred and have seen some pretty good success with that. You'll have to let me know how insanity goes for you because I've heard good things and I'm intrigued.
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    I would suggest eating a bit more of your calories back. It sounds ludicrous, I know, but in every case I've been proposed with, the person wasn't eating enough for their body to feed. I'm a Beachbody coach, so I've had plenty of experience with their programs. I did the 21 Day Fix, the newest program that was released in February that helps focus on portion control and varied workouts to help with boredom (which is huge for me, because I get sick of monotony). Currently I'm on my last week of the Beta portion of Focus T25, which is the toned down version of Insanity. I stick with 1600 calories daily, but I do try to eat a little extra if I decide to run as well as do my regularly scheduled workout. Between those two programs, I have lost 26.2 pounds and 23.5 inches since late February! I did the original Power90 program back in 2007 and lost about 15 pounds then. I have also started Rockin' Body, Hip Hop Abs, and TurboFire, in the past, all of which I loved, but gave up after awhile. I plan on starting TurboFire back up after I'm done with the Gamma phase of T25. Let me know if you want specific details about any of those...I'd be happy to share my results!