I Want to lose 40 lbs by Dec 2014

Hey guys my goal is to lose 40 lbs by Dec I know this might seem crazy but I'm really determine to do it so far I have loss 5 to 6 lbs but now it seems like I'm stuck there i work or 6 to 7 times a week drink plenty of water so what's the problem?


  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Since your profile and diary are closed...it's hard to help. Forty pounds is doable - depending on your current weight. Good luck!
  • Lollygags
    Lollygags Posts: 3
    Good luck! 40 lbs is my goal too - I put lose 2 lbs a day in my app so that puts me at about mid-October.

    Side note: I love how when I put a Whataburger in for lunch it said "Good choice! That has lots of protein!" I was expecting a finger wagging.
  • Thanks alot I'm determine to reach my goal I also sent you both request do you can view my dairy thanks again
  • Lollygags
    Lollygags Posts: 3
    Also with your workouts, have you changed it up much? I've been told to completely revamp my workout here and there, especially if I reach a plateau, because it tricks your muscles. Also lift heavy if you're able to. More muscle = more calorie burning. You might even need to adjust your diet according to your new weight and body fat.

    A few years ago I worked out for a month. I wasn't eating great, just working out. At the end of the month I gained a pound but I lost an inch because of the muscle. That's a factor to consider too.
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    Sounds reasonable, but even if you don't hit your goal, halfway is better than nothing right? I'd go for it! :)
  • Also with your workouts, have you changed it up much? I've been told to completely revamp my workout here and there, especially if I reach a plateau, because it tricks your muscles. Also lift heavy if you're able to. More muscle = more calorie burning. You might even need to adjust your diet according to your new weight and body fat.

    A few years ago I worked out for a month. I wasn't eating great, just working out. At the end of the month I gained a pound but I lost an inch because of the muscle. That's a factor to consider too.

    Yea I try to change it up one day I'll do one or two of my favorite works and then the next day I'll do something different
  • Sounds reasonable, but even if you don't hit your goal, halfway is better than nothing right? I'd go for it! :)

    I agree and I am going to go for it rather I reach my goal or not :)
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    OP I don't know your gender, your age, your current weight, your bodyfat percentage, your caloric intake, your method of tracking calories or frankly anything at all that would allow me to answer this question.

    Is losing 40 pounds in 6 months possible? Yes, under certain circumstances. It is impossible to say "Yeah that is doable" without knowing anything at all about your current situation.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Sounds reasonable, but even if you don't hit your goal, halfway is better than nothing right? I'd go for it! :)

    I'm confused how you know this sounds reasonable if you know nothing about the OP's current weight. What if the OP is a 20 year old woman who weighs 140 pounds. Would it be reasonable then?
  • Good luck , I can b ur weightloss buddy as I got approx 60 lbs to loose . I'm almost 40 yr old female , don't have much time to work out but I'll try to incorporate walk in my schedule 30-40 min / days . I'll need a lit of push for that though . Let's hold each other accountable and we will b able to do it . What do u say ? .. Btw my current weight is 247 :( n no matter how much I restrict my calories the numbers just go up :( . Currently a very stressed era of my life , may b that's a contributing factor but it's very frustrating .
  • Sounds reasonable, but even if you don't hit your goal, halfway is better than nothing right? I'd go for it! :)

    I'm confused how you know this sounds reasonable if you know nothing about the OP's current weight. What if the OP is a 20 year old woman who weighs 140 pounds. Would it be reasonable then?

    Hi I sent you a friend request so you can see my dairy and the other info :)
  • Good luck , I can b ur weightloss buddy as I got approx 60 lbs to loose . I'm almost 40 yr old female , don't have much time to work out but I'll try to incorporate walk in my schedule 30-40 min / days . I'll need a lit of push for that though . Let's hold each other accountable and we will b able to do it . What do u say ? .. Btw my current weight is 247 :( n no matter how much I restrict my calories the numbers just go up :( . Currently a very stressed era of my life , may b that's a contributing factor but it's very frustrating .

    Hi! That's fine I would love to have someone I can work on this with I'll send you a friend request and please feel free to inbox me anytime! :)
  • Hi there, i'm princess. so you want to lose 40lbs by this December, well i guess i have to suggest you this http://bit.ly/1iVzT3a , this really work, and take note this is note another diet plans, supplements, pills and etc.. this is natural and effective, kindly visit that link i give you. i know that is the solution about your weight problem right now. good luck and you can add me and tell me the result and you can thanks me later :) see yah.
  • MonaLisaLianne
    MonaLisaLianne Posts: 398 Member
    Sounds reasonable, but even if you don't hit your goal, halfway is better than nothing right? I'd go for it! :)

    I agree and I am going to go for it rather I reach my goal or not :)

    That's a good attitude to have!
  • Sounds reasonable, but even if you don't hit your goal, halfway is better than nothing right? I'd go for it! :)


    I agree and I am going to go for it rather I reach my goal or not :)

    That's a good attitude to have!