Advice on female weight training (Still not toned!)



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    This website by Steve Troutman has some excellent information (articles and blog). The link is to the articles one about building the foundation for training and one on realistic weight loss.

    There is an excellent blog post on losing fat and building muscle at the same time as well:

    Steve is also on MFP (stroutman) and Facebook (Body Improvements) and responds to posts and questions.
  • mscleo1115
    mscleo1115 Posts: 42 Member
    Tagging this so I can read later
  • iceycoldhot
    iceycoldhot Posts: 72 Member
    So next week when I get my paycheck I am going to buy 15 pound dumbbells. I already got a 25 pound kettlebell to use mainly for lower body and swings.

    My question is, if I can't see the difference in my body with weight training until I lose the fat....what is the reason for me to weight train now and not after I lose the fat? I feel like with cardio I can at least see the difference when I lose weight but with weight training you can't see the progress until after all the fat is gone. So it feels like I am doing it for nothing.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I didn't read the rest of the thread, so I apologize in advance if I am giving redundant advice.

    If you are still "jiggly", then that means your body fat percentage is still higher than what you're looking for. Pay closer attention to your diet and ensure that you are in a calorie deficit.

    If you like the exercises you are doing, by all means, continue doing it. But doing low weight/super high rep movements aren't as efficient as higher weight/lower rep movements. If you think that you might enjoy a powerlifting or bodybuilder style workout, then there is lots of advice that can be given on it.
  • Katterin227
    Katterin227 Posts: 105 Member
    My question is, if I can't see the difference in my body with weight training until I lose the fat....what is the reason for me to weight train now and not after I lose the fat? I feel like with cardio I can at least see the difference when I lose weight but with weight training you can't see the progress until after all the fat is gone. So it feels like I am doing it for nothing.

    Muscle is hard to build. And when you lose weight, you lose both fat and muscle. So, you need to encourage your body to keep as much muscle as possible so that what you lose is primarily fat.

    If you get to your goal weight and then try to build muscle, you'll wind up putting on both muscle and fat - and start the cycle all over again to get rid of that fat.