Is This A Healthy Way To Eat Everyday?

Hello everyone! I am just starting to eat healthy and want to get your advice on my daily meals -

I currently drink a fruit smoothie for breakfast that I make myself. It includes water, whey protein powder, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, a banana, an apple and carrots. For lunch and dinner I have a piece of grilled chicken (sometimes substitute fish) (the chicken is also the frozen premade kind from Tyson that I heat in the microwave to thaw because I am so busy I don't have time to cook) - my sides are broccoli and mushrooms. I wash the broccoli and mushrooms off and heat them for about 2 minutes with the already cooked chicken. Is this healthy way to eat everyday? I am just getting started so I am sure I will alter things. No doubt this is healthier I have been eating but just wanted to get some advice. I am on the go and not one that enjoys cooking at all. Is there anything I am eating that is very bad for me? Thanks for your advice in advance.


  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Yes it's a healthy way to eat, but you'll have to mix it up so you don't get tired of it. I don't like to cook either, my husband does most of that. I don't eliminate foods, I just do portion control, and watch my calorie intake. So 2 pieces of bread turned into one, and a piece of cake is a sliver. I don't go for all these new diet fads, I think they do more harm than good, aka yo yo dieting.

    I let 25 pounds sneak up on me, my doctor poured a cold bucket of water over my head, so I went back to my Jazzercise class and took off about 18 pounds in 6 months, then got stuck on a weight plateau that seemed to last forever.

    So I signed up for MFP and bought a Jawbone UP, (similar to a Fitbit) and finally have the scale going in the right direction again.
  • cmurra6745
    cmurra6745 Posts: 25 Member
    umm sure does not sound like a lot of food make sure your eating wnough or your body will store fat as a defense mechanism rather then use it for energy.. in that case your body will then break down muscle and transform into glucogen aka energy
  • ehunter577
    Thanks for the replies. I think it should be plenty of food. The fruit smoothie is loaded with fruits and then my 2 main meals I include 3 pieces of broccoli and 3 mushrooms with the grilled chicken or fish. I guess I will know in a couple of days if I feel weak if it's enough food or not. Just entering into the healthy eating arena.
  • jenniferpark01
    jenniferpark01 Posts: 34 Member
    Are you getting enough protein? When I first started I was getting in more carbs then protein. I've learned through trial and error that I do better with higher protein and lower carbs. 90% of my carbs are from veggies and some from fruit.

    I like having more protein because it really is filling.

    Keep up the good work!

    PS if you like hard boiled eggs, they are great snacks on the go and easy to make.
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    I'd say it's unlikely you'll be able to maintain eating the same thing every single day and not get hellishly bored and fall off the wagon. Try and think of some variants! Don't restrict yourself, make it fun, eat what you like to it and mix it up :)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Yes it's a healthy way to eat, but you'll have to mix it up so you don't get tired of it.

    This. You'll learn over time if you stick with it.
  • cracklinrosi
    If you're eating the same thing day in and day out, I think you're bound to end up with vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Humans were meant to eat a variety of foods (think of seasonal foods: asparagus in the spring, berries in the summer, squash in the fall). It's not just about calories; it's about the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. If you look up "macronutrients" on the web, you'll find a whole host of websites dedicated to us getting the most bang for our buck.
  • cracklinrosi
    I agree. I switched my carbs from grain-based to vege-based and upped my protein. I find I have more energy and I'm my stomach isn't gnawing at my backbone an hour before meal time.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    It is fine. Make things as easy as possible for yourself. Your routine will keep you on track.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I think it should be plenty of food. The fruit smoothie is loaded with fruits and then my 2 main meals I include 3 pieces of broccoli and 3 mushrooms with the grilled chicken or fish. I guess I will know in a couple of days if I feel weak if it's enough food or not. Just entering into the healthy eating arena.

    You're 28, male and you want to lose 120 pounds? Do you know how long you will be eating chicken and broccoli? I've been here 2 years to lose 100 pounds.

    It's more about the calories you are eating every day. I think that a piece of chicken and 3 pieces of broccoli/mushrooms is next to NO calories (with 6 oz. of chicken/3spears of broccoli/3 large mushrooms will be approx. 225 cals.). This will get boring fast. Expand your horizons. Eat the foods you enjoy within your calorie deficit. Work on meeting your macros (protein, fat, carbs) as well. You need to be diligent about your nutrition while losing 120 pounds. Nutritional deficiencies are nothing to mess around with.

    Read this link and work on building a plan that will work to help you lose weight and be sustainable.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I think it should be plenty of food. The fruit smoothie is loaded with fruits and then my 2 main meals I include 3 pieces of broccoli and 3 mushrooms with the grilled chicken or fish. I guess I will know in a couple of days if I feel weak if it's enough food or not. Just entering into the healthy eating arena.

    For a 28 year old guy, I can't see how a fruit smoothie made with whey, chicken, 6 pieces of broccoli, and 6 mushrooms could be nearly enough for you. I can appreciate that you have a lot of weight to lose and want to start making changes that will help you lose the weight quickly, but you will probably lose just fine eating a greater amount of food and it doesn't have to all be the same thing. I would never suggest waiting until you feel weak to see if you are eating enough. Learn about what your calorie needs are and at a minimum start logging a rough estimate of intake into the food log. Proper tracking would be best, but you will probably see some good loss with incorporating more whole foods into your diet.

    Eating healthy food isn't the lowest part of the weight loss equation. The lowest part is calories in being less than calories out. Eating healthier whole foods is a great way to remove some of the more calorie dense options the world has to offer, but learning to live and eat the foods you like to in moderation will contribute more towards your long term success than eating "healthy". One of the best things to do will be to learn how to cook for yourself. Even if you don't like it, start small with a soup or something. Soups are easy to make, can be packed with lots of lean protein and veggies, and many can be stored in the freezer for a few months. These can become great "pre-made" meals that you can take on the go. A lot of people on MFP (myself included) will take a few hours over the weekend to prep food for the week. I make foods for breakfast and lunches so that I have easy access to good options when I'm in the busiest part of my day.

    This will be a long process for you. Start learning about how other successful people have done it and adapt some of the things into your life if they work for you.

    Here is a great place to start:

    Good luck! My food diary is open if you wanted to take a look. I eat anywhere between 2000-2300 calories a day and am a 5'2" 34 year old female.

    ETA: GypsyRunner beat me to the sexypants link! :drinker: