im sick and tired of being sick and tired.

My name is Sarah. I am 19 years old. I am 286 pounds.

I dont really know when I started gaining weight. I dont ever remember being a normal weight. Both of my parents were extremely heavy growing up and I took their bad habits. Theyve both lost astronomical amounts of weight and Im stuck. Being huge and not knowing what to do. Where to turn. Anything. I'm sad. I'm anxious. I feel guilty. I feel sick 99% of the time. Im ALWAYS tired. ALWAYS. I recently was diagnosed with a foot condition and at first, I used it as an excuse to sit down and to use it as an excuse to not exercise. Now, I know that I can not cure it but make it livable with losing weight.

I need help. I need to be held accountable. I need weight loss support system. And I think this is the place to find all of that, right?


  • mangotruck
    mangotruck Posts: 28 Member
    You can add me if you want. :) I have over 100 pounds to lose and I know what it's like to be heavy and tired. :) Injuries are hard. Start with changing your eating. A lot of people lose weight just by making food changes. You can also swim or do some light walking. Seems like you got left behind by your parents' weight loss. Can you try what they did or get their support?
  • sltaylor94
    sltaylor94 Posts: 60
    My mom had the gastric bypass when i was very little. like 4 or 5 maybe even younger. and my dad lost well over 200 pounds just literally by drinking alot of water. im usually very dedicated the first couple of weeks and then i just kinda let go. i can run and stuff itll be painful but if i take tylenol before i go itll lessen the pain.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    You don't need to run or do anything physically painful to lose weight. Weight loss is primarily a calorie intake issue. You just need to make sure you're eating at a deficit. Exercise helps (and you'll be healthier and look better when you get to goal if you do it) but it's not necessary. You can wait until you get down to a more comfortable weight if that would help make it less painful to work out. Just don't use lack of exercise as an excuse to stay at an unhealthy weight. You can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I'm sick and tired of cliches.

    :noway: What was the point of posting this?
  • sltaylor94
    sltaylor94 Posts: 60
    Thank you Janilla, the foot condition i have is super painful at times. Sometimes i can barely walk. However, the more i exercise it the better it will eventually get. I may try to lose some weight before I do any heavy running or anything but walking and jogging would actually help it no matter how painful itll be at first.
  • sltaylor94
    sltaylor94 Posts: 60
    I'm sick and tired of cliches.

    :noway: What was the point of posting this?

    EXACTLY. That's why I didn't even respond.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You do not need to exercise at this point. Watching the food is much more important.
    You can probably find some chair stretching exercises on youtube that can help you with your mood.
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    Just START and get this, you don't have to be perfect, start by making sustainable changes for example IF you drink sugary drinks switch most of them to water. Have smaller portions (most of the time) of the things you KNOW keep you large. E.g. buttery mashed potatoes or sweets or crisps or sandwiches with full fat anything.add more fresh veg.

    Note to the above!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Sarah, my name is Ruth if you want you can add me as a friend. I have struggle with weight for many years. I am a stress eater which the past few years there have been many painful challenges that I have put on weight. I was also recently diagnose with Sjogren which is an auto immune disorder. Now with all that being said it is about time I took charge of my life, by eating healthier to losing weight and also walking more at least 2 miles a day. Now that might not seem a lot but my feet are very painful. I have a friend whose husband has the same disorder but he is on stronger and more medication than me. I don't want that to happen to me. So I am determine to do what I need to so that can be prevented.

    Now you know a little about me. You are able to do this. You are here so you are trying to eat better. If your foot hurts a lot that it might keep you from exercising one way you could exercise another way that doesn't involve so much your foot. You could do exercises like stretching ones, also use hand weights, sit ups, etc. there are other things you can do. You could also talk with your doctor about the types of exercises that would be good for you. The main thing is not to give up or make excuses, that doesn't help.
  • sltaylor94
    sltaylor94 Posts: 60
    All of you are amazing. Thank you for the encouragement.
  • Also if any of you know how I can upload a photo of myself please let me know I can't get the photo from my computer to here. I am not very tech savvy, though I do love all this technology. Thanks
  • davidrpitt
    davidrpitt Posts: 7 Member
    Hello Sarah,

    Every thing will change over time and the positive steps you are taking with this programme will I am sure induce positive change in how you feel about yourself and your weight issues. Positive changes will come but in my experience we have to keep putting in effort and checking our thoughts, feelings and actions as only we can do it in the end.

    For me it is about motivation and will power to keep going and I don't find it at all easy . After another lapse I am trying to get back on track again. Cutting out most wheat products, reducing alcohol, fatty cheeses and cake are key. I think light exercise is very important. Walking steadily is proven to reduce calories and gives sense of well being, forget jogging I suggest.

    Good luck
  • Hi Sarah

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I really struggle with motivation and like you often do well the first few weeks then just lose the will. Perhaps we can motivate each other to success!

    I think my problem is often that I want results too fast and get disappointed. I'm also rubbish at saying No and do not like to draw attention to myself so sometimes find myself eating badly just to 'fit in'.

    I suffer with a chronic back condition and have suffered with plantar fasciitis (not sure if I've spelt that right) in both feet, and at one point in both feet for a few month which was excruciating.

    I was quite active before my back problem so find myself getting very frustrated these days that I can only do gentle exercise and that I have put on nearly 4 stone. I have lost some of my love of exercise and have to push myself to do it now at times, mostly down to fear of it hurting/injury. The Plantar Fac. really stopped me from doing much at all for a number of months, walking was agony, even just day to day stuff like walking hurt, never mind doing any 'proper' exercise.

    I would suggest you do not rush to running type exercise without consulting your doctor first, the last thing you want to do is make any condition worse. Like others have said some initial weight loss first may be beneficial and in meantime do lower impact stuff. Now I too should practice what I preach and get some of my weight off so exercise is more fun!!
  • sltaylor94
    sltaylor94 Posts: 60
    Hi Sarah

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I really struggle with motivation and like you often do well the first few weeks then just lose the will. Perhaps we can motivate each other to success!

    I think my problem is often that I want results too fast and get disappointed. I'm also rubbish at saying No and do not like to draw attention to myself so sometimes find myself eating badly just to 'fit in'.

    I suffer with a chronic back condition and have suffered with plantar fasciitis (not sure if I've spelt that right) in both feet, and at one point in both feet for a few month which was excruciating.

    I was quite active before my back problem so find myself getting very frustrated these days that I can only do gentle exercise and that I have put on nearly 4 stone. I have lost some of my love of exercise and have to push myself to do it now at times, mostly down to fear of it hurting/injury. The Plantar Fac. really stopped me from doing much at all for a number of months, walking was agony, even just day to day stuff like walking hurt, never mind doing any 'proper' exercise.

    I would suggest you do not rush to running type exercise without consulting your doctor first, the last thing you want to do is make any condition worse. Like others have said some initial weight loss first may be beneficial and in meantime do lower impact stuff. Now I too should practice what I preach and get some of my weight off so exercise is more fun!!

    thats what i have. plantar fasciitis. i just found out and its so painful. im still figuring out how to live with the constant pain right now.
  • sharon75uk
    sharon75uk Posts: 51 Member
    I bought insoles from amazon and use them in every pair of shoes and went from being in constant pain to only having pain occasionally. Also use a golf ball to massage under your foot...helped me.
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    Welcome :smile: I was your weight about 2 years ago feel free to add me and PM me if you need support :flowerforyou:
  • Hi. I'd love to add you as a friend. Your post felt honest and true to your feelings, and I am in a similar position as yours. Ellen
  • You're not alone. Remember that. To start, this is an amazing website with all kinds of tools to help guide you in the right direction. Don't forget, there are lots of books and online forums for healthy lifestyles. Don't ever use the word "DIET"! Use "lifestyle change" instead. Overcome bad habits is 100% psychological. The cravings for bad foods are the same as a drug addict or alcoholic. I recommend "Sugar, Salt, Fat: How the Food Giants Got Us" (I don't remember who wrote it), for an excellent, in-depth exposé on how the food industry and government has convinced us all that packaged food is "safe" to eat.

    I'm an emotional eater. I eat when I'm tired. I eat when I'm bored. And after two kids, I am still 25 pounds overweight. Excuses? You bet! I'm the queen of excuses and justification. Years of bad eating have given me a colonic disease where my colon is literally a ticking time bomb. However, it's taken me four years to come to terms with that and realize if I don't smarten up, I'm going to pay for it dearly.

    So, identify what you're eating that's bad for you and take responsibility for why and when you eat it.

    Exercise: If your feet are too painful because of your foot condition, you can still do some weight training. Start small: 2-lb weights or exercise bands. There are all kinds of muscle-building exercises that can be done without having to stand on your feet, or walking. Check out YouTube for videos. Building muscle is good: muscle burns calories. Building muscle will help your upward spiral to healthy living.

    Stay positive. If you get down in the dumps, don't worry - we've all been there. Distract yourself. Put on some good music, pick up your favourite book. Talk to a friend.

    One more thing: Don't compare yourself to anyone else. I used to do that all the time and all it did was foster feelings of "Why can't I be like so-and-so" and then I'd get discouraged and pick up a bag of chips, or make a batch of cookies and eat half of them. Look at the long-term and understand that you didn't get where you are today overnight. This has been a lifetime of bad habits. You're not going to achieve your goal weight overnight, or even in a month. But every pound you lose, every inch you shed, is a step in the right direction to a healthy life. Keep your goal in mind and stay positive.
  • Milton35
    Milton35 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, you are beautiful and you shouldn't be sad! you have taken the 1st step to losing weight and turning your life around. Your young and have so much time to change your eating habbits. If excersice is painfull, how about swimming? I too have a family who are naturally big and have been fighting it all my life and yoyoed but we can do it!!!
  • courtney123180
    courtney123180 Posts: 86 Member
    hi sarah. im courtney, 33 yrs old, and today is my first weigh in since restarting MFP. my diary is open to friends and I'm trying to work out 5 days a week, or maybe every day. i have about 75 lbs or so to lose. you are more than welcome to add me, good luck!!! :smile: