Loving this site

I have been using myfitnesspal for 9 days now and am loving it. It is so easy to use and helps me keep on track. I have found myself struggling to stay under my calorie limit at times but when I do go over, it is only by 100 to 150 calories and it still says I should be loosing weight by those calculations, so that is encouraging. Love the bar scanner and how easy it is to find the calorie count of what I ate along with the nutrition.

To let you all know a little about me. I am hoping to loose 150 pounds. I know that is a lot and it will take a long time but am hoping this site will help me do it. If not, I am at the point of considering to use more drastic measures such as surgery. I am scared of that but I am also scared for my health. I hurt my back over 3 years ago and am not able to do much because of the pain I am in, so I am just gaining weight like crazy. My weight has hit an all time high at 309 pounds. UGGGG!!!! So now you can see why I am wanting to loose the weight.

Meeting others going through the same thing and reading what others have put on here helps a lot. The incite to what other people are doing to get to their goals or what they are going through, struggles and all, really give me the encouragement I need. I hope anything I type on here will do the same for someone else as well. Any idea's you have for me on good low cal snacks would be helpful for me. I do not eat fruit so that limits me quit a bit.

Looking forward to making new friends and loosing tuns of weight while becoming healthy again.


  • walk757
    walk757 Posts: 96 Member
    This is a great site, agreed. Good luck to you in this journey!. I suggest you try setting some mini goals along the way, worked for me.
  • CABasile
    CABasile Posts: 55 Member
    Sent you a friend request -- perhaps we can encourage each other!:wink:
  • I love this site too... and I've tried quite a few of the "diets" out there! I have over 100 lbs. to lose... seems to boil down to small changes a day at a time. Welcome to MFP! :smile:
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    Welcome! Four pounds down is a great start! Will send you a friend request. I was you in November but starting at 318 (yeah, double ugh!) but I am down 40 pounds so far, feeling better than I have in a very long time (and looking forward to the next 40 and the 40 after that :smile: }
  • hummingbrdhrt
    hummingbrdhrt Posts: 67 Member
    Hi there - I will send you a friend request. I've lost 15 lbs. so far. It feels great, but I still have a long way to go. I am active on MFP and have an open diary.
  • MollyBehrens
    MollyBehrens Posts: 2 Member
    Take Baby steps and enjoy small victories. make it a point to log every day--it makes all the difference
  • donutmom
    donutmom Posts: 12
    Good for you on loosing 40 pounds. Thanks for the friend request. It helps to go through this process with another person that is in the same boat as you. Looking forward to hearing from you and gain9ng insite through what you say on here.
  • donutmom
    donutmom Posts: 12
    Thanks for the friend request. It helps to go through this process with another person that is in the same boat as you. Looking forward to hearing from you and gaining insite through what you say on here.
  • donutmom
    donutmom Posts: 12
    I see you have now lost 77 pounds. Good for you. Thanks for the friend request. It helps to go through this process with another person that is in the same boat as you. Looking forward to hearing from you and gaining insite through what you say on here.
  • donutmom
    donutmom Posts: 12
    Thanks for the friend request. It helps to go through this process with another person that is in the same boat as you. Looking forward to hearing from you and gain9ng insite through what you say on here.
  • donutmom
    donutmom Posts: 12
    Also....Congratulations on your 15 pounds you have lost. Keep up the good work.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Welcome to the nuthouse, it's all in what you make of it.
  • dixieracer27
    dixieracer27 Posts: 79 Member
    You can do this!! I know how daunting it can seem at first, been there myself. Once you change your lifestyle and learn what works best for you it becomes second nature.