Biggest Loser USA

nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
Hi! Over here in the UK we are so behind on the Biggest Loser. Today on tv they just started showing season 9 with the guy that is the heaviest ever - over 500 lbs I think. What season are you up to in America?

I just love this show. It is so motivating and I love seeing the results at the end!


  • We just finished up season 10!!! I love the show. I DVR it so I don't miss it!!!
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    OH my gosh, you have to watch the whole season was the absolute best season yet!!!

    The people are so sincere and like-able. (In my opinion, much better than season 10),

    Season 11 premiered here last week.
  • I watched that too Nam i cant wait too see their results i bet they will be amazing, they are so inspiring x
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Thanks Jess! I'm going to have to record it so I don't miss this season!
  • dom300186
    dom300186 Posts: 127 Member
    What channel was this on and when? I'm in the uk and love it. Uk version starts k
    on Monday!!!!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    It was on Living (sky 112) at around 1pm today. Although I've just seen an advert for it on Tuesdays at 9pm on Living.
  • They used to show it @ 6am on Sky 1 but it disappeared after Helen won n i was wondering if anyone's seen it on early @ all in the Uk? I loved watching it early cos it was the time when i was on me exercise bike n took my mind off what i was doing! I'd so love to go on for a few weeks just 4 a kick up the *kitten* n no distractions! Uk 1 looks fab too...roll on Monday night!
  • Ps... X-Weighted is also a really good show if you like diet tv.. that used to be on early in the morning too but again..i can't find it..i thought it was only over Xmas they were changing the schedules but it aint back yet :frown:
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