Questions about you and your Cheat Days.

1) How would you define a cheat day? Would a cheat day for you be "don't worry, don't track it, no boundaries", or is a cheat day any day you go over your daily intake by >100 calories, or >200 calories or so

2) How often do you have cheat days? Is it weekly, biweekly, monthly? Are they random? Do you have them at all?

3) If you exercise, do you still exercise on cheat days? Or are cheat days a part of your rest days?


  • OtakuMusician
    OtakuMusician Posts: 66 Member
    Heeey! An admin should delete this or move it to General Diet and Weight Loss. Could have sworn I was there. >o<
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Weabos always fail.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    1. I don't believe in "cheats." we make decisions. I do not ever eat junk food, sugar, grains. I might indulge in extra healthy foods at times, extra calories, etc. I don't worry about how many extra calories there might be. It is an occasional indulgence & does not hurt my fat loss.

    2. Never have cheats. See #1. lol... I indulge on occasion, not on a regular basis. Not every week. I don't feel the need to do that. It just depends on what is going on in my life.

    3. I still don't cheat. See #1 and #2. lol... I don't alter my workout schedule based on what or how much I eat.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    1) I don't have designated cheat days. If I make a bad decision regarding food, I usually throw in exercise to make up for it. I've only gone over my calorie goal once on here and it was <100. I don't let one bad decision ruin the rest of the day for myself.

    2) See above. I don't think there is anything wrong with having a designated "cheat" day (though, I'd call it a treat day instead) - as long as you get back on track the following day. Or even if it's not planned and just happens. I think it's really important NOT to dwell on treat days.

    3) I can't answer this really. My goal is to exercise 5/week. The days that I don't feel like exercising are the days I feel the *best* after I push myself. It's like the accomplishment is bigger or something.

    Hope this helps a little :)
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    I don't have cheat days, I have meals where I go out and have one unhealthy thing once in a blue moon. For instance last wednesday my junior dragged me to KFC during an audit so I went running in the evening to make up for the 950 kcal meal that I had for lunch.
  • chloeealicee
    chloeealicee Posts: 204 Member
    I don't really like the idea of cheat days. If i set a day to eat lots of treats once a week like every saturday or something, i'll just eat them on that day for the sake of it because it's marked on my calender.

    I usually just let my cravings go on a frenzy whenever need be. About once every one/two/three weeks i'll just eat heap loads of treats and carbs and shrug it off. Sometimes i exercise on these days, sometimes days i don't, depends what i feel like doing.
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    1) How would you define a cheat day? Would a cheat day for you be "don't worry, don't track it, no boundaries", or is a cheat day any day you go over your daily intake by >100 calories, or >200 calories or so

    I, personally, don't subscribe to "cheat" days or meals. If I go over, it was MY choice and by calling it a cheat, I allow myself to say my weight loss is NOT my reasonability, nor something I control because I get to cheat the system. Furthermore, there isn't anything in my diet that is off-limits, so I can eat ANYTHING in moderation. If I have a craving, I find a way to either ignore it or satisfy it within my calorie goals.
    2) How often do you have cheat days? Is it weekly, biweekly, monthly? Are they random? Do you have them at all?

    I've gone over my calorie goal a couple times in the 42 days I've been on plan. The first was a disaster when I was just starting out, and the other two were choices and around 100 calories over.
    3) If you exercise, do you still exercise on cheat days? Or are cheat days a part of your rest days?

    I do exercise on days I go over. But I don't take it to an extreme. All in moderation, both eating and exercising.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    1) for me it's going over my TDEE by over 200 (so about 2400 calories or more). And I always track them.
    2) I try to avoid them, but sometimes I'm hungry or we're going to that nice restaurant we never go to, or it's a Holiday, and I'll have one. But typically it's just one meal that makes me go over by a lot. And totally random.
    3) I always exercise, even if it's just a walk.
  • airossell
    airossell Posts: 5 Member
    I've allowed myself one cheat day since I started this journey in January. I bought a box of oreos and a bag of kettlecorn and had planned to allow myself to eat however much I wanted. Turns out, I have a lot more self-discipline than I thought. I ended up only eating 6 oreos and 2 cups of kettlecorn, and half of those calories I managed to fit into my calorie allotment. I went over by about 300 calories which I could have worked off on any other day. Now I don't do a cheat day, I just allow myself treats regularly that fit into my calories for the day.
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    Cheat days? You mean eat day? That's like, everyday. Sometimes you go over goal. Sometimes under. If you're working to lose weight, just keep things in check on a weekly basis and it's all good. It seems like an unhealthy relationship with food to put a moral label on it as such imo.