low carb support



  • Hello Group. I just started a low carb and low calorie diet last Friday. Low carb diets are not that difficult for me. I'm an "big time" meat and cheese eater. However, it is difficult to try and keep my fat intake low on low carb diets. Just want to start living an more healthy lifestyle and too lose weight. Just turned 40 and now's the time! Support is always extremely helpful! I am trying to lose weight the healthy way but simifast too. I know I'll need to incorporate a lot of exercise to keep up with the simifast weightloss, etc.
  • papo11467
    papo11467 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. I was just told by my doctor that I am pre-diabetic. I immediately started reading up on ways to lower my blood sugar. Of course I was led to believe a low carb diet is the best route. I'm so happy I found this topic. I'm particularity excited about Tennisdude2004's post. The link he shared resonates with me profoundly. Add me so I can have some support on this new journey.
  • Hey everyone !! I've recently started a Low-Carb diet myself, after finding out that my vision has gotten bad and I needed my first pair of glasses. My doctor said it could be due to gestational diabetes (I have had with both pregnancies) so it really pushed me
    to take my health more seriously !!! I have tried Low-Carb diets several times in the past because as I gain weight my bodybuilding husband looks better every day with a perfect body and is 5 years older than me, so it's been tough gaining weight next to a super star like him. Anyway, I decided to start green juicing because I heard it clears toxins out of the blood that we may get from junk foods and so forth !! Well two and half weeks of starting it, with 5 days of cardio and strength training, I have managed to stay on track with my low -carb diet !!! Yaaay (even with my kids munching on donuts and chips and snacks in my face) the juicing has really helped lower my cravings for junk and has kept me on my goal !!

    I have also added whey protein powder into my routine (after strength training) and I do not eat anything but protein ( baked or grilled lean meats) after 3pm !! I have lost 2 lbs in this short time and it's a good two lbs because my belly is significantly smaller ( I also wear a waist cincher 8hrs a day and at every workout) and my leg muscles and arm muscles have started forming !!! It's been intense dedication but the results are making me addicted !!!! I use Instagram a lot, so I recently liked 30 pages of fitness so that everytlme I get on there, I'll see a skinny-toned person and stay focused on my diet!! I am excited to hit week 3 with this consistency !!! Congrats everyone and good luck
  • maglite81
    maglite81 Posts: 1
    Hello All,

    I have been doing low carb for about 4 months with decent success. I tend to want everything in the evening and crave something sweet. Any good tips,recipes etc? I am in need of some recipes that I can make as a large family meal.
  • forswearitssight
    forswearitssight Posts: 33 Member
    I eat low carb since my fiance is diabetic. We never have sweets in the house and only buy lower carb (rye, pumpernickel) bread... when we eat bread. I've found that eating low carb isn't that hard once you know what to look for. Most people think it's just candy and soda, but there is sugar in everything. Reading labels and really understanding what you're looking at is incredible important. From a diabetic standpoint, sugar in fiber is not absorbed into the bloodstream. For that reason, you can subtract the fiber from the total carbs and that is the number of carbs you're eating.

    I typically try to stay under 50 carbs per meal, but usually try to stay even lower at around 30 or less. Paying attention to the GI is also important. You'll find that some fruits (berries for example) are very low on the GI where as melons are very high. So you can have a handful of strawberries for a snack or throw them into a shake and be ok. :smile: