how can I eat 1200 calories a day



  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    Hey guys I really need some help I am doing a diet and I have drop 6 pounds already but I'm having a hard time eating 1200 calories a day can somebody give me examples of how or what I should be eating in order to reach my 1200 calorie goal
    What worked for me was to keep eating what I was when I got fat, only eating serving sizes. I haven't cut anything out. Not even sweets.
  • MonaLisaLianne
    MonaLisaLianne Posts: 393 Member
    Hey guys I really need some help I am doing a diet and I have drop 6 pounds already but I'm having a hard time eating 1200 calories a day can somebody give me examples of how or what I should be eating in order to reach my 1200 calorie goal

    I must have misunderstood your post. I thought you were having trouble staying below 1200 - I see now you aren't getting 1200 calories. It's important to eat enough to fuel your body. When I eat too little during the day I'm often tempted by less healthy choices at night.

    If it's a matter of not having enough time to eat, I'd suggest having some go-to foods on hand at all times. For me, cottage cheese, fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, and baby carrots are always around. I also keep yogurt on hand, and I freeze strawberries and bananas to mix into the yogurt. Hard-boiled eggs are good, quick, source of protein and I try to keep a couple in the fridge. Peanut butter is another quick food - but higher in calories than I can usually afford. =) I keep thin-sliced smoked turkey breast and thin-sliced swiss cheese around, for a fast protein snack. Also, canned sardines and tuna are good to have on hand.

    Hope some of these ideas will help you reach your goals.
  • 43mmmgoody21
    43mmmgoody21 Posts: 146 Member
    1/2 a tub of ice cream-- done and done!

    Bonus-- eat the other half.
  • Siigh_duck
    Siigh_duck Posts: 161 Member
    I'm on 1200 + I eat some of my exercise calories sometimes
    Lots of veggies brah, find the ones you love, for me it's broccoli , spinach , tomatoes, cucumber (ok I know tomatoes and cucumbers are fruit but shup - but actually fruit is what I recommend for a sweet tooth XD ) I drink about 3 cups of tea a day, one with each meal, I really think the hot liquid helps to fill me up , like a soup effect XD soup is also great
    I eat pretty much everything though, your appetite does adjust and you get used to eating smaller amounts, do try hit that protein goal though, really helps with the hunger, so just like eggs, tuna, meat, (I put protein powder in my porridge)
    or you can just add me
  • megcmh
    megcmh Posts: 1
    Feel free to look at my food diary as i eat 1200 calories a day.. :) Generally its 400 calories per meal. Goodluck!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I am at maintenance now which I eat 2000-2400 calories, but when I am losing weight I did 1700-1900 calories. I am 45 yrs old, 5'2 and 116 pounds!!

    I'm sure glad I don't have to eat 1200 calories!!
  • lasondraperrygraham1
    Thanks everybody for the great advice!
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I'm so glad I'm taking another year or more to lose this last 29 lbs so I can save my muscles and enjoy food.

    I tried 1200 calories and I lost my hair, nails, energy, sense of humor, appetite, taste buds, and a lot of other stuff I deem important to my health. Losing weight is not a sprint, it's a marathon.

    Read this
  • lasondraperrygraham1
    My fitness pal says I should be on a 1200 cals a day diet too. Things that I found helpful for me:

    1. Cook for yourself. Always.
    2. Eat nutrient dense food--mostly whole foods rather than calorie dense foods. Keep processed foods to a minimum. This will take time to overcome but the point is to break from the junk food cycle and start to become full on real, low-calorie whole foods.
    3. Eat a mostly vegetarian diet (60-80% veggies/fruits!) and eat lots of it!
    4. Pair those fruits and veggies with fats to keep you full longer and for better nutrient absorption; fruits with cheese is yum. Veggies with nuts/oils but be sure to keep those nuts and oils to a minimum.
    5. Choose fish over chicken, chicken over red meats.
    6. Eat small portions according to the calories; keep doing this so your stomach and mind starts to adjust to your new lifestyle.
    7. Cut out sugary drinks. Drink lots of water; all day. If you feel hungry, drink more water!!
    8. Exercise to create a deficit which allows you to eat more. :D
    9. Plan, plan, plan. Look up how many calories in your food before you eat it. Aim to spread your calories throughout the day. ie. 400 for breakfast, 400 for lunch, 400 for dinner. Likewise you can subtract/add snacks accordingly.
    10. Don't stress too much. Going over a little isn't that bad...
    11. For fun, just before you shower in the bathroom everyday, do 50-100 squats to burn off a bit of calories and build a bit of leg muscle. Then go have a tiny treat. :D:D

    I usually stay between the 1100-1400 range. A little more, a little less but still, I'm seeing results already. And, although 1200 is not a lot, I still get enough of all my nutrients for the week. My food diary is open for you to see. ;)

    Thanks I'll try that
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    1200 a day is too little. You'll never lose weight like that.
  • lasondraperrygraham1
    1200 a day is too little. You'll never lose weight like that.

    Actually it's 2130 calories
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    My calorie set is 1290 a day but I stay a little over 1200 a day. It's tough at first, but I have been successful and am losing one to two pounds a week, with only a couple more to go to hit goal weight. I don't like to cook, my husband does, so instead of making him suffer I just do portion control. 2 pieces of bread went to one, a slice of cake turned into a sliver etc. For a snack, it's low fat yogurt, fruit, or if I am really hungry it's a tablespoon of all natural peanut butter.

    So in essence I haven't eliminated food, I just watch that I stay within 1200 to 1290 calories a day. I also do Lein Cuisine, and Subway 6" sandwiches aren't bad. Every know and then a Big Mac sounds good, meaning that I'll eat less for dinner, etc.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
  • tefleon
    tefleon Posts: 32 Member
    I've been aiming at 1200 for three weeks now and it's starting to come together. I cycle on days I know the family want to get a take out or I know I'll be having a drink. Most of it has been cutting the high calorie ingredients from things like salad and replacing them with more fresh fruit or veg. example - In a chicken salad I was adding blue cheese and nuts which pushed the meal count higher and meant I struggled towards the end of the day.

    I still eat three times each day and sometimes have a snack too. The biggest help were digital scales which zero making putting things together so much easier.

    Planning is good to. On days I'm home, I've entered my whole day of food at breakfast so I know what I expect to have over the day and how many calories that will be.

    Water is also your friend.

    If it makes you feel better, and if you're anything like me, 1200 calories is the amount you want to have to lose weight and not maintain it. That means even if you''re over buy 500 for a day it's still under what you's require to maintain weight so while the lose won't be as much, you're still under what you should have.