Foot pain

I've been running for two years and never had an injury so this is quite confusing. Last night I took my daughter out in her stroller and walked about 2 miles. When I got home and took my shoes off, the right side of my right foot (starts at midpoint and goes back to the heel) was kind of hurting. Didn't bother me really the rest of the night so I got up this morning and did my normal 6.5 mile run. As soon as I stopped running the pain was awful. Couldn't even put pressure on my foot. I've stretched and taken ibuprofen but nothing is helping. Now I'm laid up on the couch with a nice pack mad as can be. Anyone have an idea to what this could be?


  • shammathews
    shammathews Posts: 56 Member
  • therocpile
    therocpile Posts: 54 Member
    my advice to you is to go get your foot x-rayed to make sure nothing serious is wrong. it could be anything, a strain, sprain, tendonitis, stress fracture.

    just chill out in the mean time, dont run and stay off your feet.
  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    Definitely go to a dr. I've had plantar fasciitis for four years now. That doesn't mean that's what you have lol, so go to a dr, but my symptoms always start in the middle of my arch and go to my heel. It's worse after jogging or after a long day of being on my feet, and also first thing in the morning before i get a chance to stretch it out. It used to be so bad i couldnt put any weight on it at all. I'd make a mad dash-scramble-crawl-drag to the bathroom in the morning if I really had to go dragging my foot behind me LOL..
  • kinmoratree
    kinmoratree Posts: 125 Member
    The best answer to this would be to go to your doctor and get an x-ray. However, if you're like me, I HATE doctors and won't go unless I think I'm really sick, so my suggestion is going to be look up Plantar Fasciitis and see if the symptoms match yours. I suffered with it for 2 years before it finally healed on its own.

    Good shoes make all the difference. I wear Brooks Adrenaline for running and work.
  • Peaches160
    Peaches160 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm experiencing the same problem. I just started exercising at home a few weeks ago and begun having the same pain yesterday from the arch to my heel. I'll have it checked out ASAP. Hope yours isn't too serious.

  • ImaWaterBender
    ImaWaterBender Posts: 516 Member
    Plantar fasciitis. Ow.I had it and orthotics helped. They cast my feet and made them. It's get seen by a doc.
  • janeames1
    janeames1 Posts: 4
    You should go get it checked out, but I too have started with pain - basically as you get older your feet flatten out, you may want to go get expert advice from a sports medicine facility with your existing workout footwear and/or go to a good sportswear place and check out new footwear - at one time if you bought from REI you could return the footwear if they didn't work for you, not sure they do it now but def worth buying from there if they still offer that.
  • shammathews
    shammathews Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you everyone for responding! Calling the dr in the morning!