NSV - The past 77 days!

Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
This is just a copy/paste from my blog...but this is the first time I realized that I have been successful and will continue to be during my journey!!! I thought I would share :)

Probably a weird number to look back on my progress but I was thinking about it a lot while on the treadmill yesterday.
Back in October, my birthday came and I got sick of always regretting not losing the weight. I got sick of wanting to stay home every year because I was too embarrassed to go out. I got sick of looking back to the previous year when I vowed to lose weight and it didn't happen..in fact that year I gained. I swore I would not be fat turning 30. So, I vowed by my 29th birthday I would lose at least 100 lbs and on my way to the REAL me. This person, the 305 lb person I became wasn't me. The real me was hiding..buried inside this person I didn't like. So, on October 26, 2010 - the day after my 28th bday I started my journey..again. I think it was like the fourth or fifth time of the year that I was "starting again". There was something different this time. My ambition and drive were different. All the other times I thought I wanted it, but this time I KNEW I wanted it and I was going to get it!!!!

So, 77 days later, here I am. I've stuck with it so far and lost 40 lbs. That's roughly 1/2 lb per day. I am so happy with the way I feel. It's not even about those numbers on the scale, or the tape measurer for that matter. I first stepped on that treadmill on November 22, 2010. I had been doing Power 90 for about three weeks up till this point. I got on the treadmill and 3.0mph, no incline was HARD for me! That's insane! I went 6 days a week and tried gradually building up my speed. I had horrific shin splints that kept holding me back. I tried to push through them, and did some strengthening exercises for that muscle next to my shin..they started feeling better. I was doing little intervals where I'd start at 2.7 for a minute and work up 3.5. That minute when I got to 3.5 couldn't end soon enough..It was ridiculous how hard it was! Over Christmas break, my gym partner couldn't make it b/c of her daughter and I decided to take a week off the treadmill to give my legs a rest....I came back and now I am doing intervals of jogging @ 5mph and my walking is 3.5! When I looked back and realized how far I had come..how hard 3.5 was for me just weeks ago and how now that was my low "recovery" speed, I was amazed! My body is getting so strong! I AM doing this!!!! I then got on the arc trainer..the first day of this I could hardly pull off 3 min...I did it for 10 min and could have kept going. I've also made lots of improvements on the elliptical...1 resistance when I started was hard for me to do..I'm up to 5 and could probably boost it up!

I am just soo excited!! I am changing. My mind is changing, my body is changing. I'm training myself to be able to run and can't wait for that day that I run the entire 5k! When I was thinking of starting the Couch25K I honestly was thinking, I am not a runner, it won't happen for me ever. But you know what? It WILL!! Why can't I be a runner? I want to be so badly and I am willing to put the work in!!!

So, here's to another 77 days..maybe I'll be 40 lbs lighter, maybe not. But I do know, regardless of that number on that scale, I WILL be stronger. I WILL have more endurance. I WILL be running that 5k!!!!

P.S I couldn't do it without my friends on MFP, I <3 you all!!!!



  • Jody1949
    Jody1949 Posts: 20 Member
    Good for you girl!! Hang in there and keep plugging along one day at a time. You sound like you've got your mind right and i know you'll be successful. Have a great and healthy year.:love:

  • mayana2002
    I can relate to you... How many time I "started" last yeaar. IN the middle of losing weight and feeling good something would drag me back to my old habits (eating not walking)... A bad week at work, disappointment with some friends, family problems, the fact that I am in the US without any relative (I miss them a lot specially on Sundays).... Everything become an excuse for me to eat and comfort myself... For the past 3 years I added a lot of pounds to my existence... Seriously, that needs to end! NOw is the time!
    I am glad I have support from MFP! Everybody here is amazing! It is good knowing I am not alone! :)
    Keep it up girl! I can see a big change in your face and head (your hair also changed!). Soon you will go shopping for smaller clothes and that will feel so good! :):) Hugs
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Thank you both!!!!!
  • purplespeckle
    your eyes 'pop' in that week 10 pic. very pretty. and love your cheeks. you look great. great job.
  • calypott
    Awesome!! You can REALLY see it in your face. Keep up the great work! :)
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Thank you! :)
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I can relate to you... How many time I "started" last yeaar. IN the middle of losing weight and feeling good something would drag me back to my old habits (eating not walking)... A bad week at work, disappointment with some friends, family problems, the fact that I am in the US without any relative (I miss them a lot specially on Sundays).... Everything become an excuse for me to eat and comfort myself... For the past 3 years I added a lot of pounds to my existence... Seriously, that needs to end! NOw is the time!
    I am glad I have support from MFP! Everybody here is amazing! It is good knowing I am not alone! :)
    Keep it up girl! I can see a big change in your face and head (your hair also changed!). Soon you will go shopping for smaller clothes and that will feel so good! :):) Hugs

    Now is the right time and MFP is wonderful! You will do amazing!!!
  • Zumbalady808
    Your doing awesome, just keep it up and if you get bored look for something different to do!!!!! I do Zumba and have found that to be my lifesaver, 70 pounds in 9 months and still going strong and I feel like a whole new person!!!!! I was another on on the treadmill and I suffered from Shin Splints to, I hated it because it slowed me down and I would find every excuse not to get back on the treadmill because it hurt to much.. Now after doing zumba my cardio is so built up I can run/job two miles with ease but it still kinda hurts my shin's so I just stick to whats been working for me..

    I hope you keep it up and don't lose hope 9 months went by fast for me
  • ajgus
    ajgus Posts: 3
    You should be so proud of yourself. I really needed your story
    Stay tough u r doing great!
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    This is a wonderful post!! Congratulations on your accomplishments so far!!! I am also NOT a runner, but am going to start C25K tomorrow. I am determined to make it, too! I have 45 lbs left until my goal and am going to make sure I don't give up this time!!
  • mrsannett
    mrsannett Posts: 257 Member
    Wow you are doing great!!! Keep up the great work!
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Thank you everyone!

    Zumbalady - Yes, changing things up is important! That's why I only completed 60 days of the Power 90 lol...its the original workout and it is sooo boring! Starting the Shred on Monday :)

    ajgus - thx so much!!! :)

    Michelle - You won't give up! I modified the C25K for myself b/c I didn't want to get discouraged if I couldn't do exactly what it said and give up. So I'm doing what I can do and changing it up at my own pace!

    mrsannett - Thank you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • indigochilds
    indigochilds Posts: 69 Member
    Wow, your post is amazing. I can totally relate to you. Because I also want to be slender/ healthy by the time I hit 30. The reasons of why you stated why you want to loose the weight is almost the same as mine. This is my 3rd or 4th attempt. But You did it for 77 days which is amazing. I don't think I was ever that diligent when I was trying to loose weight. I will be taking your life lessons and putting it towards my own goals.Because what you said gave me motivation and answered the biggest question of why I was never successful. Thank You
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    WOW you can really see the difference in your face.. great job and keep up all the hard work! :)
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Thank you!!! :)
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