New, nervous but determined -and from the U.K

Hi everyone, I haven't been slim for a long time. I'm a 32 year old mum to 4 gorgeous children but I want to get myself back to a healthy weight. I recently moved back to my home town but have found I don't really know many people. I'm gay, best friends with my kids dad though. Recently got out of a relationship and put even more weight on, so now I'm determined to be single, slim and happy.....
I'd love to hear from anyone and everyone coz I know I'll do better with support and I'll definitely help anyone else along too.
Good luck to us all :-)


  • fannyanntut
    fannyanntut Posts: 39 Member
    don't be nervous. I found this place only a week ago and it has been such an inspiration. everyone here is going through weight and body image issue to some extent and the support it fantastic. I'm from the UK too. I've friended you, hope you don't mind x
  • Totallydetermined
    Totallydetermined Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you :-) Where abouts are you? I've got a gym membership that runs out next month that I was going to cancel but I'm going to keep it now. I don't know how I'm going to control the sweet tooth attacks I get every night but there isn't a single day that goes by that I regret my weight. I had a tummy tuck a few years ago and I'm so annoyed with myself for not making the most of a chance to sort myself out.
  • raiderkiwi
    hi! I just started to, I am married and have 2 kids I am from New Zealand and have been living in california for the last 16 years. :smile:
  • raiderkiwi
    hi! I just started to, I am married and have 2 kids I am from New Zealand and have been living in california for the last 16 years. :smile: Ilike to party a little too much! Thats what has given me this huge But Iam on the right track ready to do this!!!!!!
  • mhayes13
    mhayes13 Posts: 60 Member
    If you want results and support this is the site for you. Don't be nervous - people are great here. Good luck - I friended you so we can motivate each other.
  • Totallydetermined
    Totallydetermined Posts: 19 Member
    Ah california, lucky you. As I type the weather outside my window is howling wind and rain. Definitely not much incentive to go outside for any kind of exercise.... :-)
  • Totallydetermined
    Totallydetermined Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you mhayes, and well done you on the marathon!!! I have a long long way to go but I've never tried to do it before with support so I really htink this will make all the difference. Thank you for the friend request too :-)
  • queensarahdj
    Hi and welcome.... ..I'm from the UK but now live in South Dakota (USA)...You will find a lot of support on here and will make new friends in no time....
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Good luck to you :) I am sure you will find loads of support on this site. I have been using it for a few weeks, and I love it. I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but it is so useful (and addictive). I lived in London for about a year, put on weight at that time due to the lifestyle there... commute, office work, commute, etc.
  • raiderkiwi
    music is the key!! I cannot work out unless I am rocking out on my ipod.
  • Totallydetermined
    Totallydetermined Posts: 19 Member
    Ah, I spent 18 months in London and I definitely indulged with all the lovely restaurants etc... I miss London so much though.
    And yes, music I agree can definitely help. One of the things that motivates me is imagining me going out and being able to dance again without feeling huuuggggeeeee.
  • LeAngeRose
    Hey MissM, I love your goal of a New York shopping trip! What a great reward for the hard work you can put in this year! Good luck, you can do it!
  • Totallydetermined
    Totallydetermined Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you. I am definitely going to new York in December. I have never been before and would be so angry with myself if I wasn't able to enjoy all the shopping etc because of my weight. My kids are all active healthy kids and I dislike setting them such a bad example. But.... this year I want to show them that mummy can and will be healthy too.
  • MsSaturday
    MsSaturday Posts: 89 Member
    I am new here also :) It does seem to be a great tool and full of supportive people. Im also in the same situation, single mom of an active healthy child, I put on a ton of weight after last break up (like i was on a mission or something,lol!) now determined to get it all off and focus on me this year. good luck! I'm sending a friend invite, I know I could use all the motivation I can get, lol.
  • Totallydetermined
    Totallydetermined Posts: 19 Member
    I'm glad you have joined, and thank you for the friend invite. Like you, I'm determined that this year will be about me. I spend most of my time looking after everyone else, but I'm finding myself a better balance now.
    Good luck with everything, and I look forward to motivating each other.