I hate to exercise!

heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I really hate to exercise. Really, really hate it. I have never been one to work out, participate in sports, etc. Hence why I'm so fat - that and my love of junk food.

On my quest to adopt a new lifestyle, I know I have to get over it and get my butt in gear!

If there's anyone out there used to be anti-exercise and has found something they really enjoy -- please share! I need some ideas!

Thanks in advance! :)


  • I feel the same... Help us.
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    One option is to go to your local library and rent some of the popular exercise videos: Turbo Jam, Slim in Six, Jillian's 30 Day Shred, etc... Find ones you can tolerate at a minimum and hopefully enjoy before spending the money to buy.

    I used to really hate exercise and I just started out with my MP3 Player and walking to get things started. Once I started to feel good doing it, it was alot easier to move onto other things. Now I just bought an elliptical so take things in small steps and enjoy your journey.
  • melissa1977
    melissa1977 Posts: 129 Member
    Don't think of exercise as a pill you have to swallow. Think of it as fun! Do you like to dance? Throw on some music and shake that booty! Do you enjoy more social things? Think about maybe trying a Zumba class. If you like to have 30 minutes to just be alone and think, then a walk around your neighborhood or zoning out on a treadmill is for you. Grab a basketball and some friends and head to the park to shoot hoops. Any activity is a good one as long as you get out there and do it! :)
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I never thought I was an exerciser...now I am in the gym every day, sometimes twice a day.

    My best advice is to try everything. Find a gym or community center, and start moving. Go to classes, use machines, walk outside, try a martial arts class, try some boxing, try a dance class (Zumba has converted a great many non-exercise types), try yoga, try body-pump, try everything. Chances are you will continue to hate everything once you first start, as we all despise exiting our comfort zone. Give yourself some time, notice that exercise makes you feel better afterwards and stick with it.

    The only way to like moving is to get used to moving, and the only way to do that is to start moving.:flowerforyou:
  • Hey actually I have found two things that I enjoy. I picked up a tai chi for beginners video, it is not high energy, but does seem to be a good workout. Another is the Just Dance 2 game for WII. I just started that but I love it. I also have Wii fit and I like it as well. The problem is that I get bored easily with workouts so I have to change my workouts on a regular basis to keep my exercising. Good luck I hope this helps.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I know what you mean. I've never enjoyed exercise for the sake of exercise. Even when I was active, I detested the idea.

    I've found that now I am enjoying my stationary bike, though. I do other things as well, but it's the most simple and easiest to do for me. I always had trouble with anything high impact (bad back and bad knees), so it has helped tremendously in allowing me to get cardio in. And I can keep my mind occupied watching tv, which helps the time fly by.

    Just keep trying new things and you'll find what works for you. Stay strong!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Do you like to dance? Try a Zumba class or maybe Just Dance or Just Dance 2 on the Wii. They are all so much fun and they get your heart rate up.

    Other than that I can't help much. I love to push myself at the gym, so I'm becoming an exercise addict. :smile:
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    Yes yes yes I totally was a person that HATED to exercise and i tried every class that interested me and some wre good, but i never stuck with it bc i kept getting unmotivated.

    Just recently i truly found an exercise that is fun and is going to shed pounds before you know it! It's called Turbo Jam and it's a cardio/ kickboxing and it's great for all level. The instructor is so motivating and sweet! i can truthfully say i look forward to exercising again and again. if you want to know more about it through my point of view. add me as a friend and/or Private message me!!:flowerforyou:
  • MrsFoster18
    MrsFoster18 Posts: 125 Member
    I just completed one week of going to the gym 6 times. (one day of rest) and it is not something that I enjoyed per say, but I knew that if I wanted to be successful then this is something that I have to do. While I am there I think of clothes that I want to buy, healthy meals to make, and things that I can do that I can't do over weight.

    Try out different things to see what works for you. Gym, DVd's, walking outside (weather permitting), classes...just keep trying.
  • Ncmel
    Ncmel Posts: 3
    I am somewhat the same way - I would start an exercise program and then quit after a few days because I hated it. Then a friend convinced me to come to a Zumba class. I absolutely loved it. It wasn't like exercise at all. I have no rythmn but it doesn't matter. The whole point of Zumba is to have fun and keep moving. I go every week to the class and got the Zumba DVD's for Christmas. The key is to find something you like and then it won't be hard to do anymore.
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    I started out with 30 day shred but found it too hard ( it seemed to go on forever). I found Leslie Sansone on youtube (talked about by lots of MFP-ers but not known here in England) and I love it. I've started using weights to add to the workout. I also have Just Dance 1&2 and Wii Fit. I go for walks on a Sunday with my Mum and Sister-in-law and I walk whenever I can!

    I used to swim, it burned around 900 cals for 30 mins but I've not been for months and can't afford to renew my membership this year.

    Have a look on youtube, see if there's a workout that tickles your fancy.

    Leslie Sansone:

    You have to endure some adverts but I just do a bit of walking to get started!

    Oooooh1 And I hope to start Zumba (and also get the Wii game!).
  • dmmarie21
    dmmarie21 Posts: 254 Member
    It doesn't feel like excercise. I too hate working out, but, can do zumba! I actually bought the zumba dvds and do them at home. According to my HRM I usually burn between 600-750 calories in an hour, and it goes fast! You don't even have to KNOW how to dance, lol, I just jump around a lot :laugh:
  • abnjsh
    abnjsh Posts: 1
    Take a small step by walking in your neighborhood or on a treadmill. If I have created a new playlist on my MP3 player with my favorite songs it is more motivating to me. I try to walk to the beat of a song and it keeps me more focused. (I'm one to start out at a good pace but end up walking very slow before it's all over-before I even realize it.) The upbeat music keeps my mood up.
  • I am hoping that the good feeling that I get AFTER I exercise will motivate me, because I hate it too. I have a stationary bike...which I am happy to have, but it is soooooo boring. I think I need to tape a picture of my nieces on it - guiilt me into my exercise or something. I like to walk the dogs, but it is dark by the time I get home so....the bike will have to serve until then. When it gets warmer, my hubby and I play with the dogs in the backyard. Remember that any movement is movement, you know. Gardening, cleaning the house, walking the dog, walking in a mall...all of those can count. Take a pedometer with you, too.
  • HI< It is so Hard, , I felt like you , so loved Junk Food, and no exercise , hated to go outside, anything Physical.. I am 29 and 5'9 and over 300+ pounds, I really had to start taking baby steps in order to get my body going, I have replaced my Junk food with Fruit, find things you love that are Healthy. Me and my sis started to walk around our park area , every morning for a mile, it's good to go with a partner, that can motivate you , and tell you to "focus" and Look what for that Prize at the end, knowing you Can DO ANYTHING if you put your mind to it, I just started 5 days ago, and to tell you I feel so much better knwing that I am striving to put my body in gear. I have a slipped disc , and it will slip anytime , I have the aches and pains but I am just focusing, We will put on music around the house and just dance , as long as your body is moving. Have Faith and Focus and you can Do it! Anyone can do anything if you put your mind to it and focus.. Focus focus focus!!!! I hope it helped you, Praying for you! ANd everyone else that is feeling the same thing. GOOD LUCK ! You CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • cbarnes44
    cbarnes44 Posts: 1 Member
    Dance classes work for me. The trick is to find something fun so it does not seem like exercise. Take a ballroom dance class with your significant other - or take a belly dance class. Zumba has become popular and it is fun because you are learning some dance steps. I have also taken African dance classes. Many towns have adult ed programs that offer dance classes at reasonable prices.

    The other activity that I like is walking my dogs on the beach. I have a friend who walks dogs as a side business for extra money. She gets exercise and an extra income. Can't beat that.

    Good luck!
  • PepsiGal
    PepsiGal Posts: 85 Member
    The original Tae-Bo 25 minute workout is great! It's easy to learn, short workout you can do at home without equipment or space requirements. It's only 25 minutes which will fly by quick once you learn the moves. I love it because there's no complicated dancy steps to learn (I'm very uncoordinated). TaeBo and treadmill power walks helped me lose the last 20 lbs. Any kickboxing DVD is good and empowering.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Perhaps get out of that frame of mind 'I hate to do'. It took me about a good 6 months to actually commit to an exercise program - which I finally committed to P90 (Power 90) - its the first program before the popular P90X. I'm Day 32 and I love it!
    beachbody.com is a sign up for free, and you're able to get an online coach for FREE - these coaches are dedicated into their work, and personal emails or look up facebook feeds of Tony Horton...I've started with P90 at 162lbs on Dec 6 2010 - and today I weight in at 155lbs. It makes a difference. Best wishes in all you do and choose. xo
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I don't mind the exercising part I hate to SWEAT never have liked it. If I didn't sweat like a pig i'd be fine. But I guess the only way to get to the not sweating as much is exercising and getting into shape .I sweat faster because of the many excessive pounds I have Looking forward to not sweating as much
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I agree with many! Zumba was what did it for me! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I also like to set goals for myself, so I am training for my first 5K and that forces me to train. FInd something you love and run with it!
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