Nerds Unite!



  • 29_adjacent
    29_adjacent Posts: 104 Member

    I'm not a gamer but I am into several things one might consider 'nerdy', including (but not limited to) Doctor Who, Sherlock, LotR, GoT, Harry Potter and MCU.

  • eeriesilence
    eeriesilence Posts: 73 Member

    I'm a pretty big gamer myself. By that I mean I constantly recycle a few of my favorite verses, because I have a problem with trying new things. oop. I'm more of a Dead Space / Borderlands / DMC gamer, but I've been known to get hooked on WoW for months at a time. Other than that I'm pretty into Star Trek (primarily TNG), anything Tolkien, Firefly and about a million other series. I read a lot of sci-fi, and am actually a Biochem major in College right now. I like science quite a bit.

    I'm also part of the "want to lose weight to cosplay" crowd. Aiming to lose another 50 lbs, and would love some friends to keep me motivated!

    ...And friends to talk nerdy with. Both would be awesome.
  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    To the people that asked, I play on the Balmung FFXIV server :)
  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    I do love some BSG also! It just did not pop into me head.
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    Let's see...I'm a HUGE Marvel fan (DC can suck it - except the Batman franchise - I heart Harley Quinn, Joker, and Bane) - Deadpool is my favorite (if you can't tell by my Deadpool Taco Kitty ticker ^_^)...the movies are cool (the X-Men franchise has gotten a LOT better), but I also love the comics.

    I love cosplay and am currently working on a steampunk Rogue costume for the London Film & Comic Con. I still have some weight to lose, but I'll make it work. I was Lilith from Borderlands (first, not second) for SDCC '12.

    I love video games, too. I have a PS3, Nintendo, SNES, Sega, Nintendo DS, & a Wii. I'm playing a bunch of games at the moment - Deadpool, Bioshock Infinite, Resident Evil, the new(er) Tomb Raider, Arkham Origins, & Skyrim.

    Then I guess there are the obligatory nerd movies/shows - Harry Potter, LotR, Star Wars, Big Bang Theory, etc

    Feel free to add me, awesome nerds.
  • karentalty
    karentalty Posts: 52 Member
    Hello! My name is Karen and I am working hard at losing weight-albeit slowly! I am an avid Dr Who fan and love Sci Fi in general. I am a Jedi Master in training in my own head and when I do my circuits training at home I train as I feel it will inevitably benefit me when a zombie attack happens. Fact. Add away! I always love to chat with like minded people!
  • jimbmc
    jimbmc Posts: 83 Member
    HI there, I'm James. I guess I'm fairly nerdy. I am a big WoW player (well, not so big anymore, as i'm now 4 stone lighter:P), but I love WoW, been playing for 7 years almost. Big fan of sci-fi mainly Star Wars and Fantasy/Superhero stuff.

    I was a Soldier for 25 years (British Army) before I retired 4 years ago. Now self Employed and loving it. Been using MFP on and off for a couple of years now, having a really good stretch atm, getting ready for holiday in Tenerife in 4 weeks time :)

    Add me if you like, always happy to meet new ppl, get advice, pass on tips etc.


    p.s. For the Alliance!
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    You're already my friend but you can never have enough nerdy friends. :bigsmile:

    I'm Kathy and I'm a baby nerd. I love, love, love television shows, especially Grimm, Game of Thrones (the books as well), The Walking Dead, Sleepy Hollow and about two million more.

    I'm also a huge book nerd and I'll read almost everything and am passionate about a lot of series and authors. I'll be getting a John Green-related tattoo together with a friend in October. So excited!

    Through my friend, I've learned to appreciate the odd Marvel movie, though I'm still in the state of "Hey, this is quite cool" rather than full on nerd mode. And I also enjoy computer games, though I mostly play The Sims and WoW. I'm thinking about getting a PS3 so I can play Skyrim and GTA V but I'm not sure if getting more sedentary activities in my life would be helping my weight loss journey along. :embarassed:
  • myoldself2011
    I rarely come on the boards, but I'm bored at work and this was the first thread that popped up. I love it all.

    I'm not on the level of most of you, but I think this is a fun group. I too love everything Marvel and will give props to DC for Batman. I watched the TV shows and movies and rely on the hubs knowledge to tell me if they're accurate based on the comics. My other faves are Harry Potter (I will be at Universal Studios within the next year to see the expansion), Star Trek, Twilight series (I know I know), and Big Bang Theory. On the anime front I love Dragonball Z and most of what comes on Adult Swim. The hubs was a PS guy, until I convinced him to let me bring Xbox One in the house. It's great for working out a home, btw.

    I have another 30 lbs to lose before I hit 100 lbs lost overall.

    Our dream is to go to Comic-Con.
  • nickowastaken
    nickowastaken Posts: 751 Member
    01001101 01111001 00100000 01101110 01100001 01101101 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01001110 01101001 01100011 01101011 00101110 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110010 01100100 01111001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110000 01100101 01100001 01101110 01110101 01110100 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110100 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110011 01100001 01101110 01100100 01110111 01101001 01100011 01101000 01100101 01110011
  • brayman1701
    brayman1701 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi My names Martin and I'm addicted to star trek ;).

    I love anything to do with star trek particularly the next generation. I also play video games and work in IT and build my own pc's at home.

    One of the many reasons I want to lose weight is so I can go to a star trek convention in a uniform and look good it and get a photo done with the tng crew.
  • Jztime
    Jztime Posts: 138 Member
    OMG! Died and gone to nerd/geek heaven!

    I am also trying to lose weight in part to be able to Cosplay more!

    I have about 90 pounds to lose before I'm going to be happy though...and maybe more in order to be in my "normal" range.

    I loves gaming (PS4) and DC comics mainly...don't hate Marvel but not so much of a fan.

    This is an amazing pleased you started it!
  • Heatherybit
    Heatherybit Posts: 91 Member
    I feel like I'm home..
    Nerd Cred:

    Old School D&D
    Anime/Manga you name it
    Usually anything with the word Star..from Trek to Wars
    HTML 5 is my new favorite hobby
    Rock star in the OG Sega Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog
    Researching various 8-bit patterns to knit for my Pug's sweater
    Still remember exactly how long it took to load a page on my 1200 baud modem on Prodigy
    Thinks that Reddit is just revamped Usenet
    Looks back fondly to bright pink hair and shakes my fist at responsibilities/age that limit from rocking it again
    Have a permanent injury to my right thumb because of the X button
    HATES that Barnes & Nobles clumps Sci-Fi and Fantasy in the same section

    Oh about 13lbs to go to get back into college shape.
  • sophysings
    sophysings Posts: 28 Member
    I've only just started back losing weight again and it's great to see so many people on my wavelength! I'm not so much into gaming but I am a total bookworm, I love anime/manga, sci-fi, and anything that takes my head somewhere different and cool. I also work in a real life hospital laboratory so my other main geekiness is science. The word nerd is not so much used over here in the UK but I guess if I was across the pond I'd definitely be classed as one!
  • marikaCL
    marikaCL Posts: 276 Member

    I like to think of myself as a nerd/geek.

    I love my Sci Fi, currently rewatching all of Star Trek in order, and also love Babylon 5, BSG, Stargate etc.

    I'm a gamer as well, recently started playing WoW and play lots of other games including Half Life, Mass Effect, Halo, Minecraft etc

    I'm a big computer geek as well, work as an IT Tech and love building new pc's and messing around with hardware.

    I'm on here everyday and try to support as much as I can. Recently had to start again, so I know how hard it can be sometimes.

    Anyone feel free to add me.

  • RLMsFitnessPal
    RLMsFitnessPal Posts: 81 Member
    I usually refer to myself as a geek, so count me in. I love sci-fi and sci-fantasy. I'm a huge Trekker, and watch probably all of the space opera shows like Star Trek, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, etc. The Walking Dead and Big Bang Theory are two of my favorite current TV shows. I also like Dr. Who even though I'm behind on it right now. I also really got into Under the Dome based on the Stephen King novel last summer. I frequently watch programming on Science Channel, H2 History, NatGeo, Discovery, History, and BBC America. I love watching documentaries, especially nature and wildlife.

    I'm a casual gamer at best. Angry Birds, Sudoku, Mahjong, Solitaire, and such games are about right for my attention span. I never really got into RPG games because I don't have that kind of attention span. Many of my friends are avid gamers, though. I love puzzles and brainteasers. I have several different types of puzzle books laying around at any time. I tend to go for things I can pick up and put down at my own pace.

    Science and technology and two of my favorite subjects. I pick up about any science and technology magazine for my reading pleasure. I also tend to read many of the websites and blogs when I have time. I get out of the house by frequenting places like libraries, museums, parks, etc. I like travelling and sightseeing.

    I enjoy horror movies, but don't get to watch them much these days since my wife doesn't like them and I have a young child. I love Stephen King novels. I've recently started downloading the new Star Trek comics on my Nook. I've also been wanting to check out The Walking Dead comics, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

    I fell into a major depression several years ago, and have been working to rebuild myself since. I'm determined to overcome, but some days are better than others. I used to work as a newspaper reporter/photographer before I hit a massive burnout. I miss parts of that lifestyle, so I'm working on rebuilding my writing and photography skills. I'm also working toward an accounting/computer science degree. I've also worked for a local H&R Block as a tax preparer, and am working to keep doing that during the tax seasons. I've also taken an interest in drawing and Zentangle.

    On a side note, marikaCL, I just wanted to say I love your Enterprise-D ticker. I've been binging on TNG reruns on Netflix and BBC America when I have time. I'm sending you a friend request just for that. If anyone else wants to be friends, feel free to send a friend request. I'm generally quiet and mind my own business, but often offer a sympathetic ear to those who need it.
  • RoxyDisaster
    RoxyDisaster Posts: 112 Member
    Hi! I'm Kiersten. 20 years old with probably around 100 to lose.

    I also always wished that I could take part in cosplay but I never even considered doing it at my size.

    I just discovered the world of comic books. I'm a big fan of Deadpool and newly, Wolverine.
    I love Game Of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Sons Of Anarchy(Maybe not so nerdy), and Breaking Bad.
    I spend most of my days playing World Of Warcraft, League Of Legends, and Dawngate.
    I highly enjoy pokemon. I'm currently playing the first Darksiders game on Xbox.
    I'm more so a PC gamer though, I think.
    There's a whole lot more I could write but those are the basics of my geekiness c:

    Exactly Everything this girl said ^^^ =P no lie!
  • jherobinson
    jherobinson Posts: 27 Member
    Hey there, I've been told Im nerdy but I don't believe a word of it! :P

    I've been into gaming since the Commodore 64, though I don't currently own a video games console and am at most a very casual gamer now-a-days. Mainly play football (soccer) games atm, but South Park Stick of Truth sparked my interest again, and I just bought a new Laptop to play Wildstar and Titanfall.

    Avid viewer of Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Big Bang Theory and 2 Broke Girls (sssshhhhhhhhhh)!

    My favourite shop in London is Forbidden Planet and I've started collecting Funko Pop! Vinyl figures. People tend to hate it when I drag them in there.

    Er... think thats about it tbh. :)

  • vindetta182
    vindetta182 Posts: 5 Member
    Im pretty nerdy. Into manga/anime, D&D, star wars and star trek. Never had a desire to go to a con though like a see a lot of you do. Im a computer engineer so I spend a lot of my time coding and infront a computer. I'm currently addicted to Fire Emblem Awakening on the 3DS
  • tinkbaby101
    tinkbaby101 Posts: 180 Member
    01001101 01111001 00100000 01101110 01100001 01101101 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01001110 01101001 01100011 01101011 00101110 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110010 01100100 01111001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110000 01100101 01100001 01101110 01110101 01110100 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110100 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110011 01100001 01101110 01100100 01110111 01101001 01100011 01101000 01100101 01110011

    Best. Response. Ever.

    ETA - I, too, enjoy peanut butter.