Weight loss and breastfeeding?!

supaflyjoy Posts: 20 Member
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
I have 30lbs that I want to lose that I gained during pregnancy. I've never needed to lose weight before, and dieting is very new to me. My baby is 3 months old, and is fed only breast milk. I just started exercising and counting my calories to about 1,000 a day about 4 days ago. My milk production dropped immediately to the point of very far from adequate to meet my baby's appetite. I used up all of my frozen milk and increased my calories to meet his needs... but now how am I supposed to ever lose weight!!? I don't want to supplement with formula, and he's too young to supplement with baby food. I'm so discouraged. Any suggestions?


  • Totallydetermined
    Totallydetermined Posts: 19 Member
    Stick with breast feeding 100%. I fed all four of mine by breast only and I found that the weight was easier to come off as long as I was disciplined with eating healthy foods, though I was able to eats lots and lots of food because breast feeding burns more calories than being pregnant does. Use a breast pump more often to get your milk suppy re-established (plus this will be burning calories) and try to eat regularly and make sure you get all the goodness you need. I'm sure if you keep away from the 'bad stuff' that the weight will fall off soon.
    Best of luck and of course, congratulations on your baby.

    Oh, and 1000 calories is definitely not enough...
  • I saw a post the other day talking about this and someone mentioned that dieting breast feeding moms aren't supposed to have any LESS than 1500-1700 calories a day. Let me check my topics and see if I can find the link for you!
  • jppoynt
    jppoynt Posts: 16 Member
    I was never able to diet and breastfeed (I have 2 kids). My milk supply immediately dropped off every time I cut calories. I know people who couldn't keep weight ON when breastfeeding, but I know 1000 calories is definitely not enough to sustain you and your baby! Keep up the breastfeeding though - one of the most beautiful, healthy & important things you can do for your baby! Congrats!
  • I saw a post the other day talking about this and someone mentioned that dieting breast feeding moms aren't supposed to have any LESS than 1500-1700 calories a day. Let me check my topics and see if I can find the link for you!
    Here's the link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/148841-i-ask-a-lot-of-questions-but-i-need-to-know-if-i-am-eating
    It's about half way down the page.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    You can lose weight while breastfeeding, you just need to do it slowly. Just like when you're pregnant, your body needs a certain number of calories to keep your body going and continue to help nourish the baby. A sudden drop in calories like the one you describe will undoubtedly affect your supply, because your body needs time to adjust. There are some good tips on Kellymom.com for losing weight in a healthy way while maintaining your nursing relationship. You need to keep in mind that breastfeeding alone burns up to 500 calories per day! So if you're only eating 1000 calories a day, you're only leaving yourself 500 calories to work with after milk production, and that's not enough -- that's why you had the drop in supply. It was for your survival.


    Also remember that if you lose weight too quickly, YOUR health may suffer as well as your milk supply. Your body will continue to try to make milk, and if you don't have the nutrients and calories available from your diet to make the milk, you'll have to pull from your own reserves, which can make you sick and weak. Make sure you're still taking your prenatal vitamins (or another supplement approved for nursing moms) and just go slowly with the weight loss. Gradual weight loss is easier to maintain anyway -- don't rush it.
  • mookiemoo
    mookiemoo Posts: 46 Member
    Once baby is 6 months and eating fingers of toast and chunks of cheese he might start feeding less in the day so prehapes you could make small changes then

    I found myself in the same boat as you and I second choosing the breast feeding over the diet, it can be hard at work but once you get to 6 months and baby starts weaning (baby led weaning rocks by the way - google it ) it all just becaomes so easy and magical

  • As a Mother Baby nurse, and a mother who has breastfed four children, I cannot stress enough how important it is to NOT diet while breastfeeding. Your body needs all of its normal daily requirements plus the extra 500- 1000 cals a day you will burn breast feeding a baby exclusively. You can however eat very healthy, drink lots of water, and take your prenatal vitamin daily and probably begin to see your weight come off slowly but surely. Eat often during the day, choosing healthy foods and lots of water and more likely than not you will lose much of your baby weight. Your baby's health and your metabolism depend on it. If you deprive yourself, your milk will stop first and then your body will begin to store everything you eat.... slowing your metabolism and making the problem worse! Then you are tired bc your baby is starving and not sleeping and then you may choose to grab the first 10 cookies you see (that's what I did!). Patience! It will come if you make healthy choices. Enjoy your baby!!!
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Don't stop breastfeeding! Its one of the best gifts you could possibly give your precious new little one.

    When breastfeeding you need an ADDITIONAL 500 calories per day added to your BMR. Your body burns lots of extra energy to create that milk! Typically for the average female (without knowing your personal information to calculate your specific needs), the basic calorie needs when breastfeeding are 2700kcal per day. You need a calorie deficit of 3500 calories to lose 1 pound of body fat. Stretched over a week this would be deficit of 500kcal per day for 1 pound of weight loss per week. That means you would need to eat 2200 kcal per day. If you are trying to lose 2 lbs per week (not recommended) then you need to decrease calorie intake by 1000 kcal per day.....so this means a MINIMAL of 1700 kcal per day. If you add in exercise (which has many health benefits), eat those extra calories.

    If you don't get enough calories your body will start to conserve energy any way possible. The first thing that will suffer is your milk supply as your body needs plenty of extra energy to produce breastmilk. If you continue to consume too few calories it will also stifle your weight loss efforts. Your body needs a basic supply of calories each day in order to continue basic organ function. Thus the BMR (basal metabolic rate).

    So eat up! Remember to eat a variety and get plenty of proteins, healthy fats, and fruits and veggies as all that healthy goodness will be passed to your sweet little one! Congrats by the way.....motherhood is divine! Of course its also challenging and tiring at times.....but 100% fulfilling! :)

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me. I have a college degree in nutrition and have recently completed my 10-month post graduate internship......and my passion and interest are in pediatric nutrition and health and wellness in pregnant and lactating women. :)
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member

    GREAT website and info! Definitely read this....and follow the sound advice! Best wishes to you on your journey.....and with that sweet new baby. :)
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    You need to eat more than 1000 calories while breastfeeding. Breastfeeding alone burns something like 500 calories (this is of course for someone on demand breastfeeding). You can and will lose weight while breast feeding. Please check out kellymom.com. It is hands down the best breastfeeding site. Also weight watchers has a program for breastfeeding mothers. Good luck and congrats for doing such a good job with the breastfeeding!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    my son is 15 months and I have been only breastfeeding since day 1!, my supply has never gotten low. Its basically supply and demand, if hes breastfeeding frequently for long periods your milk should be coming down, also drinking hot stuff makes milk go down. I recently saw a tea at GNC that is meant to bring your milk down too.

    after 1 year of breastfeeding, sitting a lot, staying home and not being active put me in my highest weight. I dont count the calories im eating i just try to be balanced and cut all junk and fast food. I do a lot of cardio so the fat gets out! and I do 30 day shred to tighten up my loose places. It has been working out great for me, before when I was a yo yo dieter I couldnt lose good amount of weight each month so I would give up, but setting my mind to eating great and working out 6x a week I have been consistent every month.
  • Sorry if I'm repeating anything but when you log your food, search breastfeeding and add it in each day. That will allocate the extra calories you need for breastfeeding. (there are options for younger babies and older babies so just choose the right one)

    You can lose weight, you just have to do it slowly and make sure you are eating the right number of calories is all.

    Good luck!
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