Looking for a buddy

Hey guys,

Most of the friends I have made on MFP have become inactive so I'm looking for some new active friends to stay motivated.

A bit about me;
170cm tall (5'7")
85.7kg (188lbs)

BJJ 3x a week
SL5x5 every second day
Currently working on C25K (Week 3 atm)

I'm a qualified Chef and have done my Certificate III & IV in Fitness and have currently lost 29kg to date and I'm approximately 10-15kg away from my GW.



  • YollaDCgirl
    YollaDCgirl Posts: 35 Member
    I'm looking for some friends to help me get started again. I love food and also love cooking. I'm am not employed at the moment which means I'm home all day. I could use se help and motivation.
    I am 167cm tall
    I currently weigh around 80kg
    I don't care so much about losing the actual kgs but I want to become fit again.I used to be a competitive dancer but after I had to quit due to some bad injuries I fell off the wagon. So what do you say?
  • jennastar2
    I'm home all day too (SAHM) though I'll probably be working a couple days a wk soon. I would like to lose 50 lbs (5'8", 205).
    I am not usually this big and need to lose this for my health!

    I'm doing carb cycling and trying to just eat healthy. I may start a running program.
  • ChrisJames2014
    I'll be your fitness bud on here if u like, I'm down to 2 friends now (only ones that bother to log on)
  • Monique3677
    Hi -
    Same here - looking for some friends to help keep me back on track...again. ANy thoughts about getting (re)started? I unfortunately am getting over a broken leg, so no running yet for me. Thought some sort of 30 day challenge (not involving running or jumping) would fun. Looking to lose the 20# I've put on since I broke my leg. Uggh. And to develop better habits overall.
  • tj3075
    tj3075 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I am looking for a buddy too.

    Recently had a bad car accident in 2012 (with a back injury) and then subsequently diagnosed with Fibromyaligia (2014), I have decided to fight the pain and health issues by getting healthier instead of with drugs.

    To date I have lost over 25lbs since I started this journey in March. Sadly MFP does not let you edit the start weight so it doesn't currently show my total transformation.

    I feel that I still have about 60lbs to lose.

    I am looking for a buddy to help me fight through staying active, staying on my fibro dietary restrictions, and keep me focussed on me and not get sucked into the emotional mess that is my family and work.

    If you are up for the challenge and need someone to support you too... Maybe we will make a good pair (or group).