Do you take any days off?

Ok weird question! Do you take any days off while trying to lose from working out? If so, do you take off scheduled days (say the weekend) or just work out each day? Hubby says I should give the muscles a break, but then I could be working off and on (say weight lifting one day, cardio the next...) I feel guilty for thinking about a day off. How do you do it? Do you have a routine that includes days off and still lose weight? Thanks for you help!


  • undercover
    undercover Posts: 138 Member
    I don't really plan to take days off, but sometimes things happen - get stuck at work, someone suggests an activity or dinner right after work and get home too late to do anything. I just try to do more the day after. Also, I usually don't log the walking I do that is not part of an work out walk, or things like shopping and cleaning etc, so I hope I have done some kind of exercise everyday anyway.
  • dzdame
    dzdame Posts: 89
    I alternate my weight training videos (I do Mon/Wed/Fri) and do cardio/abs/stretching on 3 other days..I take off one day/week most weeks (typically Thursdays because of my work schedule that day). I also do a shorter cardio session following my weight training sessions and sometimes add an extra cardio session later in the day on some days (when I take my kids to the Y I run the track). I lost 30 lbs last year with this workout schedule..For me, it worked...I do feel better on the days I workout though! I am more sluggish on my rest day!
  • luvmygroundtrooper
    Thank you for everyone's help! I also find I have more energy when I work out!
  • FitnessTim
    FitnessTim Posts: 234 Member
    I take days off. Any real progress you make is typically while you are resting. I agree that switching routines is one method, I switch between arms one day, legs the next. While it is different for everyone, one day a week is usually enough.

    Losing weight is 90% diet and only 10% exercise so taking a day off from exercise is not going to pack on the pounds.
    well my hubby is in the milatary and theres two ways to do it, but being you alrady feel guilty to take off complely I think what your hubby is says is correct, I do it mon/wen/fri/ and sat or sun just for fun :) just bc I am enjoying it, BUT I do give it a lil break, I feel great, all you do is make the work out WORTH IT! so you can take a break and not feel bad!:flowerforyou:
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Depends on your workout and level. The body needs to rest and build muscle. I do P90 workouts, Day 32 today...the 7th day is my rest offers free coachin' advice...check it out :)
    I agree w/ you!!! thats what my hubby says !!!:flowerforyou:
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Mentally it is hard to get my head around the idea of taking a day off but in the long run it is better. I find that if I work out everyday without at least one rest day during the week my body gets exhausted. Also, remember that when you weight train your metabolic rate is still raise for up to 24hrs.

    Have a rest, your body needs it, so does your mind and it will help not hinder your weight loss. If you find it really hard to rest totally then go for a long walk - a good way to burn lots of extra cals in a non strenuous way.

  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    I have to make myself take a day off. Being in the gym and being active has become part of my life. I usually workout with weights 4 days per week for 60 minutes. I also throw in 2-3 days of cardio, too.

    Bottom line, your body needs to recover and you should take a rest day at least once per week. I don't have a specific day that I take off. It depends on my schedule. If I have to be at work for an early morning meeting, then I will skip that day. If I am diving on the weekend, then I will skip a saturday and/or sunday. I try to look ahead as much as I can and plan.

    Good luck with your goals!
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    I used to feel guilty if I took a day I just make sure on those days that I take off...usually Wed. and Sun. that I keep my calorie count at 1200......and you will still lose!~ everyone needs to give their body a chance to recover.
  • Ok weird question! Do you take any days off while trying to lose from working out? If so, do you take off scheduled days (say the weekend) or just work out each day? Hubby says I should give the muscles a break, but then I could be working off and on (say weight lifting one day, cardio the next...) I feel guilty for thinking about a day off. How do you do it? Do you have a routine that includes days off and still lose weight? Thanks for you help!

    I take Friday's off but only from exercise (and because that is my rest day with P90X). I still count calories and watch what I eat though
  • dzdame
    dzdame Posts: 89
    I try to be more careful with calories on my rest day, but I seem to be MORE hungry on that day! Drives me crazy because I try ot stay at 1200 and almost never can! THere must be something to the notion that exercise suppresses your appetite..
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I usually take a day off, and like others, I let my schedule dictate it. Today, for example, was going to be a yoga day, but my daughter is sick, and it's snowing, and my body is pretty sore anyway, so I'm not going to have a formal workout today. Instead I'll do extra housework (clean out the walk-in pantry completely and reorganize it.) I don't force myself to take a day off each week if everything is flowing and I can do it every day, but I find that at least once every ten days I have a good reason not to follow the routine, so it becomes my day off.
    As for changing what you're doing on an every-other-day or every -third-day schedule, that's a good idea, but it's not the same as taking a day off. Large muscle groups need time to rebuild, and rotating stress areas is optimum, but it is awfully hard to really rest one area while working another. A day off every 5-10 days is still a good idea to just give everything a little extra recovery time. From a medical perspective, a day on upper, a day on mid, a day on lower body (each with some cardio also) followed by a full-body/cardio, repeat the schedule, then a rest day, would be a good schedule for most women who aren't looking for 'body-builder' results. It builds strength and endurance, strengthens the cardiovascular system, burns fat, and tones muscle groups.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    I've always heard that you should give your body rest. I have been trying to workout on the weekdays and take the weekends off but am feeling guilty about taking two days off. Maybe I will try to fit something in today.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Ok weird question! Do you take any days off while trying to lose from working out? If so, do you take off scheduled days (say the weekend) or just work out each day? Hubby says I should give the muscles a break, but then I could be working off and on (say weight lifting one day, cardio the next...) I feel guilty for thinking about a day off. How do you do it? Do you have a routine that includes days off and still lose weight? Thanks for you help!

    I train every other day, train one day, rest the next.......

    Had no problem losing weight.

    You must have rest days otherwise your body doesn't get a chance to repair itself and you could end up injured and off training for a hell of a lot longer than if you had taken rest days throughout.
  • cmw9696
    cmw9696 Posts: 123
    I have "scheduled" Off workout days...the body needs to rest and recover. If my schedule gets mixed up for some reason, I adjust...If however, I feel really good and I know a light workout won't hurt, I may do an extra really have to learn to "listen" to what your body is telling you. You don't want to cause injury or burn-out. We are in this for the long-haul!
  • luvmygroundtrooper
    Thank you for all your help!

    My hubby is in the military,!
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Thank you for all your help!

    My hubby is in the military,!

    Hello from a fellow Army wife :happy:
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    This might be more for anyone training for something big, but the info is general and you get the picture :)