I hate to exercise!



  • erikalb
    erikalb Posts: 4 Member
    I was the same way so I had to find things that were fun. I started taking Zumba classes about a year ago and this is the longest I've ever stuck to a work-out. It was fun and having other people in the class around you keeps you motivated to keep going the full 60 minutes. I lost about 15 pounds just doing that 2-3 times a week and eating healthier. I also enjoy video games like Wii fit, EA Active, and the dance ones like Just Dance and Zumba of course :) I also got a stationary bike for Christmas and I ride it while watching tv or a movie. Walking is always a great activity to start with as well. You just have to try different things out and find something you like then it won't feel so much like exercise. Good Luck!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've always hated exercise and sports, but I like a personal challenge. That's why I started Couch to 5k. I could never run, so I challenged myself to be able to run.

    Two weeks into it, some switch went off in my head and I enjoy it now. I don't think of it as punishment for a misspent life anymore. It now feels like I'm rewarding myself because I love myself. :heart:

    I'm also a big fan of going for walks. Take a camera along, and try to get some interesting shots. A few years ago, I did Project365, where you take one photo every day for a year and load it to a blog, so walking with the dog and camera became my daily routine. And after I took a picture of everything nearby, I had to walk further and further....
  • nancym221
    My sentiments exactly! Not proud of it though. I have using my treadmill for 30min daily.
    What I am enjoying about this is; as long as I use the handlebars I can walk with m y eyes closed and I like that. (a lot)
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    Love the idea of taking a camera along on a walk! Then it's more like an adventure instead of a monotonous, boring walk.

    Zumba also sounds really fun, I will check it out for sure!

    Lots of great ideas here and, even better, lots of encouragement. Thanks everyone!!
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    Until October 2010 I said (for many years ... like 20 or so!) that I don't do exercise.

    Though I "did" transportation: I always cycled, to work or to the grocery store, and liked hiking. Then I joined a gym and have been regularly working out -- cardio and weight training, plus some effort to get running, since then.

    The main change was in my head. The *idea* of exercise purely for exercise's sake is still not comfortable to me, but I realised that I need to take care of the needs of my body. And the human body evolved under circumstances that would include daily exertion, often to exhaustion, and didn't include the highly refined, palatable industrially produced foods and even extremely advanced whole foods we have now. So I need to make up for that, and if it takes "artificial" exercise just to keep or return to a body that is healthy and performs in line with what I would like to ask from it, well, so be it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The *idea* of exercise purely for exercise's sake is still not comfortable to me, but I realised that I need to take care of the needs of my body.

    Ha! Same here. "I pick things up and put them down." It just seems WRONG! So does driving to the gym, to walk in place.

    But the same thing happened to me. It clicked in my head that doing this is a special treat I'm doing for myself, same (only healthier!) as a special dinner or buying new clothes.