Gained 20lbs over 2 years NEED help!

Okay, I'm going to try and keep this as short as possible. I've really been struggling over the past couple years to get to my goal weight. Here is a before and after of what I've gained, I'm 5ft 9.... Help.jpg

I was approx. 140 ish lbs in the first pic, and 160 in the second. Today I am 168lbs and 20 years old so I have gained even more since and I am starting to freak out.

Here's changes I can think of that may have caused it. I was in high school before and horseback rode twice a week, and was just starting to do a bootcamp fitness class 3 times a week. My diet was around the same (I didn't eat particularly better) but I'm sure I ate a bit less calories per day and drank alcohol less. Since then, I started univeristy, I drink alcohol a lot more often, probably every week or every other week on average (which always results in eat pizza/crap drunk food), and I run 3ish times a week for 20-40 minutes (at my best last summer) but I barely have been running lately (if anything, for 20 minutes once or twice a week). I lift weights often though, usually 3-4 days a week and this has been fairly consistent since october.

I would ideally like to get back to the size in the first picture. I'm a total newb when it comes to having a plan, and a healthy diet is absolutely my weakness as I love sugar/sweets. So, a few questions.
Is this a realistic and healthy goal? If so, how long should I give myself to get there?
How do I start altering my diet to something I can maintain forever?
Should I focus more on cardio or weight lifting at the gym? I like weight lifting a LOT more, and the only cardio I like is running, I can't bike as it hurts my knees.

I basically really need help getting started and getting into the right mindset. I'm not sure how to set realistic goals for myself. Any advice at all is appreciated. The way I see it, I'm only going to get more out of shape as I get older so NOW is the time to get and maintain the body I want.


  • bump :(
  • BookofJarom
    BookofJarom Posts: 14 Member
    My $0.02: Note: I am NOT any sort of a diet and exercise expert. I'm just some guy who has enjoyed the results MyFitnessPal has given him. So, here goes...
    Is this a realistic and healthy goal?
    Yeah--seems realistic and healthy to me.
    If so, how long should I give myself to get there?
    You say you're up a total of 28 pounds from Dec 2011 to today--29 months. If you set your goal in MyFitnessPal to 1/2 pound per week, you could be back down those 28 pounds in 56 weeks, or 13 months. That may seem like too long, but consider this: That's less than half the time it took to gain those 28 pounds.

    You may be tempted to set your goal in MyFitnessPal to its maximum of 2 pounds per week, but be careful--that's a lot for someone who doesn't have a lot to lose, and you may be setting yourself up for disappointment.
    How do I start altering my diet to something I can maintain forever?
    You said "Healthy diet is absolutely my weakness and I lvoe sugar/sweets". That describes me very well. I've often thought I should eat better, but I couldn't ever really make it happen. Now, I'm about seven weeks into logging on MyFitnessPal, and something has clicked. I have actually enjoyed eating better, the things I've learned may stick with me. Perhaps I will be able to maintain my weight without detailed logging. But I've found that I enjoy logging, so I might continue. Win-Win!

    Give MyFitnessPal a try! You're young, so, even if you decide MyFitnessPal isn't for you, you have time to experiment to find what works for you.
    Should I focus more on cardio or weight lifting at the gym? I like weight lifting a LOT more, and the only cardio I like is running, I can't bike as it hurts my knees.
    Do what works for you...particularly what you will enjoy doing. I don't like to lift weights, and my I worry about my knees when I run. Bicycling is for me.

    I've heard that a mix of cardio and weight lifting is optimal, but I just don't enjoy weight lifting. So I just stick with cardio.

    It sounds like you're the opposite--you're ok with running, and you'd like to focus mainly on weight lifting. Great!--Go for it! You'll enjoy doing it, and you'll get muscle tone that I'll never get on my bicycle!
    The way I see it, I'm only going to get more out of shape as I get older so NOW is the time to get and maintain the body I want.
    Good thinking! Do it now while you're young!

    Another thought: Alcohol. I've never had an alcoholic drink. For me, it would be a weak point--I'd drink, I'd enjoy it, and I'd drink some more. All the while, I'd be eating more and more junk. Those calories would add up FAST. It sounds like that may be happening for you, although perhaps to a lesser degree. For me, I'm best off avoiding alcohol, even without considering the religious, professional, and family reasons for which I don't drink.

    Good luck!
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    No one can help you with the mindset. The commitment has to come from you but here is a great guide for weight loss:
  • Thanks so much for all the input. You've given me lots to think about :)