Not getting enough calories...



  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    It doesn't matter what time you eat. Your body burns calories 24 hours a day. The reason that late night snacking has a bad rap is because that's usually when people break out the Doritos and Cheeze Doodles. Have some almonds or nuts. They're calorie dense and provide protein, fiber and healthy fats. According to Men's Health, a recent study showed that people that eat nuts before bed lose more weight than people that eat a similar number of calories worth of carb heavy snacks.
  • If I have leftover calories I have a bowl of cereal before bed.
  • brandygburke
    brandygburke Posts: 48 Member
    I'm loving all the suggestions -
    For some reason, I never thought of nuts as "good for me" but I'm thinking I should try to pick up some on my grocery shopping trip tomorrow - there are so many good ideas. Tonight I'm not even hungry and I have 610 calories left in my day - so I've only eaten half of my daily calories. I'm going to follow the suggestions here to get my calories up without carbing out - by using nuts and protein shakes, etc. Thanks everyone!!!!
  • kris2683
    kris2683 Posts: 41 Member
    Try having a serving of almonds, a healthy fat and high calorie!
  • sunleigh
    sunleigh Posts: 84 Member
    "There is no evidence that eating at night is any worse for you than eating at any other time. The reason why it is usually not encouraged is because a lot of times, late night snacking causes people to binge and overeat, since they don't plan on a late night snack. "

    totally agree with this. it does not matter when you are eating, i have a banana almost every night before bed, i sleep better with something in my stomach, add a little peanut butter to it and you just up your calories. They say not to eat at night b/c people tend to grab a snack, sit down in front of the tv and eat and eat. You body will burn those calories, it needs to rejuvenate overnight. Make good decisions, eat some higher calorie snacks during the day. If you up your intake you may find it easier to get the calories you need in a day, the less you eat the less you will be hungry
  • amethystprincess
    amethystprincess Posts: 14 Member
    Because I do not pick a lot during the day I have taken to adding a banana with a meal(any). A good sized banana could get you 180 calories though if you are watching your carbs they are kinda high (50). It also helps with your daily fruits. I also have the same problem as you, I eat three meals a day and maybe a snack bar and I am still pretty far from my daily calorie goal.

    But today I was not as far and I think it was that trip to Sam's Club to grocery shop and it was during their taste testing time...I had a whole bunch of snacks. So I saw that I need to add some snacks in their (healthier than what I ate while shopping).
  • NataleeGodfrey
    NataleeGodfrey Posts: 1 Member
    More Important to get enough calories in, the right kind. If you dont then you body stores for the next time it will see a meal causing you to retain weight.
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