Lost 6lbs in 4 days.... Help please

Hey Guys,
So I have recently started sticking to 1800 callories If I can a day and I exercise 20 mins jog, 10 minuets walking, then I do some weights, sit ups and press ups.

In 4 days I have lost 6lbs... I am a bit concerned as everyone tells me I should only loose about 2lbs every week (7days).

Should I be worried or should I just keep going with what I am doing ?


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    it'll be water weight, dont sweat it. just make sure your eating enough and you have nothing to worry about
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    I always lose More the first week of starting to watch calories and working out. It should average out. Like next week you may only lose one. If you are following ur calorie recommendations I say wait an see what happens
  • chriskeir33
    chriskeir33 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the reply! I will watch it :)
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    I lost 5lbs in 2 days - have not lost anymore in the following 5. I'm sure it was water weight those 2 days and the 'fat' loss caught up while my fluid fluctuated/normalized.

    If you are consistently losing 6lbs every 4 days for several weeks, I might begin to be concerned.
  • poohbah4
    poohbah4 Posts: 127
    MFP gives you a good graph of your weight. Over 30 days or so, you should be able to see the true downward trend in your weight. Whenever I hit a plateau, I just look at the 30-90 day graph and it puts everything in perspective. My last plateau lasted for 3 weeks, but then I dropped 6 pounds the 4th week, so it all averaged out.