Desk jobs: extra exercise during lunch?

I know some people walk or go to the gym during their lunch hour as their main form of exercise, but I'm wondering if people that sit all day do any extra exercise during the workday to counterbalance the amount of time you're sitting on your tush.

I started doing a little monthly plank challenge in April, which got me out of my desk chair for a few minutes before I ate lunch. In May, I created my own challenge using bodyweight exercises like lunges, push-ups, tricep dips, etc. that took less than 5 minutes. This month, I decided to kick it up a notch and create a 15-minute full-body routine with some cardio. I won't be logging this because I feel like the burn I get from it is only making up for my inactivity for the rest of the day. But it makes me feel a lot better after I'm done.

What about you? Do you do anything extra activity at work just for the hell of it?


  • feherd
    feherd Posts: 34 Member
    Some days when I feel like I've been sitting more than usual, I do 15 squats in the bathroom stall each time I have to pee. Sometime I wonder if people can see my legs bending in there, but I don't really care.

    I also try to take the longest route to wherever I'm going, or just do a random walk around the office here and there.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    No, I have a 30 minute lunch, so I'm eating & reading in that time. I make sure I get up plenty of times though to move around and walk downstairs.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I typically do 30 - 45 min of exercise on work days (10-15 min at a time). I do all kinds of stuff in my office - pushups, tricep dips (off my desk w/ my feet in my chair), wall sits, knee smashes, various types of squats and lunges, mummy kicks, windmills, wheels, russian twists, bridges, ...

    I have a resistance band and 7 lb kettlebell I keep in my desk that I often use during conference calls or web meetings.

    I take the stairs to use the bathroom and kitchen on another floor, even though there is one on my floor.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    My extra activity is going for walks during my breaks and lunch.

    I go to the gym in the morning, but sit all day everyday. Getting up and going for the walks not only gets me out of the office but adds that little bit of extra movement into my day.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I sweat too much to exercise at lunch, by the time I showered and got ready to go back to work, I wouldn't have much time to work out. I do try and get up and walk around more than I used to. I take long routes, I don't call people and go by their desk instead. I am the first person willing to go pick something up or drop something off at our building across the street. My fit bit usually hits between 4500-5000 steps by the time I get to the gym after work.

    We also walk to the grocery store at lunch to pick up stuff sometimes. Not far, but at least it is some movement.
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    I walk as fast as I can for 25 minutes during my 30 minute lunch break. Aside from that, I'm in my chair most of the 8+ hours a day. I do try to get up every few hours to stretch.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    A few times a week I'll walk down the stairs behind my desk to the bottom floor (basement) and then walk back up. I work on the 9th floor. It's nice to get away from my desk for a few minutes!!
  • mdt07
    mdt07 Posts: 50 Member
    I brought my kettlebell to work and I do 15 min workout with it. It is quick so the heart rate is elevated. I also try to do a 1-2 min walk every hour.
  • sc003ro
    sc003ro Posts: 227 Member
    I take one or two laps around the building a few times a day
  • jigsawxyouth
    jigsawxyouth Posts: 308 Member
    I work an IT job, which involves a lot of sitting on my bum in front of a computer... So, to get my butt moving, I invested in a FitBit and started changing a lot of my work habits:

    My son attends the onsite daycare, so I park my car in the parking lot of the building his class is in. So, I get a good walk in that way first thing in the morning. I have two 20 minute breaks, and can take lunch whenever. On my 20 minute breaks I might go for a walk (if the weather is icky, I'll hit the treadmill or elliptical in the fitness room), or I'll do a quick kettlebell workout.
    On lunch, I'll either spin or hop on the elliptical again. And then I'll walk back over the other building to get my son! I usually get 4-5 miles in a work day!
    (and then I'll take my son for a 2-3 mile stroll around the neighborhood weather permitting)
  • Devasation
    Devasation Posts: 145 Member
    A minute of jumping jacks at about 50% effort. I do it more as an energy boost in the middle of the day as opposed to extra exercise / calories burned.
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    I get way too sweaty to exercise during lunch. However, I never take the elevator (unless I have a bunch of stuff I'm carrying and can't gracefully do stairs, maybe once a month), and every 30-60 minutes I get up and walk around the office. I've recently started stretching and moving around in my office once in a while (I have a big office with a door, so I am not in a cubicle world). I'm considering getting one of those big fitness balls to sit on, but I've seen conflicting information if they actually help.
  • Citrislazer
    Citrislazer Posts: 312 Member
    I believe it's recommended to move every hour if you have desk job. It can be as easy as going to the water cooler or taking a bathroom break. Our wellness consultants at work recommend doing "deskercises" or micro-burst workouts such as chair jogging or chair squats. There's videos on YouTube. Deskercises are suppose help give you a boost of energy and burn a few extra calories so your more productive.
  • eplerd
    eplerd Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks for the reminder - just did a set of leg raises (core)
    I try to do them a few times during the day while waiting for the computer to do something!
  • mostein
    mostein Posts: 200 Member
    I work at a university and all employees have access to the gym. I go every day during my lunch break unless I'm sick or something. The facility isn't the greatest but definitely better than nothing. I sweat lots but I bring my supplies to freshen up afterwards. If you can fit in a workout during your lunch break it is a wonderful investment especially if you sit so much during the day which I do.
  • Ronni66
    Ronni66 Posts: 43
    Ha ha I got an easy activity that will actually help you burn calories during times when you normally won't! I did the math, and it works very good for people with desk jobs or sedentary jobs or people like me that like to video game waaaay too damn much ...but still want to not feel guilty for not "exercising".

    Here we goooo...

    When sitting idle, working or watching TV , shooting monsters in the face , all you need to do is the 30 30.

    Every thirty minutes, (set your phone alarm or whatever) do thirty steps or more.

    That's it! Every thirty ..take thirty . Take a walk and walk at least thirty steps, step in place at your desk, getting coffee, at lunch or whatever, just make it a habit to do 30 steps every thirty minutes.

    If you count how many steps you take when you normally would not, it adds up...and just because you are not huffin' and puffin' and working up a sweat (which would be gross at a desk job....just sayin') you are still being active and that does count.

    And don't let your co-workers or anyone else make you stop cause they are acting like pre-teens teasing you for "marching without a band" or whatever.. Hell i do it in line at the grocery store and have little kids asking me if I have to go potty! I just tell em what i'm doing and they join me ..unless the parents are being bummers.

    Do not be ashamed or embarrassed for getting up and exercising...anyone that teases you about that can suck a big bag of (Bleeps!)

    Hope this helps!
  • arf24_1
    arf24_1 Posts: 17 Member
    I take the long way to the restroom and water fountain. I get up and stretch at least once an hour. Other than that, I walk 2 miles everyday at lunch when I am in the office (sometimes I work from home).
  • pixlamarque
    pixlamarque Posts: 312 Member
    On my office days (most days), I try to set the alarm on my phone to go off every hour and I get up and walk around the building 10-15 times. It usually nets me 1000 steps on my Fitbit each time. Days when it rains that doesn't work, or days like today when the managers are in town holding interviews. The managers wouldn't care but I pretend to be normal for the people being interviewed. Many days I am by myself in this office and I'll do triceps dips off the stationary chairs when I remember. If I'm by myself in the morning, I can pretty much do anything that doesn't require equipment. I used to keep a yoga mat and a small medicine ball under my desk. I never did yoga here, I just wanted something to do push-ups on that nobody walked on with dirty shoes.
  • impromark
    impromark Posts: 119 Member
    I'm on the 14th floor of a 22-storey building. So when it's time for a bathroom break (or any break, really), I take the stairs up to the top floor, use the facilities up there if I need to, then take the elevator to the ground floor and walk back up to my office.

    Luckily I don't sweat much (anymore!) whilst doing this, and usually manage three rounds during the day, sometimes four. There's an MFP exercise for stairs so I use that; so between these break walks and a half-hour stroll at lunch, I log enough to feel covered for activities during an otherwise sedentary day.
