Finding out goal weight?

How do you find out what your goal weight should be if your bulking? I cut till my belly fat was completely gone and my abs were visible, and now I'm bulking because I look too skinny. How should I figure out what weight I should bulk up to before cutting again? should I go up by 40 pounds and then cut 10 pounds? I'm 6ft 1 at 140 pounds. I'm currently at 12% BF.

Is it just a case of bulking till you get to around 15% and not exceeding that and then start cutting again?


  • mRoss27
    mRoss27 Posts: 33 Member
    Generally you want to fluctuate between 10-15%. Cut down to 10, bulk up to 15. Anything over 15% and your gaining more fat than necessary that will take longer to cut away. So just bulk up to 15%, cut back to 10%, rinse and repeat. The goal is to weigh more at 10% than you did at the end of your last cut (meaning you gained lean muscle).
  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    Just bulk until you start to get fat, then come back down. But if you are someone who is actually gaining a lot of Muscle with the fat, keep going a bit longer, as it will be quicker to lose the extra flab than to kept cutting and bulking time after time. All depends if you are comfortable dieting down/looking fat for a bit.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Generally you want to fluctuate between 10-15%. Cut down to 10, bulk up to 15. Anything over 15% and your gaining more fat than necessary that will take longer to cut away. So just bulk up to 15%, cut back to 10%, rinse and repeat. The goal is to weigh more at 10% than you did at the end of your last cut (meaning you gained lean muscle).


    I never want to get too fat either. And I seem to gain more muscle less fat the leaner I am.
  • douglasedward
    douglasedward Posts: 20 Member
    Generally you want to fluctuate between 10-15%. Cut down to 10, bulk up to 15. Anything over 15% and your gaining more fat than necessary that will take longer to cut away. So just bulk up to 15%, cut back to 10%, rinse and repeat. The goal is to weigh more at 10% than you did at the end of your last cut (meaning you gained lean muscle).

    What method do you usually use to determine that you've reached 10/15 percent?
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Use a tape measure around the waist instead of weight.

    If you are gaining at a good pace you should be gaining 1/8" to 1/4" on the waist biweekly. Less than that and you probably want to up your cals, more than that and you want to cut back. I think 1/8" on the waist 2 of 3 weeks is the perfect pace. The first month or so you probably won't gain very much in the waist.

    You can cut up to about 1" in 2 weeks (if you are really going at it with your cut), a month if you are going slower with your cut.

    If you are gaining 1/8" 2 of 3 weeks for most of your bulk, it will take 12-16 weeks to gain 1" on the waist.

    Less than 1" of gain on the waist, noone else really will be able to tell, even if they see you shirtless (in clothes it would take a few inches for others to notice). Under 1/2" of gain on the waste, even you might not notice the fat gain.