Back On The Wagon

I started on MFP 2.5 years ago and used it regularly. During that time I was a die hard with reading and learning all I could. Then I got to the point where I thought I didn't need MFP anymore. Well, I am back. The last several months my life took and major change of direction and I started to fall off the wagon a bit but not to bad. More of a loss of motivation kind of deal. Hopefully MFP can get my focus back and straighten things out. Shoot me a friend request if you want.


  • mdsmith490
    I'm starting "back on the wagon" too, my friend! I did really well last time and lost about 40lb. Then I had a baby.... Well, he turned 1 this weekend so there are NO MORE excuses! This 1st couple of weeks have been the roughest part of getting started back . But I know it'll get easier as soon as I can get past the "surf zone"! Good Luck!
  • shan2321
    shan2321 Posts: 4 Member
    Me too! I had a lap-band installed :-) in 2011. Lost 62 pounds that first year. moved, gained 20. Lost 10. Had some family issues, gained 17 back :-( I had been running regularly and was planning for my first half marathon when my mom passed away and that sunk me. I haven't ran since November and today was my first day back. Tough! Getting back in it though.

    I have a 1/2 marathon in February to prepare for :-)
  • mstaser
    mstaser Posts: 657 Member
    Good luck and thanks for the connections