Newish..... been doing this on and off

Been doing this on and off for sometime now. But this time i'm going to succeed!! Looking for new MFP friends for extra motivation and to give motivation....


  • LisaTRM
    LisaTRM Posts: 28 Member
    I have been doing this off and on as well. Just got on the scale and decided this time is it! You can add me if you like.
  • xx66star99x
    xx66star99x Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same boat! Always get so far into it, then forget or get lazy (my #1 problem). Motivation would be good for me and i can try to help you as well. Add me if you like...
  • Me too! I took a break to return to college. Now I'm done with weight to re-loose. Welcome back!
  • samanthannepstein
    samanthannepstein Posts: 53 Member
    Me too! I keep getting side tracked. I am thinking if I made some online buddies it would help me to be more successful! Help me out people! :) Let's motivate one another!
  • maizerage66
    maizerage66 Posts: 367 Member
    Anyne can feel free to add me. I'm back to it after a while and I'm very accountable and can help provide any motivation when needed!
  • RebeccaP1972
    RebeccaP1972 Posts: 101 Member
    I log everyday, and could use all the motivation I can get. Y'all feel free to add me if you like.