Flat Feet and Knee Pain

ErynV15 Posts: 59 Member
Hey everyone,

I got professionally fitted for running shoes at New Balance a little while back. I found out that my left foot is completely flat, while my right foot only has a slight arch. I also tend to put all of my weight/pressure on the outside of my feet. The shoes that I purchased work great overall, but I have been noticing that after I run, or if I am on my feet or walking a lot during the day, that my left knee will ache the next day. It's almost always just that left knee. I usually take some ibuprofen and the pain goes away, but the aches in that left knee are consistent and I would surmise that my flat foot is the cause. Has anyone had any luck with any inserts that you can get in a store? Or anything else, really. I would love some recommendations.

Thanks so much.


  • cece1968
    cece1968 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't have severe knee pain but I have been having problems with my feet. At first I thought it was because of some shoes I had been using to walk in that didn't have any support and I did get some inserts from the walking company shoe store but the pain got worse. When I went to the doctor he said store bought inserts are not good because they do not match our feet. I need arch support with my shoes now due to possible old injuries to my ankle. There is no tear in my foot with the MRI that was done, but am still having pain, he says it is inflammation only. So he suggests that sometimes our bodies can get out of alignment and so he suggests personal ortho inserts (sp?) be made, they are not cheap, so that is the route I am going. I think insurance may cover but I have to pay upfront and see if insurance will pay, then would get reimbursed. This is only experience with foot issues, not sure that it helps, but trying the store inserts could cause a simple problem to worsen per the doctor I went to. Good luck. Cece'
  • ErynV15
    ErynV15 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks, Cece! I wasn't sure whether store bought would do the trick... or if I'd have to get some custom ones made. What you said definitely makes sense!!
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    when i got fitted for my shoes I needed an insert to balance my stance and running style. the inserts were heated and molded to my feet before I even tried on any shoes. might need to go to a running store to be fitted and not the manufacture brand store. hope that helps.