Stess Eating!

Hey all! Sorry if this is a topic that has been done a billion times, but I do good on my eating habits and my exercise when my life is running pretty smoothly, but the second stress starts to crop up (moving, change of job, final paper due, etc.) I find myself craving junk and tend to go off the deep end for about a week or so (going out to dinner, getting starbs in the mornings, picking up that bag of chips at the store, etc.). I know this is obviously a mental thing and I have associated comfort with junk food, but any tips on how to start turning the corner? I'm in another really go place now (moving all done, job started and loving it, papers all submitted!), but stress is kind of inevitable, I've done meditation and such to help control my migraines that occur when stress happens, but that sort of inner focus usually leaves me hungry if I do it to help relax myself as to not crave the junk food.

Sorry if this is rambly! Just looking for some support and maybe some helpful hints on how to do damage control and maybe work towards not associating the two things.


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I substituted my stress eating for exercise.
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    Stress is apart of life so the best thing to do is learn how to cope. When I'm stressed or get down in the dumps about how long this is taking, I log on here and go to the success stories!

    If I want junk food, I drink water or take a walk. If I still want it, I eat it, but I only eat a little bit. Then I up my exercise for the day so I don't have to feel like I did something wrong.

    I'm over the punishing myself for eating certain things, but I want to be healthy and fit so I know I have to eat good food to achieve it.

    You can do this! I believe in you! It's a mind over matter kind of thing. Stay inspired!
  • PoseidonChic

    I'm over the punishing myself for eating certain things, but I want to be healthy and fit so I know I have to eat good food to achieve it.

    You can do this! I believe in you! It's a mind over matter kind of thing. Stay inspired!

    Thanks for responding everyone! And this is what I struggle with! About 5 years ago I went on a VERY strict diet and it did help me lose weight, but I was MISERABLE and would do the classic binge. I have to find a good balance and some more healthy alternative "treat" foods
  • KarenE86
    KarenE86 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm a big stress eater as well.

    When I get stressed at work, I take a 5-10 minute walk to get away from my desk, clear my mind, and take a break.

    When I'm stressed outside of work, I make time to go get a mani/pedi or go for a walk with a friend.
  • PoseidonChic
    I'm a big stress eater as well.

    When I get stressed at work, I take a 5-10 minute walk to get away from my desk, clear my mind, and take a break.

    When I'm stressed outside of work, I make time to go get a mani/pedi or go for a walk with a friend.

    I got into a habit of stopping at fast food places, drug stores, etc. to get "quick" "easy" snacks. I spent some time this weekend reorganizing my day to day life a bit because right now I leave the house at 6am and do not return until between 7-9pm depending on the day. So that leaves a lot of time to be "bored" and therefore "hungry".

    I went shopping and bought a bunch of veggies and divided them out into easy to grab baggies and this morning I came to work armed with peppers & hummus, carrots, green beans, and some grapefruit. Lots of crunchy "satisfying" snacks. I'm still not sure how I can make my own dinner most nights unless I wait until 8/9pm which I would prefer not to, but one step at a time! I hope now with so many more healthy option snacks right on hand it will make it a bit easier for me to make better decisions.
  • spmcavoy1
    spmcavoy1 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm a big stress eater as well.

    When I get stressed at work, I take a 5-10 minute walk to get away from my desk, clear my mind, and take a break.

    When I'm stressed outside of work, I make time to go get a mani/pedi or go for a walk with a friend.

    I got into a habit of stopping at fast food places, drug stores, etc. to get "quick" "easy" snacks. I spent some time this weekend reorganizing my day to day life a bit because right now I leave the house at 6am and do not return until between 7-9pm depending on the day. So that leaves a lot of time to be "bored" and therefore "hungry".

    I went shopping and bought a bunch of veggies and divided them out into easy to grab baggies and this morning I came to work armed with peppers & hummus, carrots, green beans, and some grapefruit. Lots of crunchy "satisfying" snacks. I'm still not sure how I can make my own dinner most nights unless I wait until 8/9pm which I would prefer not to, but one step at a time! I hope now with so many more healthy option snacks right on hand it will make it a bit easier for me to make better decisions.

    do you have a good chunk of free time on the weekends? Try making your own freezer meals, or meal components - cook chicken/other meat and freeze in individual portions. Same thing with rice, chili, etc.
  • ZuriMarie
    ZuriMarie Posts: 12 Member
    I stress eat as welll and I've found three things that help me...
    1. Find good swaps/alternatives. Like when I'm craving Wing Stop I'll go home and make boneless grilled chicken wings with buffalo sauce, or if I'm craving sweets I'll have sugar free Italian ice or yogurt with a spoonful of semisweet chocolate chips.

    2. Wait it out... many times if you just do something else or wait it out the cravings will pass.

    3. treat yourself- totally blocking things out will make you want them more. Instead of indulging on lots of whatever it is, get a smaller portion or just a taste. This is only if you can control it though.

    4. Find a stress relieving hobby. I like to do my nails and toes or write in my journal.

    Hope this helps!