Back after a long sabatical...Oh wait I had Triplets

I used to be on Myfitnespal, and I remember during pregnancy I couldn't wait to get back to the gym and get into shape. Then I had my triplets, and I felt like a big depression cloud was over me. They are almost 22months now. I'm good, but I could be better. I could be healthier. My goal is to lose 40lbs. I did it before on Myfitnesspal, and I know I can do it again. Looking for some awesome MF Motivators for me that is going through a tough weight loss journey.

Plus, I have a first family camping trip coming up, with hiking, sun, river, therefore want to get into shape so I can enjoy all that while chasing my 3 kiddos.




  • I feel your pain and mine are 5 years old. Good luck!
  • RachR669
    RachR669 Posts: 79

    I have been in a similar place about 2 years ago. Difference being I only had twins! And a 2 year old!

    Some people don't realise how our lives get turned upside down with kids especially with multiples! I love my kids to pieces but have really struggled specially in the early stages...there was no time to workout...any free time I had was spent napping!

    I joined the site to help and motivate so feel free to add me!

    Good luck!
